ARTICLE                        PAGE


IDENTITY                                                                                               I                                2


PURPOSE                                                                                              II                              2


MEMBERSHIP                                                                                      III                              2

    Fees, FSHPA Inc. Newsletter, suspensions


EXECUTIVE COUNCIL                                                                        IV                             3

                Interpret By-Laws


ELECTED OFFICERS                                                                            V                              3

                Duties, Allowances, Eligibility,

                Terms, Removal, Vacancies


APPOINTED OFFICERS                                                                     VI                               4

                Duties, Term


STANDING COMMITTEES                                                              VII                                                 5                            


MEETINGS                                                                                      VIII                                                 5

                Membership, Awards, Club-Executive Council

                State Closed Tournament Site


ELECTION OF OFFICERS                                                           VIII A                               5    

       Election procedures, Voting


CLUBS                                                                                             IX                                   6

                Application, Officials,

                Voting & Responsibilities


STATE CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT                                     X                                    7

                When, Prizes, Eligibility, Divisions,

Age & Entry, Registrations, Format & Fees,



ALL FSHPA TOURNAMENTS                                                       XI                                    8

                Sanctioning, Fees, Averages,

                Ranking & Tie-Breaking


PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY                                                XII                                     9


AMENDMENTS                                                                            XIII                                     9


ANNUAL AWARDS                                                                                    XIV                                     9

                Outstanding Member,

                Most Improved Player,

                Hall of Fame

STANDING RULES                                                                                                                               11








The name of this organization shall be the Florida State Horseshoe Pitchers Association, hereinafter known as FSHPA. The FSHPA is a Charter organized under the National Horseshoe Pitchers Association of America, hereinafter known as NHPA.





The purpose of the FSHPA shall be to teach, foster, develop, and promote the sport of horseshoe pitching within the State of Florida. Also, it will authorize, provide guidelines, and schedule all NHPA/FSHPA Inc. sanctioned tournaments, both as a recreational pastime and a competitive sport.





Section 1.  Any reputable person may become a member upon:

                a.  Payment of annual dues as designated in these By-Laws.

                b.  Providing evidence of legal residence in the State of Florida as determined by the filing of federal tax returns, voting, and/or driver   license laws, or a declaration of domicile.


Section 2.  Juniors may join at a reduced fee as designated in these By-Laws. A junior is a person, aged up to 17 years, who will not have his/her 18th birthday during the membership year.


Section 3.  Annual dues for an adult FSHPA Inc. membership are $10.00 of which $4.00 is allocated to the annual State Closed Championship Tournament. Annual dues for a junior member are $3.00.


Section 4.  A membership card shall be issued and payment of dues will be so noted on the member's NHPA card.


Section 5.  Dues are due and payable on January 1, or upon joining. Membership expires on December 31 of the current year.


Section 6.  A member in good standing shall be entitled to receive the "FSHPA Inc. Newsletter".


Section 7.  A member shall not be in good standing when annual dues are more than (30) thirty days late.


Section 8.  Any member may be suspended for:

                a. willfully violating any official rule or Bylaw of the FSHPA Inc. or NHPA.

                b. fixing games, cheating, or being a part of any other conduct unbecoming a member.

                c. placing a bet of monetary value on a contestant, or self, when participating in competition.

                d. using unsanctioned horseshoes in a tournament.

                e. indulging in actions, words, or phrases disturbing to others.

                f. using profane language when on the tournament grounds.

                g. forfeiting in a tournament for an unapproved reason.


Section 9.  For any of the above reasons, a member may be suspended for one year.


Section 10.  No member shall be suspended until given a fair hearing before the Executive Council, or Board appointed by same.


Section 11.  Members who have been suspended for one year may be reinstated after one year has lapsed, by a majority vote of the Executive Council.




Section 1. Members

The Executive Council shall be made up of the elected officers of FSHPA Inc., plus the immediate past President.


