As a lineslady, Shandell played a critical role in It's a Knockout. Many of her important duties included waving flags, smiling, adjudicating in events, participating in Ricky May's impromptu cheerleading pranks, wearing a variety of stunning swimsuits and bodysuits, distracting competitors from their painful injuries, and generally adding to the already outrageous eye-candy experience of IAK. Shandell's lineslady partner was Ellen, who always wore an identical costume. What a woman! |
I present,
The Shandell Tribute Page!
Thank you Max for submitting this image. |
Billy J. Smith, Fiona MacDonald, Shandell, Some lucky guy, Ellen. |
Lucky competitors (often Captains of winning teams... you know who you are!) occasionally had the privilege of dancing with Shandell over the end-show credits. Shandell's appearances doubtlessly contributed to IAK's ratings success, particularly amongst male viewers. This may have backfired, however; stories of jealous girlfriends/wives have been noted by The It's a Knockout Web. |
Shandell bearing the standards of New South Wales and Queensland
Officiating for the 1985 and 1986 series of It's a Knookout, Ellen and Shandell were replaced as linesladies for the 1987 series. This was a tremendous disappointment for many IAK fans. It is interesting to speculate whether this had any bearing on IAK's coincident ratings slump and consequent axing shortly thereafter. |
Schmoozing with celebrities of the day.
With supermodel looks, why have we not seen more of Shandell since It's a Knockout? This is one of the great mysteries of our time. |
Shandell supporting Victoria in 'Frogs' (?). Thanks to Seba for this image from Argentinean TV.
Shandell, if you are reading this, |
I love your work. Could I interview you for the website? |
Yours sincerely, |
Andrew |
The It's a Knockout Web |
andrew.gray@ | |
(Interviews with Ellen, Elizabeth or Lana also welcome!). |