WCW/nWo Bash at the Beach

* Saturn vs. Raven
Saturn entered the ring in wrestling shorts; he just did not look the same. This was probably the best lead in match in PPV history. Saturn controlled most of the match as both battled outside and inside the ring. Lodi and Riggs came in the ring only to be suplexed by Saturn. Saturn then did a springboard off the chair, but nailed Nick Patrick (the ref) instead. With Saturn and Raven fighting outside the ring, Kanyon entered the picture. Kanyon pulled Raven off the table as Saturn came crashing down. So, is Kanyon in the Flock? After nailing Raven with the Flatliner on the chair the answer was a resounding NO. After Saturn delivered the Death Valley Driver to Riggs, Raven executed the EvenFlow.
Winner: Raven by pinfall after Even Flow DDT.

* Kidman vs. Juventud Guerrera
We have seen this one before, but these two guys are fun to watch. They battled back and forth in typical fashion. After Kidman executed a powerbomb on Juvi, he went for the 7 year itch. Kidman missed and Juvi nailed him with the 450.
Winner: Juvi by pinfall after the 450.

* Stevie Ray vs. Chavo Guerrero
Finally, I got to see my new favorite wrestler, Chavo Guerrero. Chavo, knowing he would have to fight Eddie next, took the microphone. "I'm dedicating this match to my favorite wrestler, Eddie Guerrero. This one is for you, little trooper!" Chavo extended his hand to shake hands with Stevie Ray. When Stevie Ray grabbed Chavo's hand, Chavo submitted and the ref called for the bell. Chavo stated he was exhausted, but he was ready for Uncle Eddie.
Winner: Stevie Ray by submission after hand shake.

* Chavo Guerrero vs. Eddie Guerrero (hair vs. hair)
As the bell rang Bobby Heenan said, "the whole Guerrero family is at home watching this, hoping somebody doesn't repo the TV before the match is over." The match started out with Chavo biting Eddie on the butt, but the match did progress as expected. After a superplex off the top rope, Chavo went for the frog splash. Eddie moved out of the way and went for the tornado DDT on Chavo, but Eddie missed his frog splash on Chavo. Chavo then executed the tornado DDT on Eddie, but went for the scissors instead of the pin. Eddie rolled up Chavo for the pin. After the match Chavo took the clippers from Eddie and started shaving his own head. All the time Chavo stated how much he liked it and wanted Eddie to shave his head so they could be twins.
Winner: Eddie Guerrero by pinfall.

* Disco Inferno vs. Konnan
Alex Wright came down with Disco and they mocked the nWo before Konnan came out. Disco said, "everybody in San Dog is Bowdy-Bowdy and Rowdy- Rowdy. We don't know what that means, but we think it means you came here to watch Disco Inferno dance." This match was obviously set up so Nash could make an appearance. With Luger putting Wright in the rack outside the ring, Nash executed the Jacknife powerbomb on Disco and Konnan slapped on the tequila sunrise.
Winner: Konnan by submission with Tequila Sunrise.

* Giant vs. Kevin Greene
Giant controlled the match most of the way until Greene had a big spurt and executed a shoulder tackle off the top. After that he was choke slammed
Winner: Giant by pinfall after chokeslam.

* Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.
Chris Jericho, knowing that "Jericho = Buy Rate" came out to entertain the crowd with a soft shoe dance. J.J. Dillon entered the ring and asked Jericho if he wanted to wrestle a local guy that hasn't wrestled in six months. If you did not know that Rey MySTERio was going to be the challenger, you probably think wrestling is real. I was scheduled to be the challenger, but I weighed in at 227 lbs. and didn't meet the weight requirements. MySTERio looked about 10-15 bigger all in muscle, unless he had pectoral implants. The battle went to the beach stage for a brief period, but returned to the ring. After a chair to the knee Jericho went for the Lion Tamer as Malenko came to the ring. MySTERio reversed the move and pinned Jericho. Chris Jericho ran away from Malenko only to be stopped by Arn Anderson, so Malenko could beat on Jericho.
Winner: New Cruiserweight champion by pinfall Rey MySTERio Jr.

* Bret Hart vs. Booker T (TV title match)
As the ref showed the belt to Hart, he gave the ref a smug look as if to say, "I don't want that cheap belt." This was a typical Bret Hart match with several suplexes and great selling of Booker T's moves. That is why he is the excellence of execution. As the match turned Hart began to beat Booker T with a chair outside the ring. After hitting Booker T with the chair in the knee, Hart put Booker T in the figure four around the ring post. Stevie Ray walked out to break the move. It looked as if Booker T was actually hurt as the doctor came to ringside as Stevie Ray helped him out.
Winner: Booker T by DQ.

* Goldberg vs. Curt Hennig (WCW/nWo Heavyweight Championship)
Could Curt Hennig end the streak? Yeah, right! Hennig hit the legs of Goldberg a few times, but other than that another squash. There is no sense in describing it since you have seen it over a 100 times before.
Winner: Goldberg by pinfall after Jackhammer.

* Hollywood Hogan & Dennis Rodman vs. Diamond Dallas Page & Karl Malone
Rodman and Malone started the match, but Rodman kept ducking under the ropes. Hogan then tagged in and Malone body slammed him. A couple of tags later, it was DDP and Rodman in the ring. During the whole match, it was obvious that Malone had practiced wrestling while Rodman had not. Rodman fell down several times when he should not have. Rodman's job was to come in the ring for 10 seconds at a time every 2 minutes. After a tired DDP tagged out, Malone went crazy. He clotheslined Hogan twice, Rodman once and then body slammed both. Malone then tagged DDP for the Diamond Cutter. After Rodman came in the ring everybody got what they wanted when Malone "delivered" a Diamond Cutter on Rodman. The Disciple entered the ring and nailed DDP and Hogan got the pinfall. Malone put the Diamond Cutter on The Disciple and then the ref.
Winners: Hogan and Rodman with pinfall after help from the Disciple


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