Welcome to Gopher's Guestbook!

08/10/00 05:18:49
Name: Anne My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Icqnummer: 6527842
Intresting: Gophers Welfare

Miss you so much. Debbie and I have been looking for your E-mail address. We want to send you a birthday card for the 16th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Loves, Anne

07/20/00 21:22:37
Name: Bluejeans
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi Guy.....Have not been on line in a long time.. looking through your homepage.... you have done a fantastic job...keep it up....

06/05/00 15:05:28
Name: JaCi
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Neat website! visit my homepage too!

06/03/00 23:47:38
Name: Xavier Huysmans
My URL: Visit Me

Ik ben heel toevallig op deze site gestoten, een heel gelukkig toeval: hij zit heel knap ineen en ik vond een heeleboel interessante en bruikbare dingen (gedichtjes, postkaarten, spelletjes, dierengifs...) Echt waar: cewle site. Ik zal hem aanbevelen! Ik om zeker ook terug. Xavier.

02/25/00 11:58:54
Name: tooblessed My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Intresting: Jesus!

Stopped by to see how your pages were coming along, you have added alot since I was here last. Keep up the great work. Lord bless you muchly!

11/06/99 13:44:27
Name: Juanita
My Email: Email Me


10/21/99 21:07:48
Name: ellie My Email: Email Me
Icqnummer: 52825361 Intresting: sports and internet

i like the cute pics and the romantic page

10/19/99 16:23:39
Name: Anne My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Intresting: You

I do not like the internet when I do not see you online. Where have you been and what is happening. Loves. Anne

09/21/99 09:26:23
Name: Yvonne My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Icqnummer: 45986146

Hallo Gopher! Prachtige page. Heel erg bedankt voor alle hulp die je mij hebt gegeven bij het maken van mijn homepage, een echte steun en toeverlaat! Succes met je eigen homepage. Groetjes, Yvonne

09/13/99 14:59:11
Name: Anne My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Icqnummer: 6527842
Intresting: Life

How great it is that we share the same planet. We know a lot about each other. I know that when I start my day you are finishing yours. We know what each other looks like. We know the others birthdays and celebrate them together in our way. We like e ch other so we send new friends to the others doorstep. I love you and my computer world. Loves, Anne

09/12/99 08:08:05
Name: fabrice My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Icqnummer: 18350765
Intresting: well

marriage of imagination and order in this site A well done work!

09/04/99 09:36:53
Name: Claire
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

hahahahaha Guyke!!! Niet te doen jij, maar dat wist je al he?!!!! Big KISS Claire

08/20/99 17:28:02
Name: Anne My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Icqnummer: 6527842
Intresting: People-All kinds

I sent the game page to all of the young ones on my list. I think they will enjoy it. Loves, Anne

08/20/99 17:25:00
Name: Anne
My URL: Visit Me


08/08/99 19:00:11
Name: Paris Community Leaders
My URL: Visit Me
Intresting: Smiles

The Purple Toothbrush Brigade
We Got the Spirit
Yes we Do
We got the Spirit
How about You?

GeoCities Community Leaders
Neighbors helping Neighbors

07/27/99 21:55:10
My URL: Visit Me

mooier dan de mijne!!!

07/11/99 07:58:29
Name: Cath
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


07/10/99 15:05:51
Name: nanny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Icqnummer: 33751902
Intresting: reading and pc

Droom van een home page Guyke!! nanny

07/10/99 03:30:06
Name: Linda My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Icqnummer: 6375098

Thank you for making a difference on the Internet, and creating such a beautiful site.

