This is our home page that will lead you to anything you want to know about us. "US" being Leah and Melissa. We're both 17, play softball, go to school, and do a bunch of other fun things. You'll basically find that this is a softball site that has a bunch of tips and fun things to look at. If you like softball hopefully you'll like our page. And don't forget we'd love to hear from you! Hope you enjoy!

All-Star Softball WebRing
For Information Contact
Kyle Farley

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We're a proud part of the softball All-star Web Ring! Check it out!

Want to learn about softball? We've got tips, teams, people, and other kewl things that go along with our favorite sport. Learn pitching techniques, catching ideas, batting, running, team playing, and fun games. It's all here at this really cool tip page

Anything you want to learn about softball will probably be at one of these pages, if not ours. They're really good links. to find them go to the link page and check 'em out!

Don't forget to sign our guestbook. We want to know who comes to visit.

If you'd like to find some interesting stuff out about how to be able to try out for the US olympic softball team check out this olympic tryout infromation and see what it takes!

check out our varsity softball schedule and see when we played! (we're done now)

check out our travel team schedule, we're called the ,Bat Girls and see when we get to go have fun!

Come see some Softball Comics!

Please mail us and tell us what you think!! leah_melissa@hotmail.com

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