We have recently decided to widen the appeal of the club beyond the traditional bish bash bosh merchants

Welcome to Accra Rugby Club. Accra is in Ghana West Africa and the Club welcomes anyone vaguely interested in rugby, be they Ghanaian, Expat, tourists, volunteers or whatever.

However if you are intent on getting a professional contract out of the club FORGET IT! The Club is run on strictly amateur lines and there is no money to pay players.

Over the past few years the club has really developed, we now have our own pitch and club house - many thanks to the University of Ghana, Legon for providing the space, Guiness for help on the cash front and Taysec for the technical input.

As there is currently only one active club in Ghana we have to be innovative to keep the fixtures coming. We play the teams from the surrounding countries (Togo, Benin, Cote d’Ivoire), British and French Navy ships (when they’re in port) and also keep ourselves amused by playing a fair amount of Sevens within the club. We have recently started to play Touch Rugby once a month to try to broaden the appeal of the club - for more details see "Upcoming Events". We also occasionally organise a beach tournament and once per year put on the "Accra Corporate Sevens Tournament" which is our main fund-raiser.

I hope you enjoy the web-site (which is in the process of being updated). Should you want more info please contact me, Chris Holden (Club Captain) at You can also sign our guest book below.

Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

You can also check out the weather in and humid is my guess.

If you want to find us when you're in Accra have a look at the map below.


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Accra Rugby Club | Match Reports | Club History | Pitch & Club House
Progress? | Up & Coming Events

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