07/07/99 23:37:51
Name: Kelly
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Your arrangement of this site is beautiful.... the words have touched my heart..... touch my mind I shall think of you....touch my heart and I shall never forget you... thank you for sharing this with me...... Your friend, Kelly ....... from 40 chat

06/23/99 13:09:52
Name: dominica
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

fantastic , it's such an wonderful poem ....... a really romantic picture

06/09/99 18:12:39
Name: Eddy Hermans
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Braaf (in vgl. met vroeger )

06/05/99 16:28:28
Name: Brother Michael Ingall My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Icqnummer: n/a
Intresting: People

Brethern & Sisters, Just a note to the R.C. and Brothers and Sisters at large to say that there has been some further work done with the, Revival Center web pages'. I would be much honored for you to look at the pages but keep in heart that all is still under construction and send back to me some feed back. Some immediate areas of informational feed needed are from the R.C. Academy and Tape Ministry. (i.e. in the tape department is needed a order catogory of tape titles available and procedure of order as to say by numrical(dates) or titles or both).Are there any volunteers at R.C. to head the Prayer Partners Dept. Also if you would like to have your testimony given on the Testimonal Page please mail to the Revival Center Address found at (RevCntr@aol.com). http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/4784 Brother Michael

06/02/99 23:19:25
Name: Giggley My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Icqnummer: 32789790

I just keep coming back for more!!!! These are Fantastic. And they help me keep my friends smiling!

06/02/99 16:22:10
Name: Anne My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Icqnummer: 6527842
Intresting: lovely souls

This is so beautiful it made tears come to my eyes. How kind and beautiful you are. Loves, Anne

05/28/99 23:17:08
Name: Shelly Luttrell My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Icqnummer: Don't have one
Intresting: http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Rapids/2803

Hi I just wanted to say what a WONDERFUL page you have here. The art work is beautiful and the poems very touching. I like music of all kinds too. My son says Except rap mom, it makes your ears bleed. hahahaha...Thanks for sharing. God bless Shelly aka Harley

05/18/99 20:31:15
Name: Anne My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Icqnummer: 6527842
Intresting: sunrise

Another ray of sunshine. Thanks for all the pretty things you creat with your mind and your hands. Loves.

05/14/99 00:13:59
Name: Sean Choi
My URL: Visit Me

Hi, I am just passing by. I might be back again.

05/09/99 02:39:11
Name: tooblessed
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Wonderful Pages!!! Lord bless you!

04/11/99 23:58:28
Name: Anne
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

You did not tell me about your awards. How wonderful. I am so proud of you and so glad I know you. Loves. Anne

04/02/99 11:15:07
Name: Kim
My URL: Visit Me
Intresting: Tooooooo much;-)

Hi there! Keep it Up and best wishes...Kim

03/13/99 23:05:09
Name: CarrieAnn
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Your awesome! i loved Anne's webpage. This is still new to me and WOW! What fun! Hope to continue to learn and participate. I will thank Anne for sharing you with us.

03/02/99 18:23:00
Name: Vern My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Intresting: Anne

Man, that is a fine intelligent animal. We enjoyed seeing him.

02/21/99 11:37:38
Name: Devil My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Icqnummer: 12011587
Intresting: GUESS

hi ya

02/14/99 16:15:01
Name: Gerry
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Thanks for signing my guestbook. Your homepage is very nice. Greetings from Los Angeles, California.

02/14/99 07:18:42
Name: Tiny
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

You have a very nice site with a lot to do!!! Come and visit Holland and take a look at my page! I would be delighted if you sign my guestbook too!

02/10/99 19:09:32
Name: Anne My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Icqnummer: 6527842
Intresting: Life

You do so much. You help so many. Your quailties entitle you to the title of Master of the internet. Loves. Anne

02/10/99 01:52:46
Name: Debbie Kay
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

You never seize to amase me with what you do with your page.I really like it and keep up the great work that you do with it..Smile my friend...Your friend from Michigan.

01/29/99 05:55:53
Name: Granny Anne My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Icqnummer: 6527842
Intresting: People

Thank you for gathering all of your friend into your webring. It allows us to grow and learn from each other. Thank you again and again and again. Loves. Anne

01/27/99 16:07:34
Name: Michel My URL: Visit Me
Icqnummer: top secret Intresting: everthing *lol*

Nice site!!