Section 2.  Authority

a. The Executive Council shall have full power to conduct the business of the FSHPA   Inc. between annual meetings provided such business is not contrary to the Bylaws of the FSHPA Inc..

b. When required, the Executive Council shall define and interpret these BY-LAWS. Its rulings shall be official, unless overturned by a two-thirds vote of the affiliated Club Presidents when assembled at the Annual Club-Executive Council Meeting.


Section 3.  Meetings

                a. The Executive Council shall meet at the call of the President or any four (4) members of the council.

                b. A quorum for any meeting of the Executive Council shall be four (4) members.

                c. The Executive Council may conduct business by mail or telephone when necessary.




Section 1.  The elected officers of the FSHPA Inc. shall be:

                a. President

                b. First, Second, Third and Fourth Vice-President

                c. Secretary-Treasurer


Section 2.  Duties of the elected officers:

                a. The President shall:

                                1. be the chief executive officer of the FSHPA Inc.

                                2. preside at all meetings of the FSHPA Inc.

                                3. have power to assign specific duties to other officers.

                                4. appoint any committee, Standing or Special, name its chair, change the make-up of a committee, fill any

                                vacancies or discharge the committee as is deemed necessary for the good of the organization.

                                5. appoint a State Statistician, Editor of the FSHPA Inc. Newsletter, and a Historian;  with approval of  the           Executive                                                 Council.

                                6. appoint delegates to the NHPA annual convention who meet requirements of  NHPA Bylaws Article IX.

                                7. report to the NHPA, biannually, the name and address of the person elected to serve as NHPA Regional

                                Director, and the name and address of the Assistant Regional Director, when applicable.

                                8. be an ex officio member of all committees.

                b. The Vice-Presidents shall:

                                1. in their order, assume the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President.

                                2. assist the President, when requested, and assume any duties that their offices imply.

                c. The Secretary-Treasurer shall:

                                1. be custodian of all funds, property, records and any other FSHPA Inc. assets.

                                2. keep records of all monies received and disbursed, provide a written statement of same; quarterly to the

                                Executive Council and annually to the membership.

                                3. deposit all monies received to the account of "FSHPA, Inc." in a federally insured bank.

                                4. keep accurate records of memberships in FSHPA Inc. and NHPA.

                                5. collect and transmit dues to NHPA as required by NHPA Bylaws ARTICLE III

                                6. pay all bills for routine supplies and all other special purchases approved by the Executive Council and Club

                                Presidents at their annual  meeting.

                                7. create and present annual budget for approval at the annual business meeting.

                d. The duties and responsibilities of the Regional Director and Assistant Regional Director are set forth by NHPA in the

                publication entitled: "NHPA  Guidelines for Regional Director".


Section 3.  Officers allowances:

                Expense allowances shall be paid to the following annually:



                                                                State Statistician….....$500.00

                                                                Editor of Newsletter...$500.00


Section 4.  All officers must:

                a. be members of FSHPA Inc. and NHPA

                b. subscribe to the "NHPA Newsline"

                c. be a legal resident of Florida as determined by voting, tax and/or driver's license laws.


Section 5.  Term of office:

                a. All officers shall serve a two-year term.

                b. The President, First Vice-President and Third Vice-President shall be elected in odd numbered years.

                c. The Second and Fourth Vice President and the Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected in the even numbered years.

                d. The newly elected officers shall take office at the conclusion of the annual Club Officers/Executive Council meeting,

                      State Closed Tournament or awards banquet, whichever is the latter.


Section 6.  Removal from office:

a. Any officer may be removed from office upon failure to perform the duties of the office or for any reason that brings discredit to the


b. Removal from office shall be by majority vote of the remaining members of the Executive Council.

c. Officers electing to run for another office must first resign his/her present office, by notifying the Executive Council of his

 intent.  Intent shall then be published in the March NEWSLETTER prior to election of officers.


Section 7.  Vacancies in office:

Any vacancies in office, except that of the President, shall be filled within thirty days by the President, with the approval of the Executive Council.


