President optimistic on future, fails to address SGA president’s concerns
by Matt Kinnear
Staff Writer
University President C.D. Mote
addressed a small crowd Monday of
mostly University Senate members and
a handful of students with his annual “State of the Campus” speech in the Hoff
Referring to his 1999 speech that
presented several goals for the
university, Mote explained in detail how
he thinks he has achieved his goals
through three major themes.
The first theme was "marking the
road to excellence.” According to Mote,
the university has come a long way in
accomplishing this. He cited the U.S.
News rankings, where the university’s
number of top-10 programs jumped
from 10 in 1999 to 24, one short of his
projected goal, and the University’s
standing among other public
institutions jumped from 30th to18th—shy of the goal of 15th. Click here for more...
SGA President Reviews
Summer, looks to fall SGA President Aaron Kraus sits with The Terrapin Times Rushing into the Student Government Association offices on a Saturday afternoon, SGA President Aaron Kraus seemed a bit flustered. The day most students were just starting to think about getting back to school was just another day of hassles for Kraus, who in addition to his dealings as SGA president complained about his struggles with the Office of Information Technology. More on this story by Nathan Burchfiel.... | Group to promote votingStudent groups all across campus
have been planning various events to
prepare University of Maryland
students for the upcoming presidential
election, and many of those student
organizations have come together to
create one comprehensive group called
UMD Earns ‘B’
from web site |
Kraus Pleads for support
At The Movies: Garden State |
Meet the Greeks: Alpha Delta Pi
We ran into a surprising amount of
resistance from the administration in
putting information together for the
article on campaign contributions. We
expected that they wouldn’t be too
happy about the general idea, but had
no idea they would be so hostile to it. |
With the election just around the
corner, I thought this would be a good
time to examine a couple of the issues
the Democrats think they can beat Bush
on and what reality of the matter is. For more The Terrapin Times Entertainment articles Click Here |