Welcome to my website, please scope it out, its nothing fancy, but I'm proud of it. Leave me a message in my guestbook and tell me what you think, I love to hear from those who stop by my site. Thanks and have a good day.

NOTE: In the Menu bar, to the left of the screen, clicking on the name will bring you to the most recent webpage available, clicking on the checkmark will bring you to the older page that I am leaving available for the time being. As of 5/21/03, I have just begun my update, so please be patient. Thank You.

There have been Counter visitors to my page since May 21st 2003. I realize that I can only update my webpage at certain times. These times are when I feel inspired to do so. Not motivated, because this website is purely a hobby, nothing of consequence, so I actually have to be inspired to update this thing, kinda weird huh.

sign my guestbook
all about augie (hey Don, remember your idea for that TV show?)
augie's stuff

This page was created on February 20, 1998

DISCLAIMER: I am not affiliated in any with the NHL, NFL, NBA, MLB, New York Rangers, New York Yankees, New York Islanders, New York Giants, New York Jets, New Jersey Devils, New York Mets, or any other professional sports teams or organizations. This site is exclusively a site for my personal use and enjoyment. No adverising or commercial intent in any way is applied.