Animated Cursors 

These cursors were made by me and are only to be used for your personal use.  These files are unique and one of a kind.  If you like them and want to add them to your page please ask.  Thanx.

          Animated Cursors                                           Icons

This .zip file includes a WWF,and 2                  This .zip file includes an ECW,
Hitman animated cursors that I made.                Hitman, HBK, nWo, StoneCold,
         *these are great*                                    RAW, and 2 WWF  icons .
       (6 kb)                                           (5 kb)
                       adAnimated Cursors                            Icons

This .zip files includes a spinning           This .zip file includes Quake, Quake2,
Duke3d, Flamming Can Duke                   Carmagedon, Duke 3d, Bugs Bunny, Xmen,
3d, Descent Proximity bomb,                   Spiderman, Spawn and Superman 
Descent Shield Powerup, Quake                icons.
Busy, Quake Waiting, Mario from
Donkey Kong cursors. ( 16 kb)                                                (5 kb) 

!!! Reminder !!!   These files were made by me and are for your personal use ONLY!!  Do not use them on your page. =)