Section 8.  Records and property held by officers:

Upon completion of their term, all outgoing officers, and committee chairs, shall deliver to their successors, all records and property of the FSHPA Inc. held in their possession.





Section 1.  The officers appointed by the President shall be:

                a. State Statistician

                b. Web Master

                c.. Editor of the FSHPA Newsletter

                d. Historian

e. NHPA Regional Director


Section 2.  Duties of the appointed officers:

a. The State Statistician shall:

    1.  Keep a record of individual ringer percentages of players who participate in sanctioned tournaments in the manner

                prescribed by the FSHPA Inc.

                    2.  Report the current individual ringer percentages and other required data,  to the appropriate Tournament Director, one

week in advance of a scheduled tournament.

     3.  Provide the FSHPA Inc. President, at the close of each "tournament year",  with the name of the member who is entitled to

receive the "Most Improved Player Award" for the current "tournament year". Note: Refer to ARTICLE X,         Section 3.b for definition of "tournament year".

4.  Report tournament results to the Editor of the FSHPA Newsletter, and the NHPA National Statistical Center, in the prescribed format.

b. The Web Master shall:

    1. Maintain the FSHPA Inc. Internet web site under the direction of the Executive Council.

     2. Work with the FSHPA Inc. Publicity Director to include items of interest to the general membership and casual observers.

    3. Work with the Newsletter Editor in displaying the FSHPA Inc.’s quarterly newsletter.

    4.  Display individual’s tournament statistics and NATSTAT averages.               

c. The Editor of the FSHPA Newsletter shall:

                    1. Gather, edit and arrange information for publication in the FSHPA Inc. Newsletter.

                    2. Endeavor to make the FSHPA Inc. Newsletter meaningful and interesting to members.

                    3. Publish the FSHPA Inc. Newsletter

                    4. Arrange for printing and mailing of the FSHPA Inc. Newsletter to all  members in good standing.

                d. The Historian shall:

                    1. Gather, record, and preserve data pertaining to the history of FSHPA Inc.

                    2. Submit historical facts and articles of interest to the FSHPA Inc. Newsletter Editor.


Section 3.  Terms of appointment:

      All appointees shall serve for an indefinite period as determined by the Executive Council.





Section 1.  The Standing Committees of the FSHPA Inc. shall be:

      By-Laws, Auditing & Finance, Promotion, Grievance, Hall Of Fame, Nominating/Elections and Junior Program.






Section 1.  Annual Membership Meeting

At this meeting, the annual membership banquet is held in conjunction with the presentation of annual awards; Hall of Fame, Outstanding Member, and Most Improved Player.


Section 2.  Annual Club-Executive Council Meeting

                a. The Executive Council, plus the President of each affiliated Club (or his/her          representative), are empowered to conduct the      business of the organization at this meeting, except for that conducted at its Annual Membership Meeting.

                b. Twelve of the members identified in (a), above, constitute a quorum.

                c. Committee Chairmen, Appointed Officers and the NHPA Regional Director are ex-officio members.

                d. Members identified in (a), above, must be present and possess a current FSHPA Inc./NHPA membership card. Each

                shall have one vote and one additional vote for each 25 NHPA/FSHPA Inc. members. (See Article IX, Section 5a.)

                e. The President, with consent of the Executive Council, shall set the date of this meeting.

                f. Business of this meeting shall include selection of the Annual State Championship Tournament site for two years hence.

                The site is selected by the acceptance of a Club's offer and approval by majority vote. A selected Club must have adequate facilities       and be agreeable to hosting the tournament.

                g. A copy of the minutes of this meeting shall be published in the next issue of the "FSHPA Inc. Newsletter".





Section 1.    The Past President shall appoint a nominating/election committee and a committee chair for the current tournament year.  The nominating/election committee’s function shall be:

                a. Actively seek out candidates for those offices being elected in the current year.

                b. Conduct the election of officers in the following manner:

                                1. Make available a secure polling booth or area at the State Closed Championship Tournament between the hours of 10:00                  AM and 2:00 PM on each and every day of the singles competition.

