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                                         Name                                      Guy Vanvoorden

                                         Day of birth                            16 August 1957  

                                         Place of living                         Hasselt, Belgium


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Pictures of me


me1.JPG (34661 bytes)       sol.JPG (32813 bytes)      Gpher21.JPG (194007 bytes)        hu.JPG (130408 bytes)       tennis.JPG (48152 bytes)        frame3.jpg (20728 bytes)

       Me and my sisters                Soldier                              21 years                    Me and my ex        Me and my brother         Me on a meeting



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Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Some people stay awhile and leave footprints on our hearts.
And we are ~ never ~ the same.

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Wapentake of the city Hasselt



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                                  Culture Centrum                       Marketplace                     Oversight from Hasselt


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