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for the
of the

The SOUTH CANADIAN RIVER CHAPTER (SCRC) was organized in 1995 as a branch of the OKLAHOMA DRESSAGE SOCIETY, INC. (ODS) in order to expand and enhance the activities of the state dressage association.  The bylaws presented below support the ODS official procedure and follow the same outline but with additions that apply to the chapter.
Section 1:  Title
This local chapter of the Oklahoma Dressage Society, Inc. shall be know as the South Canadian River Chapter.  It's activities shall at all times be conducted as a chapter of the Oklahoma Dressage Society, Inc. which operates as a non-profit private foundation, organized under the laws of he State of Oklahoma, Title 18, Oklahoma Statutes, #851-862.
Section 2:  Objectives
In support of the objectives of the parent organization, the chapter has adopted a statement of purpose:  to promote educational activities and provide opportunities to support the sport of dressage at the local level
Section 3:  Place of business
The principle place of business for ODS shall be in the State of Oklahoma.  Business may be conducted at any place convenient so such members or officers as may be participating.  The official address of SCRC shall be that of the chapter's current chairperson.
Section 4:  Corporate Seal
Refer to ODS Bylaws.
Section 1:  Eligibility
Membership in the chapter shall consist of ODS members in good standing.  Potential members with interest in SCRC can become ODS members at the same time.
Section 2:  Classes of membership, Activity Fees
Activity fee may be assessed as either individual or family and expire at the end of the calendar year.  Fees for yearly activities shall be as follows:
Individual Membership     $10.00
Family Membership     $20.00
Membership shall be recorded and become effective upon receipt of the activity fee.  This fee shall be applied toward administrative and promotional costs.
Activity fees may be changed for each class of membership from time to time by the SCRC Chapter officers.  These changes may occur separate from fee changes for ODS.  Nonpayment of ODS fees shall result in termination of SCRC membership.
Section 3:  Adult Members
Refer to ODS Bylaws.  The South Canadian River Chapter only recognizes individual and family members.
Section 4:  Junior Members
Refer to ODS Bylaws.  The SCRC only recognizes individual and family members.
Section 5:  Honorary Members
Refer to ODS Bylaws.  The SCRC only recognizes individual and family members.
Section 6:  Resignation of members
Members who have resigned from ODS will be terminated from the SCRC membership.
Section 7:  Meeting - Where held
Meeting of the membership shall be held at such place in Oklahoma as determined by the board.
Section 8:  Annual Meeting
The annual meeting will occur within forty days of close of fiscal year.  Officers will be elected by secret ballot and majority vote of the membership.
Section 9:  Special Meetings
Refer to ODS Bylaws.
Section 10:  Notice of Meetings
Refer to ODS Bylaws.
Section 11:  Organization of Chapter Meetings
The chapter chairperson shall call the meeting of the membership to order and shall chair such meeting unless the voting members present should designate another person by majority vote.  The chapter secretary shall act as recorder at all membership meetings, but in the event of absence or failure to act, the chairperson shall appoint another to act as secretary pro tem.
Section 12:  Quorum At Meeting
The voting members of SCRC present in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the membership for the transaction of business where proper notice of such meeting has been given.
Section 13:  Voting At Meeting
At each meeting of the membership, each Voting member shall be entitled to vote in person or by proxy appointed by an instrument in writing, such instrument should be published in the News letter not less that 10 nor more than 30 days prior to said meeting, unless said instrument provides definitely for a longer period.  All elections shall be had, all questions decided, and all business transacted by a majority vote of such quorum.
Section 14:  Removal of Members of Chapter Officers
Any SCRC member, regardless of classification, and any chapter officer may be removed from membership or from office by the affirmative vote of a majority of the voting members present in person or by proxy, at any annual or special meeting called for that person, for conduct detrimental to the interests of SCRC or ODS.  Any such member or officer proposed to be removed shall be entitled to at least ten (10) days notice in writing by mail of the meeting at which such removal is to be voted upon and shall be entitled to appear before and be heard at such meeting.
Section 15:  Membership List
The officers shall keep a record of all members in good standing during each fiscal year.
Section 1:  General
SCRC recognizes the Board of Directors as the sole governing body of the Society and therefore has designated Chapter Officers as the administrative body of the chapter.  The chapter officers shall not receive compensation or salary for their services; however, the chapter may approve reimbursing individual officers for direct operating expenses incurred on behalf of SCRC.  Expenses of attending chapter or ODS board meeting shall not be reimbursed.
Section 2:  Approvals
Event Plans must be approved by the board prior to final commitment.
Section 3:  By-Law Changes
The Bylaws of the Chapter shall be subject to change only by action of the Board of Directors.  The membership of the Chapter shall be notified of any change in the Bylaws by mail before the next meeting of the membership.
Section 4:  Number
The number of elected Directors shall not be less than three or more than nine.  The Junior Representative and the Professional Advisor shall not be members of the Board but shall attend the meetings of the Board and have full discussion rights during said meetings.