                                2. Provide printed ballots for each office being elected pre printed with the names of candidate for each office that have                                       declared their candidacy prior to February 15th of the current year.  To make available a blank line for a "write in"                                                 candidate on the ballot form.

                                3. To insure that each voter is an adult resident of Florida, member of the NHPA and FSHPA Inc. and is in good standing                                      as of March 31st of the current year. The Secretary shall provide a list of members in good standing as of March 31st of the                                   current year.

                                4. To insure that the ballot box is secured and will not be opened until after the closing hour of voting on the final day of                                      singles competition. The ballot box(es) may be opened only by the Nominating/Elections committee chair-person, or                                           elections committee member appointed by the FSHPA Inc. President to act in their absence, and in the presence of the                                         FSHPA Inc. President and at least one FSHPA Inc. Vice President  In the absence or disability of the President, the Vice                                        Presidents shall, in their order, assume the duties of the President.

                                5. To provide a bulletin board or similar type of display area for use of those late declaring candidates that wish to place                                        their names for consideration of any office to be contested.

                                6. To provide to the NEWSLETTER editor a list of candidates listed by office, prior to February 15th of the current year.

                                7. To provide for the possibility of a run off election if no candidate for a particular office receives a majority.  The top two                                candidates and ties receiving the most votes shall be in the run off election.  The run off election shall be conducted at the                                    annual awards banquet.  Verified membership in good standing of the FSHPA Inc. is required to vote in the run off                                  election.

                                8. To count and verify the accuracy of the count for each office to the FSHPA Inc. President.


Section 2.  The NEWSLETTER editor shall provide up to one page of space in the MARCH issue for each declared candidate.  Newsletter Editor may edit or refuse objectionable material and may re-size the article to fit the format of the Newsletter.  Candidate has the right to appeal any changes made by the editor to the Executive Council.  Candidates must provide their article to the Newsletter editor prior to February 15th of the current year.


Section 3.  Members in good standing and not attending the annual Closed Championship Tournament may elect to vote by absentee ballot.

                a. Ballots must be requested by voting FSHPA Inc. member through the U.S. Postal Service, cancelled stamp, no later than March 25th of the current year.

b. The Sec/Treas. shall send all ballots through the U.S. Postal Service, cancelled stamp, to the requesting member.

c. All ballots shall be returned by requesting member through the U.S. Postal Service, cancelled stamp, to the Sec/Treas., in the envelope provided, no later than April 5th of the current year.

d. The Sec/Treas. shall provide a list of absentee voters and their ballots to the election committee chairperson.






Section 1.  Clubs shall be organized under the FSHPA Inc. Charter


Section 2.  Any club may apply for affiliation with the FSHPA Inc., by letter addressed to the Secretary-Treasurer, and presented with a list of officers and members.


Section 3.  Affiliation of new Clubs may be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Council. Club certificates shall be issued by the FSHPA Inc. Secretary-Treasurer, and must carry his/her signature, and that of the President.


Section 4.  FSHPA Inc. Club officials shall include a President, Secretary-Treasurer, and a Tournament Director. Officials shall be elected by an annual Club membership vote. Any, or all offices, may be held by one person.                          


Section 5.  A Club President is empowered to participate in conducting the business of FSHPA at the Annual Club-Executive Council Meeting. He/she shall have one vote, except as follows:

                A Club having 25, or more, NHPA/FSHPA Inc. members shall have one additional vote for each 25 NHPA/FSHPA Inc. members. To establish entitlement to additional votes, the Club's membership count must be a certified list, NHPA card number and name, of FSHPA Inc./NHPA members by the Club Secretary to the FSHPA Inc. Sec/Treas., no later than January 31st. A member holding membership in more than one club may only be counted as a member of his/her home club when determining the rights to additional votes.  The membership count, as of the previous year on December 31st, is required.


Section 6.  The Club Tournament Director shall:

                a. Submit to the FSHPA Inc. Secretary-Treasurer a proposed schedule of tournaments, and entry fees, for the ensuing season.

