McGwire, Grace, McGwire, Grace, McGwire Grace, McGwire, Grace








Well here it is the whole reason we made this page. (ARGUING) Throughout the whole season we are gonna debate all the Marks in the game. Okay not really just the Mark's that play for the Cubs and the Cardinals. Although if you have a Mark debate other than the ones we do ask us and we will say what we think. Either way we know you will enjoy this. Again like we say in all our other pages. DO NOT be surprised if Nate answers and I don't or vice versa. We will do our best to accommodate if you have a specific question of one of us.

Lets look at it like this. Who is the power hitter on their team, Mark Mcgwire. So of course he has more home runs and RBis he is supposed to. And on base percentage, oh please. Everyone knows you pitch around McGwire to get to whatever bume is hitting behind him. Grace is the better fielder at his position, and is a much better hitter. Sure he isn't a power hitter, but I believe his batting average is seventh, while McGwires isn't even 27th. Hands down Grace is better, he is the man, he is the bomb diggity. Face it Grace is the better Mark


Sean's Thoughts:

Blewdevl you stud. You have made all my points even more clear. The point is McGwire is not a better hitter than Grace, and he is not a better all around player. SURE MCGWIRE might break the home run record, but I have much more respect for a guy who goes out there and plays everyday hits on average 330 and contributes in every way possible. McGwire hits HRs and that is it. SO BOMB DIGGITY NATE DOG. FACE IT MCGWIRE IS THE WORSE MARK. Thanks for your comment blewdevl!


Nate's Thoughts:

OBP does not matter? Are you OK? Let us review. McGwire leads Grace in Home Runs, Runs, RBI's, walks, OBP, (to shorten this let's just say every important offensive category but batting average--Grace .330 to McGwire .315 big difference). McGwire plays great defense too. Grace is good but he is no McGwire. Next case please.

Sean's Response to Nate:

Oh sure. Nate quit asking if Cubs fans are OK. Of course they are OK. They know the truth. YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH.

Nate's Response to Sean:

The only reason I ask is I can only imagine how hard it is on fans who have never seen their team play in the World Series in their lifetime. I am concerned for these people's emotional state. I ask because I care!

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