Section 5:  Election and Term
Officers shall be elected to Two year terms.  Candidates elected by the membership shall be members in good standing of ODS and SCRC.
Section 6:  Vacancies
In the event of an unscheduled vacancy of the Board, the remaining Officers may elect a successor to fulfill the un-expired term by affirmative vote of the majority of the said officers.  A Officer so elected may function as an officer immediately upon election; however, said election must by confirmed by the membership at the next Annual Meeting of the membership.
Section 7:  Meetings
A.  Annual
The newly constituted Board shall hold its annual meeting for the purpose of organization and the transaction of business, if a quorum, immediately after each Annual meeting of the membership.
B.  Other Meetings
Other meetings of the Board shall be called by the Chairperson or at the written request of two of the members of the board.
Section 8:  Quorum
Shall include a majority of the members of the board.
Section 1:  Election
The chapter officers shall be elected my majority vote of the general membership.
Section 2:  Chapter Chairperson
The Chapter Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the chapter officers and of the membership.  The Chairperson shall enforce the rules and bylaws of the SCRC, nominating committee and subcommittee.
Section 3:  Vice Chairperson
The Vice Chairperson shall fulfill the duties of the Chairperson in their absence.
Section 4:  Secretary
The secretary shall be responsible for keeping all chapter documents and records including but not limited to recording minutes of all chapter officer meetings.
Section 5:  Treasurer
The treasurer shall maintain the financial records of the chapter.  This person is responsible for receiving and depositing all money in the bank account in the chapters name.  the treasurer shall disburse all moneys as have been approved by the chapter officers and are due and payable.  In addition, the treasurer shall prepare a financial report at the chapter's annual meeting.
Section 1:  Judges Standing Committee
Section 2:  Awards Standing Committee
Section 3:  Show Standing Committee
Section 4:  Membership Standing Committee
Section 5:  Public Relations Standing Committee
The SCRC's primary affiliation is with the Oklahoma Dressage Society, Inc. (ODS).  The chapter shall conduct all events in accordance with the rules of the Oklahoma Dressage Society, Inc., The American Horse Show Association (AHSA) and the United States Dressage Federation (USDF).
All checks, drafts, bills of exchange or other orders for the payment of money out of the funds of the chapter, and all notes or other evidences of indebtedness of the chapter, shall be signed in the name and on behalf of SCRC by such persons and in such manner as shall from time to time by authorized by the chapter officers.
The board may from time to time authorize the opening and keeping of general bank accounts with such banks, trust companies of other depositories as the board may designate.  The board may make such special rules and regulations with respect to such bank accounts, not inconsistent with the provisions of these Bylaws, as it may deem expedient.
The chapter shall not operate for a profit.  There shall be no distribution of cash by ways of interest, dividends or otherwise to any charter member of officer or to board members of ODS.  Recipient charities shall be determined by the SCRC chapter officers, with first consideration to be given to charities in the State of Oklahoma.
The chapter shall present an annual statement of activities and business at the SCRC and ODS annual meetings.
The Board of Directors shall have the books of the SCRC audited at least once each three years, or as necessary, by an individual competent to perform such audits.  The results of said audit shall be provided to the members of the chapter at the next meeting of the membership.
Whenever, under the provision of these Bylaws, notice is required to be given to any member, Director of Officer, it shall not be construed to mean person al notice, but such notice may be given in writing by mail, by depositing the same in the post office or letter box, in a post sealed wrapper, addressed to such member, Director or Officer at his last known post office address, and such notice shall be deemed to be given at the time when the same shall be thus mailed.  Any member, Director or Officer may waive any notice required to by given under these laws and my do so by written, telegraphed, cabled waiver.  The attendance of any member, Director of Officer at any annual, regular or special meeting shall be deemed a waiver of all notices required to be given under these Bylaws provided however, that the business conducted at special meetings of the membership shall not deviated from the originally stated purpose unless all voting members of the Chapter are present at said Special Meeting.
At all regular meetings of the membership and the Board of Directors, the regular order of business shall be:
          (1)  Roll Call
          (2)  Reading of the minutes
          (3)  Reports of officers
          (4)  Reports of standing committees 
          (5)  Reports of special committees
          (6)  Reports of others
          (7)  Unfinished business
          (8)  New Business
Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall govern Board and meetings when not in conflict with these Bylaws.
The foregoing Bylaws, after having been read article by article, were adopted bye the Directors and certified by the Secretary of the South Canadian River Chapter at the Board meeting held on the 30 day of July, 1995.

Main Page - Upcoming Events

Dressage and Chapter Information

SCRC Member Roster

  Schooling Show Results and Year End Award Information