                Submit no later than April 15th of each year, together with his/her name, address, and phone number.

                b. Conduct FSHPA Inc. tournaments at his/her discretion, provided that the FSHPA Inc. By-Laws and NHPA By-Laws are not              violated.

                c. Provide a pitching opportunity for all 30' and 40' pitchers.

                d. Report promptly to the State Statistician the results of sanctioned tournaments conducted in the format prescribed by FSHPA          Inc. and NHPA.

                e. Transmit to the FSHPA Inc. Secretary-Treasurer, the required tournament fee, immediately following each FSHPA Inc.

                sanctioned tournament.

                f. Post the prize list at each tournament being held.


Section 7.  The Club Secretary shall:

a. Maintain a current list of Club members complete with address, phone numbers and NHPA membership card numbers.

b. Report to the FSHPA Inc. Secretary-Treasurer, at the Annual Executive-Club Meeting, the name, address and phone number of all Club officers, whenever there is a change in elected officers.





Section 1.  A State Championship Tournament shall be conducted by the Executive Council. If possible, it will be held annually

during the month of April.


Section 2.  An estimated prize and trophy list shall be developed no later than thirty (30) days prior to the tournament. Approval by a

majority of the Executive Council is required.


Section 3.  Eligibility of entrants:

a. Entries are restricted to FSHPA Inc. members who are residents of the State of Florida as defined  in the FSHPA Inc. By-Laws, Article III, Sec. 1, Sub B.            

b. A member must have pitched in a minimum of five (5) FSHPA Inc. sanctioned  tournaments during the preceding "tournament year". An NHPA sanctioned league membership may be counted as one (1) qualifying tournament, if it covers 400 shoes or more. A State Championship Tournament, shall not count as a qualifying  tournament in any "tournament year".


                NOTE: A "tournament year" is defined as the period starting April 1 and ending March 31 of the following year.


c. A player may not pitch more than once in the same FSHPA Inc. tournament in order to satisfy the five (5) tournament requirement in (b), above.

d. State Championship Tournament entries, with entry fee payment, must be submitted at least twelve (12) days prior to the scheduled date of the tournament

e. All pitchers competing in the State Championship Tournament must have as a minimum their last name professionally lettered on the back of their shirts.  Said shirts cannot be sleeveless.


Section 4.  The State Championship Tournament shall include a separate division for Men, Women, and Elder Men.  Divisions for Senior Men, Senior Women, Junior Boys and Girls will be scheduled and played if the Executive Council deems there are sufficient entrants for competition.


Section 5.  A Championship Division must contain no less than three (3) players.


Section 6.  Some divisions may impose age restrictions on entrants as follows:

a. Men - no age restrictions - pitch 40'

b. Women - no age restrictions - pitch 30'

c. Elder Men – no maximum age - pitch 30’. This division may include any aged man with a verified physical handicap that prevents

pitching 40'.

d. Senior Men - at least 60 years old prior to the day the tournament starts - no maximum age - pitch 40'.

e. Senior Women - at least 60 years old prior to the day tournament starts - no maximum age - pitch 30'.

f. Junior Boys and Girls - any who will be 18 years old, or less, for entire  calendar year in which the tournament is played - pitch

                30'. Junior boys and girls may pitch from 20 feet until the end of the year following their ninth birthday.

g. Handicapped - no age restrictions - pitch 30'.


Section 7.  Handicap scoring is not allowed where a Division Title is involved.


Section 8.  A Championship division cannot be mixed. Other sections in a division may be mixed at the discretion of the Executive Council.


Section 9.  The "Cancellation Method" must be used in the State Championship Tournament.  However, the "Count-All Method" may be used in the preliminary rounds, to determine the championship classes.


Section 10. The winner of each division of the State Championship Tournament shall be declared the State Champion of their respective division.


Section 11.  One-half of the FSHPA Inc. sanctioned tournament fees, received from Club Tournament Directors, during the current fiscal year, shall be added to the State Championship Tournament cash prizes.