01/26/99 00:53:46
Name: Anne My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Icqnummer: 6527824
Intresting: The Whole World

Beautiful words are the honey that makes all life palatable. You use them so well. Loves. Anne

01/21/99 21:52:35
Name: Anne My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Icqnummer: 6527842
Intresting: People

Your page grows and changes with all of the intricacies of a rose opening its face to the morning dew. God was so good to me the day our paths crossed. Thank you for your skill and compassion for all of us. Loves. Anne

01/21/99 12:03:17
Name: Bluejeans
My URL: Visit Me
Icqnummer: 16468288

Very interesting.

12/23/98 20:13:01
Name: Marie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Icqnummer: 8261608
Intresting: you

You know, I love gophers web page P.S gopher I don't know if your on my list but I want you to be, here's my icq # 8261608.

12/20/98 05:14:25
Name: Anne
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I got the whole thing this time with no trouble. It is amazing what you have done with the picture frame. I loved it. I have no idea why I did not get it earlier. Loves & Hugs. Anne

12/18/98 02:14:49
Name: Granny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Intresting: My dear ICQ friends

You are above them all. I loved the music and it haunts me. I know it and I cannot put the name to it. The music is like putting the bride and groom on the top of a wedding cake. Thanks for the pleasure. Anne

12/13/98 18:33:44
Name: Granny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Icqnummer: 6527842
Intresting: People


12/13/98 10:21:01
Name: Nadine
My URL: Visit Me

Gewoon geen woorden voor ! Prachtig gopher Doe zo voort !

12/10/98 18:15:13
Name: bluejeans
My URL: Visit Me

very nice.

12/08/98 14:12:22
Name: goke My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Intresting: gopher

Dikke knuffelkus van je Goke!

12/02/98 20:30:41
Name: bobken My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Icqnummer: 16861091
Intresting: fishing and pc

De meest voornaamste dingen in het leven zijn en blijft nog steeds vrienden, thanks gopher. btw : merry christmas and happy newyear.

11/22/98 17:38:49
Name: Sofie
My URL: Visit Me
Intresting: Horses, psychologie

GGroetjes van sofie.

11/10/98 02:07:13
Name: birdie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Icqnummer: 151065431

I really like you homepage.I hope my is half as good when I finially get it made! lol. I enjoyed seeing your paintings,you are very talented.You are a great frined and I enjoy talking with you, you alway make me laugh!

11/04/98 11:31:29
Name: Anke My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Icqnummer: 10188287

I miss the days of secrets, I miss spending my time with you, I miss all the memories we shared, And yes, I miss you too. Mooie homepage Guyke ! Wens je nog veel geluk, en bedankt voor al die mooie chatuurtjes ! Anke

11/02/98 17:04:50
Name: Tonya My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Icqnummer: 20942367

I love your home page and think you are a great guy and friend, you always make me smile.

11/02/98 00:28:30
Name: Aadje / IcFiRe My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Intresting: uhm....men and sex :)

Gopher, I'm amazed! Didn't see the whole page yet, but poems, paintings, pictures, and even more, I really like this :) I'll be back to visit it again, you can be sure of that. It's a great looking site, tx for telling me bout it! *kisssssssss* :)

11/01/98 05:18:23
Name: Anne My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Icqnummer: 6527842
Intresting: People ! All kinds

Another evening made exciting by your talents. You know I love your paintings. I have three hanging on my walls. I added a link. Thank you for being so multi-talented. I got a butterfly on my web page. It does not move but it is there. Loves. Anne p>
10/31/98 09:46:46
Name: felix mudji rahardjo
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I'm interest with your wibe site.

10/29/98 09:56:45
Name: Wendy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Icqnummer: 10245665

Gopher: I haven't got though all of your pages yet..What I checked out is very intresting and very well done. I'm very glad that we meet though ICQ and know that we will stay friends.. Looking at this well put together page makes me want to do, one of my own.. I know that you would help me if I were to need help and I'm sure that I will. Thank You for letting me take a trip though your pages.. Your Friend. Wendy..

