Lord Byron
Take a look at Byron's history in the following federations. Included are brief histories, greatest matches and
special interviews...
Byron's debut federation, WAR!...
The incredible IFWF...
And the award-winning IIWF.
Lord Byron's Character Sheet:
Name: Lord Byron
Handler: Mike Parkinson (b9557804@wlv.ac.uk)
Height/Weight: 6'3"/265lbs
Age: 26 (9 years ring experience)
Description: Lord Byron is a fairly handsome man, well built
with a clearly defined muscle structure. He has longish dark brown hair,
centre parted or occasionally tied back in a small bob. He has grey eyes,
and is predominantly left handed. To the ring he dresses in all black wrestling
leggings, with a blue sash around the waist and a Lancastrian red rose
design curling around the left thigh. When being interviewed, he usually
wears expensive designer suits or tuxedos. In either case, he always carries
his black, brass topped weap...er.. cane with him.
Entrance Music: Intermezzo from Karelia Suite
(by Sibelius)
Wrestling Style: Byron is an incredibly gifted ring technician, and can
take the initaitive in a match with almost contemptous ease, and string combinations of
throws and holds together before his opponent knows what's happening. He prefers to keep
the match under control and at a pace which suits him, and he has the ability to do just
that. He is an intelligent grappler, and will take time at the start of a match to psyche
out, confuse, or infuriate his opponents, but once the match gets underway, his attitude
becomes increasingly professional and businesslike. Byron considers himself to be "The finest
technical wrestler in the World", and as you would expect from such a boast, the man
posesses incredible skills in the grapple and on the mat, as well as being an exceptionally
fast thinking counter-wrestler.
Typical Tactics: Keeping his opponent grounded with headlock,
armdrag or waistlock takedowns, before using armbars or facelocks to keep
them on the mat. From there he will slowly wear them down by switching
between high impact manuvers, pinning manuevers and submission holds, taking
time to weaken a particular body area (usually the legs). Specialist
matches that Byron favours include Submission matches, Pure Science matches
and Iron Man matches.
An example of Byron's range of moves...
- Takedowns: Armdrag, headlock takedown, waistlock takedown, single-leg
takedown, snapmare, fireman's carry takedown.
- Submission holds: Armbar, hammerlock, crucifix armbar, reverse chinlock,
facelock, full and three-quarter nelson, abdominal stretch, boston crab, STF, figure-four
leglock, Indian Deathlock, knee crosslock, drop toehold, surfboard submission.
- Pinning manuevers: Small package, inside and reverse cradles,
crucifix, pinning suplexes (epecially the Fisherman's, Northern Lights and nelson variations),
Lou Thetz press, La Magisterial cradle.
- High impact: European uppercut, fistdrop, inverted atomic drop,
standing dropkick, snap suplex, waistlock suplex, front-layout suplex,
side backbreaker, spinning neckbreaker, reverse neckbreaker, inverted neckbreaker,
side Russian legsweep, kneebreaker, shoulderbreaker, hammerlock slam, DDT, backspin
DDT, tiger bomb, Doctor Bomb, powerslam, piledriver, square driver, backdrop driver.
Specialist manuevers:
- Spinning Enzuigiri Kick: Often used by Byron as a secondary
finisher, Byron leaps into the air, spinning backwards to strike his opponent
a blow to the side of their head with the heel of his foot. The stirke
is powerful enough to stun almost any opponent, and has even been known
to pole-axe light-heavyweights.
- Neck-snap Bulldog: Similar to a rolling neckbreaker, if Byron's
opponent is in a sitting position, he will run up behind them, grabbing their
head by the hair and smashing it face first between their own legs and into
the canvas. He often sets up this move with a snapmare.
- The Aristoclutch: Byron's pride and joy, and the ultimate proof
of his technical ability, this move is, in effect, a combined sleeperhold/leglock.
Byron takes hold of his opponents foot while they are face down on the
canvas, and twists it around his own leg before throwing himself down to
the canvas backwards in a very painful legbreaker. Maintaining this hold,
Byron reaches back and pulls up his opponents head before locking a modified
sleeperhold on. Byron then bridges his back to exert the pressure, steadying
his balance with his other leg.
The hold is practically irreversible, and the only way for the opponent to relieve the pressure is to arch their
back further, which in turn allows Byron to lock the hold in tighter and
make it more painful! The beauty of the hold means that the opponent doesn't
even have to submit, as the sleeperhold can render them unconcious if they
remain trapped for too long. However, the move is not inescapable, and
some opponents have been known to power out of it or lever off the sleeperhold
(which breaks the pressure completely). But an opponent would have to be
either very brave or very crazy to try this, as they contribute towards
the pressure exerted on the knee in doing so. For a lot of Byron's opponents,
the ropes remain the only way to escape.
Toughest Opponents:
- Creed (IIWF)
- 'Quickstrike' Chris Quigley (IIWF)
- The American Enforcer (IFWF)
- 'The Living Legend' Jean-Pierre Vachon (IFWF)
- Booster Dunne (WAR!)
- Bane (WAR!)
Title History:
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