Section 1.  All FSHPA Inc. tournaments shall be NHPA sanctioned, so certified, and be conducted in accordance with the NHPA "Official Rules For Horseshoe Pitching".


Section 2.  Entry is restricted to players holding a current NHPA approved membership card.


Section 3.  Each Club will individually establish entry fees for tournaments sponsored by their Club.


Section 4.  Tournament entry requests, with entry fee payments, are due at least seven (7) days before the tournament. "Dropouts" or "No-shows" will forfeit entry fees unless tournament is cancelled.


Section 5.  Mixed tournaments may be conducted at the discretion of the Club. Mixed events must be suitably identified in the FSHPA Inc. tournament schedule.


Section 6.  All pitchers' averages shall be based on the published NHPA NATSTATS averages as described in the NHPA by-laws in ARTICLE XII, Section 3. 


Section 7.  Any member without an average will pitch a minimum 100 consecutive shoes to establish their seeding percentage. This qualifying must be scored in writing, and witnessed by two FSHPA Inc./NHPA members. Alternatively, an NHPA sanctioned Club or league average may be used if it covers 400 shoes or more.


Section 8.  Players shall be assigned to divisions/sections based upon the ringer averages as described in Section 6. They will be grouped in an equitable and reasonable manner.


Section 9.  Ties between contestants shall be decided at the tournament committee’s discretion as per NHPA BYLAW, Article XII, Section 5.  Method of determining finishing positions shall be posted on the tournament grounds prior to start of the tournament.  If the method of determining tied and finishing positions is not posted then the “Who Beat Whom” method as described below shall be used.

a. In the event of a two-way tie for first place, the player who won over the tied  opponent in the regular round robin play will be

                declared the first place winner.

b. If more than two players are tied for first place and one of these tied players has won over all tied opponents in the regular round

                robin play, that player shall be declared first place winner. If this condition does not exist, the players' names will be listed

                according to ringer averages attained in regular round robin play. The two players with the highest ringer averages will be

                declared the first and second place winners as in (a) above.

c. All other position ties will be resolved as in subparagraphs (a) and (b) above.


                NOTE: In handicap or count-all round robin play, use score totals in place of ringer average percentages. Should ringer averages or score totals be tied, determine the listing order using the who-beat-whom method.


d. If  two players are tied at the completion of a game, a 4-shoe tie breaker shall determine the winner - repeating as necessary to

                break the tie.  First pitch goes to the player who pitched last in the last inning. Players shall then alternate first pitch regardless

                of who scores in an overtime inning.

e. If winners in a tournament are determined on the basis of points rather than games won or lost, the above procedure applies.


Section 10.  The handicap and count-all systems of scoring are to be optional throughout any pitching activity except as otherwise provided for the State Championship Tournament.





The rules contained in the current edition of "Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised" shall govern the proceedings of the FSHPA Inc. in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these By-Laws.





Section 1.  These By-Laws may be amended at any Annual Club-Executive Council Meeting. Advance notice of proposed amendment(s) must be submitted to the By-Laws Committee Chairman by February 1st and published in the March NEWSLETTER. Amendments may be clarified and/or modified  at the annual Club Officers/Executive Council meeting. The amendment(s) will be adopted following a two-thirds majority, favoring vote.


Section 2.  These By-Laws may be revised at any Club-Executive Council Meeting by a two-thirds majority favoring vote, providing such revision had been announced at a previous meeting.








This award shall be made annually to the FSHPA Inc. member who has done the most during the previous calendar year to promote and foster the sport of horseshoe pitching. The requirements for this award are:


Section 1.  Any FSHPA Inc. member may nominate another member. Nominations shall be sent to the FSHPA Inc. President.  Deadline for nominations is March 1st of each calendar year.


Section 2.  The nomination should contain sufficient information to permit an intelligent evaluation of the person's entitlement to this recognition.


Section 3.  The Executive Council shall select the recipient of this award based upon the information provided, or otherwise obtained ,concerning the nominee.