10/25/98 15:41:58
Name: June My URL: Visit Me
Nickname: Bluejeans ICQ nummer: 16468288

Very nice site.

10/22/98 22:25:50
My Email: Email Me Nickname: TERIHATCHER
ICQ nummer: 19858620

Niet slecht, mijn beste Gopher!!!

10/21/98 20:32:39
Name: Anne My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Nickname: Turkeyc
ICQ nummer: 6527842

I guess that you leave me with words that are inadequate to show my appreciation. You make me feel as if my thoughts have been gathered by a friendly wind and cast upon the world. I do not know why, but it was very important to share those words. Than you again. Loves. Anne

10/20/98 14:46:36
Name: ~Gina Michelle~ My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Nickname: ~Lady Gigi~
ICQ nummer: 18137507

To A Sweetheart Of A Guy! I Loved Your Awesome Webpage Guy! :) You Are A Very Sweet Friend To Me Guy, & I'll Always Cherish & Treasure Our Friendship, With All Of My Heart! Lets Always Stay In Touch & Be Really Close & Good Friends Okay? I Really Like You Soooo Very Much Guy! I Wish You All Of The Happiness Possible In Your Life, & In Your Future! Don't Forget Me You Really Sweet & Awesome Guy! ~LOVE YA LADY GINA MICHELLE~

10/10/98 03:22:21
Name: stefan rohrauer My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Nickname: steve
ICQ nummer: 20587090

nice homepage!

10/08/98 19:06:27
Name: Geert My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Nickname: Bobke
ICQ nummer: 16861091

thanks for the help that i have got from you (where are friends for, thanks)

10/08/98 13:46:40
Name: Anne My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Nickname: turkeyc
ICQ nummer: 6527824

Such sunshine in my life. Thanks.

10/07/98 21:52:09
Name: Filip My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Nickname: Flip
ICQ nummer: 4758298

groetjes van Flip

10/06/98 20:47:58
Name: Happygirl My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Nickname: Happy

Nice homepage Gopher !!!

10/02/98 04:15:32
Name: flowrpwr My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me ICQ nummer: 17441506

Your page is great!!!!! I wish mine was this good!! I hope to chat with you again soon.....bye for now!!!

10/01/98 22:13:57
Name: Michelle K. Van Leeuwen
My URL: Visit Me


10/01/98 22:11:07
My URL: Visit Me


10/01/98 21:52:27
Name: bbailey 2100@hotmail.com
My URL: Visit Me

;ove you page, you have done a nice job!

09/30/98 06:18:48
Name: vatefft@goodnet.com
My URL: Visit Me

Enjoy your work. Vern

09/28/98 01:23:41
Name: vatefft@goodnet.com
My URL: Visit Me

The day you came into my cyber world is very special to me. You brighten my days with your wit, your talent and your inate kindness, Thank you for being so special. Anne of Turkey Creek.

09/27/98 18:31:12
My URL: Visit Me

Hey, guy, congratulations with your site, i hope that a lot of people sign your guestbook, I hope also , now for this moment i just can dream about it, that i have my own homepage, can you help me!!! i wish that you will do it, thanks, and succes.

vatefft@goodnet.com - 09/15/98 05:56:01

You are such an artist. You bring beauty to so many people. I am proud to know you and to learn from you. I bought a gift of Belgian chocolates today. You told me how special they would be and I am sure the thankyou note that I will receive will tell e so. Granny Anne

Gopher - 09/15/98 05:34:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pipeline/Halfpipe/9738/
My Email:Gopher@skynet.be

Bezoek ook eens de Hompepage van mijn Foster parent kind 'Juseyo'. Met dank aan Anke . http://www.geocities.com/Pipeline/Halfpipe/9738/

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