The IAK Gallery

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This part of the website is dedicated to my favourite member of the It's a Knockout cast, lineslady Shandell Lee!

As a lineslady, Shandell played a critical role in It's a Knockout. Many of her important duties included waving flags, smiling, adjudicating in events, participating in Ricky May's impromptu cheerleading pranks, wearing a variety of stunning swimsuits and bodysuits, distracting competitors from their painful injuries, and generally adding to the already outrageous eye-candy experience of IAK. Shandell's lineslady partner was Ellen, who always wore an identical costume. What a woman!

I present,

The Shandell Tribute Page!

Thank you Max for submitting this image.

Billy J. Smith, Fiona MacDonald, Shandell, Some lucky guy, Ellen.

Lucky competitors (often Captains of winning teams... you know who you are!) occasionally had the privilege of dancing with Shandell over the end-show credits. Shandell's appearances doubtlessly contributed to IAK's ratings success, particularly amongst male viewers. This may have backfired, however; stories of jealous girlfriends/wives have been noted by The It's a Knockout Web.

What a woman!
Shandell bearing the standards of New South Wales and Queensland

Officiating for the 1985 and 1986 series of It's a Knookout, Ellen and Shandell were replaced as linesladies for the 1987 series. This was a tremendous disappointment for many IAK fans. It is interesting to speculate whether this had any bearing on IAK's coincident ratings slump and consequent axing shortly thereafter.

What a woman!
Schmoozing with celebrities of the day.

With supermodel looks, why have we not seen more of Shandell since It's a Knockout? This is one of the great mysteries of our time.

Get hopping!
Shandell supporting Victoria in 'Frogs' (?). Thanks to Seba for this image from Argentinean TV.

Shandell, if you are reading this,
I love your work. Could I interview you for the website?
Yours sincerely,
The It's a Knockout Web
(Interviews with Ellen, Elizabeth or Lana also welcome!).