                                                        HIGHEST TOURNAMENT YEAR RINGER PERCENTAGE


An award shall be given to the player with the highest ringer percentage in each of the three pitching classes; Men's 40 foot distance, Elders 30 foot pitching distance and Women pitching 30 or 40 feet.


Section 1. Eligibility - The member must have competed in at least 10 FSHPA Inc. sanctioned tournaments in the preceding tournament year.  The winning player must be a resident of the State of Florida.


Section 2.  Ringer percentage will be the true ringer percentage; total ringers divided by total shoes pitched during the tournament year.


                                                      MEMBER COMPETING IN MOST FSHPA TOURNAMENTS


Recognition shall be given to the member(s) that compete in the most FSHPA Inc. sanctioned tournaments in the preceding tournament year.

Section 1.  Eligibility - The winning member must be a resident of the State of Florida.




This award shall be made annually to the member who has most improved his/her ringer average over the previous "tournament year's" ringer average.


Section 1.  Eligibility - The member must have competed in FSHPA Inc. sanctioned tournaments as follows:


                a. Ten (10) tournaments during the current "tournament year".

                b. Five (5) tournaments during the previous tournament year.

                c. Ringer average comparison must be at the same pitching distance.

                d. The member must be a resident of the State of Florida.


Section 2.  The State Statistician will determine the recipient of this award based upon the officially attained ringer averages.




This award shall be made annually to the resident member who averages the highest finishing position in his/her tournament class as described below.


Eligibility - Must be a Florida resident and must have competed in a minimum of 15 FSHPA Inc. sanctioned tournaments.


Average finishing position is derived as follows:

a. A member receives 5 points for each first place finish, 4 points for each second place finish, 3 points for each third place finish

and 1 point for each fourth place finish and zero points for all finishes below fourth.

b. Sum the points as described in (a) above.

c. Divide points by total number of tournaments to arrive at average finishing position.

d. Previous years winners must have improved their ringer percentage a minimum of five percent over the year in which they won the award to be eligible.




This award shall be presented to those members that pitch in all three state tournament events, Mixed Doubles, Doubles and Singles and win their class in all three events.  The award shall read “Triple Crown Winner”.




This award shall be presented to those members that pitch in all three state tournament championship events, Mixed Doubles, Doubles and Singles and win their class in all three events.  The award shall read “Triple Crown Champion”.




The FSHPA Inc. Hall of Fame was established in 1975. A Hall of Fame exhibit is located in Ed Wright Park, Clearwater, Florida. It contains the official FSHPA Inc. Hall of Fame plaque with the names of Hall of Fame members and year of induction, photographs and memorabilia pertinent to its members, FSHPA Inc. and NHPA. New members are inducted at the FSHPA Inc. Annual Awards Banquet which is held in conjunction with the State Championship Tournament.


Section 1.  Eligibility - A candidate must have been:

                a. A resident of Florida and an FSHPA Inc. member for a minimum of five years.

                b. An outstanding player or a member who has performed outstanding service to  FSHPA Inc., and/or NHPA, over a period

                of many years.


Section 2.  Anyone may recommend a candidate. The nominating letter should be addressed to the Chairman, Hall of Fame Committee and contain a history of the candidate's accomplishments in sufficient detail to permit an intelligent evaluation of the person's entitlement to this recognition. Deadline for nominations is March 1 of each calendar year.


Section 3.  The Hall of Fame committee shall:

a. Be selected by the Executive Council. The committee shall consist of the Chairman plus six additional members. The 

        Chairman and all members must have previously been awarded membership in the Florida Hall of Fame.

                b. Selects members for induction; preferably one outstanding pitcher and one outstanding organizer but not necessarily both.

                      Selection may be based upon nominating letters, or background research conducted by committee members, of

                      persons they consider potential candidates.

                c. Vote by secret ballot on a scale of 0-5 for each candidate. A nominee must receive a minimum of twenty-two (22) votes

                       to qualify for induction.


