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Elizabeth Jarvis Outen
Ooh the layout's changed completely!  It was rather disorganised & hard to find things, especially new things which hadn't been linked at all.
My Profile (if you want to know more about me)
cute piccies
That is, of me, folks!
Favourite band: questionable.  My fav. song is Days by the Kinks.  My fav Beatles album is Revolver (thanks Klaus Voorman for the cover. I've got a big poster on my wall).  I also love The Who, Pulp, Abba, & Buddy Holly, and some days I admit that I quite like The Rolling Stones - BUT ONLY COS BRIAN IS A GENIUS and awfully good looking.  But I hate MJ & KR.
On the classicalish side, Mahler is God's greatest gift, I love Beethoven's 9th, and Offenbach's Orphee aux enfers is responsible for a whole lot... (and I'm finally learning the French libretto, after 8.5 years)
Rolling Stones
Amber, the one true world.  Or not?  How do I explain Amber?  Midnight won't enlighten you any further.  But her page is pretty.  Suffice to say, Roger Zelazny wrote the books, and we roleplay.
By the way, Midnight is Corwin's daughter, and Leofric is her mouse.  And he (or his shadow?) also lives in the:
Who needs TV?  Get thyself a dolls' house and let the dolls run riot!
My House
Historical Costume - links and instructions *join the dolls' house!*
The in-house happenings have been described as better than a soap opera (of which Emmerdale be my fav and the only one I have ever watched for a serious length of time).
Historical costume - a serious concept... one day I will put up the 1480s dress I wore to the feast.  For now, I am contentedly wearing a bloke's bonnet of the same period, with the white boar on the brim.
Glorious and Ghostly Gothic page (abandon hope all ye who enter here)
I doubt you will be scared.  A roller coaster ride of ghosts, skulls and blackness.  It was MR James' stories that really got me into this, but I read anything intelligent and well written, mostly Victorian.
Read Edgar Allen Poe's The Black Cat for why I won't drink.
BTW, in the opposite direction, my fav book is Little Women.
My darling, my darling, my life, and, er, my bear.  WARNING!  This page contains my fav piccy of myself.
I've got Simon - that means YOU haven't - and he's all mine, not yours. ner!
You are visitor number
more links - just play around
spare stuff for pages
(not for owners of real cats)
Cats are lovely (in their own funny way. Or terrifying the way they jump on you when you're asleep, or just annoyingly disgusting when they bring slowworms and severed mouse heads into the kitchen).
So are
horses (though I don't think that when it all goes wrong AGAIN), bears (id est Simon), rabids, mouses, wolves (cos they've had such a bad press), Beanie Babies when they stay in the shop, peophins and mellishs (now extinct, but not for lack of love & care from their owners).
my cat page
Medieval pages that have gone horribly wrong, under influence from Amber (Midnight shifted shadow and it now does not appear as it should).  For serious Medieval study, read a history book.  For non-serious Medieval study, ditto.  What ever you do, do not look at the "coin" page - I don't want to give anyone the wrong idea. *Cackles hideously*
coin a phrase.  Click the coin.
WOTR family trees
Fav films:
Quadrophenia - a way of life I still follow?
Toy Story 2 - I love Simon! ("When she played with you and you felt really alive")
Fantasia (esp. the last act) & Fantasia 2000 (esp. Gerswin, Noah's ark (I cried, see below) & the delights of Beethoven), possibly A Clockwork Orange - it changed my life.  And I can't hear Pomp & Circumstance without crying.
Anything with Harold Lloyd in - for the complete opposite!!!
Films?  I got a bit of a reputation for this, because I saw almost everything that was released in the UK between Feb & June 2000.  Haven't been at all since then.
Films we also liked: 6th sense, sleepy hollow, angela's ashes, stigmata, double jeopardy, the whole 9 yards, U514 (or wharreva), gangster no 1, james bond
To go with fav drinks milk, milkshake, shloer, coke, orange squash, & if pushed Baileys, RECIPES.  BTW, Indigo is the most evil drink ever - it acts just like a drug, but is legal - containing vile things like schizophrene (what???), it ensures that you will be able to dance all night, and be exhausted for the rest of the week, while suffering from a host of other unpleasant side effects as well.  Red Bull might give you wings, but Indigo takes you out of this world - and throws you down like a defeated boxer.
Great evils: The Sims, spending money (just going in the shop), Indigo, assessed essays, magazines
“Mulier est hominis confusio* - Madame, the sentence of this Latyn is, 'Woman is mannes joye and al his blis.'“

*woman is man's ruin
Foreign (that is, not of this site) links
Why I hate mobile phones
Griffin Close (that's where I am not now) - a very ancient website (especially considering the place has been condemned and the demolition will start any day)
Turn that thing off!
Killing Tamagotchis
Tom's Trekky and Insulting Page
The boring day
darn, the page looks more crowded than ever.  So much for organisation.
Flabby Abi's site
-PHAT, humour, music, films and quotes
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but I can't wait that long!