Welcome To Mike and Christy Berman's Baby Page

Updated December 20, 2000

Click on the photo below to watch Pete grow up!

We're Home!

Peter Alexander Berman

12:51 AM August 16, 2000

8 pounds 9 ounces

20 inches

Mom and baby are doing great


Middle Name Poll
Top 10 Lists
Frequently Asked Questions
Christy in April 2000

April 2000

Christy in April 2000

May 2000

Christy in August 2000

August 2000

Our refurbished dresser

Christy's refurbished dresser



Changing table

Changing table

Help Us Pick a Middle Name!!
Boy's Name
Peter ______


Girl's Name
Holly ______



Top 10 Reasons Mike & Christy Should Have a Baby

10. Christy is looking for a cheap summer workout
9. Need to fill bedrooms to avoid those pesky "drop-by" guests
8. Mike always looking for bigger and softer items for juggling
7. Our grandparents are threatening to adopt grandchildren
6. Need to cut down on that 15 minutes of quality time Mike and Christy are spending together
5. Mike doesn't have enough gray hair
4. Need to comply with South Riding "no baby, you're out" rule
3. We're getting too old to fix today's computers and program new VCRs
2. With Democrats in office, tax deductions getting harder to come by
1. Because we are - expected August 9, 2000!

Top Ten Reasons Why Gabe should be the Godfather of baby Berman, not Tom
By Gabe Vuotto

10. If Mike passes on, who's head will I rub? Answer: baby Berman
9. Incredible love of children and willingness to accept responsibility for another life
8. Baby a MAJOR asset in picking up babes
7. I promise not to drop him, I swear!
6. SCENARIO #1: while Tom is busy looking at his muscles in mirror, baby swallows its own tongue
5. Dollar bill I give to him every time I see him will help alleviate college tuition bill in 19 years
4. My Marlon Brando/ Vito Corleone godfather impersonation much better than Tom's
3. SCENARIO #2: smooth, streamlined head of baby Berman gives Tom an idea: uses him to throw the ultimate tight spiral
2. I'll tell baby Berman wonderful stories of his Dad's achievements in college(fraternal, IM sports, academic); Tom will tell stories of all-night Twin Peaks/Tecmo marathons
1. Being an ass to baby Berman will prepare him for the harsh reality of life in the 21st century

the choice is clear....

Links To Other Baby Pages

  • Eric Duane Junker's First Website - as designed by Steve Junker
  • Shayna's Home Page - as designed by my sister, Robin
  • Amanda's Home Page - as designed by Bill Joyce
  • Emma Kathleen Ratnaparkhi - as designed by Adwait Ratnaparkhi

  • Original due date - August 9, 2000

    Check back for updates, new adventures, and of course pictures in August. (Please e-mail me your baby site and we can add you to our links.)

    To go to my homepage, click here

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