Section 4.  The Hall of Fame Chairman shall:

                a. Transmits copies of nominations to committee members with appropriate ballots.

                b. Tabulates votes and notifies successful nominees of their selection for induction.

                c. Arrange for purchase and presentation of appropriate individual plaques to new inductees.

                d. Arrange for inscription and installation of individual plates on the official  FSHPA Inc. Hall of Fame plaque.


Section 5.  Members of the Hall of Fame shall:

                a. Have a lifetime exemption from payment of FSHPA Inc. annual dues and receive the "FSHPA Inc. Newsletter" without cost.



Standing Rules are for guidance of the Executive Council. They may be adopted, changed or suspended by majority vote at any meeting without notice. Between meetings, the Executive Council may adopt, change, or suspend a Standing Rule; but it must be ratified at the next meeting for it to continue. Standing Rules take effect immediately.


1. The executive Council members shall have their annual FSHPA Inc./NHPA membership, NHPA "Newsline" subscription and          Awards Banquet fees paid by the FSHPA Inc.

2. The Executive Council, by majority vote, may authorize the purchase and presentation of special awards they deem suitable for the advancement and goodwill of the FSHPA Inc.              

3. Authorized NHPA distributors of game related items have sole sales rights at any NHPA Sanctioned tournament and cannot be refused by the tournament director or committee as long as there is no violation of local laws. 

                4. The following must be published in the FSHPA Inc. Newsletter:

                                a. The Annual Report of the Secretary-Treasurer.

                                b. Tournament results.

                                c. Changes to By-Laws.

                                d. Changes in NHPA playing rules.

5. If a current State singles champion enters and pitches in a NHPA World Tournament, his/her initial entry fee shall be paid by FSHPA Inc.

                6. An amount, up to $50.00 (fifty dollars) shall be expended for flowers or other appropriate remembrance upon death of a member.

7. The FSHPA Inc. shall maintain a SPECIAL bank account to cover losses or other contingencies.  Withdrawals from this account shall require prior approval of the Executive Council and the signature of two FSHPA officers (preferably the President and Sec-Treas.).  The FSHPA will strive to maintain a minimum balance of $10,000.00 in this account at all times.

8. The Executive Council shall have as a minimum four meetings per calendar year; one in each calendar quarter.  Each quarterly meeting date, time and place must be published in the FSHPA Inc. newsletter.  The annual Club Officers/Executive Council meeting shall qualify as one of the quarterly required meetings.  The President may call additional emergency meetings as the need arises.

9. Any member wishing to speak before the Executive Council at any scheduled quarterly meeting will be allowed up to five minutes time to make their presentation.  Member's intention to speak and the subject matter to be presented must be made in writing to the President at least 14 days prior to the scheduled meeting.

10. The nominating Committee Chairperson or any member of the nominating committee may not be a current member of the Executive Council.


Accepted as amended on May 15, 1993 at the annual Business Meeting held at Winter Haven, Florida.

Amended May 11, 1996 at the annual Business Meeting held at Winter Haven, Florida.

Amended May 4, 1997 at the annual Club Officers/Executive Council meeting held in Winter Haven, Florida.

Amended May 1, 2000 at the annual Club Officers/Executive Council meeting held in Beverly Hills, Florida.

Amended April 18, 2001 at the annual Club Officers/Executive Council meeting held in Palm Bay, Florida.

Amended April 17, 2002 at the annual Club Officers/Executive Council meeting held in Clearwater, Florida.

Amended April 10, 2003 at the annual Club Officers/Executive Council meeting held in Beverly Hills, Florida.

Amended April 21, 2004 at the annual Club Officers/Executive Council meeting held in Melbourne, FL

Amended April 20, 2005 at the annual Club Officers/Executive Council meeting held in Clearwater, Florida.

Amended April 19, 2006 at the annual Club Officers/Executive Council meeting held in Beverly Hills, Florida.

Amended April 18, 2007 at the annual Club Officers/Executive Council meeting held in Melbourne, Florida.

Amended April 21, 2008 at the annual Club Officers/Executive Council meeting held in Clearwater, Florida