I received this e-mail from Channel Ten after requesting via www.ten.com.au that IAK be shown on TV again. Here is their reply...
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 15:12:03 +1000
From: "Ten Programs"
Subject: Re: TEN Web Site Feedback - Programs
To: andrew.gray@mailcity.com
Dear Andrew
Thanks for your email. Unfortunately we no longer own the rights
to the series and there are no plans to re-acquire them.
>>> andrew.gray@mailcity.com 09/13/99 05:15PM >>>
From : Andrew Gray
Email Address : andrew.gray@mailcity.com
Country : Australia
Topic : TEN Web Site Feedback - Programs
Comments : Please put on 'It's a Knockout' again; my
web page about It's a Knockout is getting
thousands of hits from enthusiastic fans.
Regards, Andrew
If you wish for IAK to be shown again, request it immediately at www.ten.com.au/feedback.asp. The more people request it the more likely it will be shown!! Crikey if enough people requested it I'd wager that a whole new series would be staged!