
Welcome to my Skelton Page. Here I have compiled some data and pictures taken using an ion camera and made a short fact file about the village of Skelton.

Skelton was acknowledged as a village shortly after the Norman conquest in 1066 and is mentioned in the Doomsday book. The word Skelton can be broken down into 'Skel' which means brook or rivulet and 'ton' which means town or village. Robert De Brus was rewarded for bravery by William the conqueror with what is now known as Skelton castle estate. Since then the castle and grounds have been owned by eight different families that are all related to Robert De Brus. Skelton gradually grew as a residential settlement over a number of years. During the early nineteenth century the village grew as a mining settlement to house the workers from nearby ironstone mines. Nowadays all the mines have closed and Skelton is primarily a residential area housing workers for the large industries on Teesside like ICI and British Steel. There is also a small industrial estate in Skelton. Skelton has a population of approximately 4260 people.

This is a map of Skelton. At the bottom of the map you can see Skelton Green. Above Skelton Green is Skelton. The High Street is the larger road going on the horizontal this is the A173. The main High Street starts just below the Civic hall and continues right until aroung the first road off it. North Skelton is the built up area in the right bottom of the map while New skelton is between this and Skelton. In new Skelton is where the primary school is and also the playing fields and tennis courts are situated. There is at the moment a bypass of Skelton been built which runs just above the seconday school(top left) and running to just after North Skelton. Between this new road and the Main village of Skelton there is going to be the construction of around 600 new homes as well as a proposed new primary school and maybe a leisure center.

A map of Skelton

Skelton has an Infants School(with nursery), a Junior School and a Secondary School. I went to all these schools before going to Prior Pursglove College at nearby Guisborough. After two years at Prior Pursglove I decided to continue my education by going to Teesside University where I am currently studing a BSc(Hons) Computer Science.

De Brus Secondary School

Skelton has two COE(Church of England) churches. The oldest one is situated near to the castle. This is the old "All Saints Church". There is also a new "All Sants church" which was built in 1884 to replace the old church. This can hold approximately 600 people.

The old All Saints Church Skelton

All Saints Church, Skelton

As well as the Anglican Churches there is a Methodist Chapel. This was built in 1877 and can hold approximately 720 people.

Skelton Methodist Chapel

The services in Skelton include a firestation, a health center and a library.

The Library Skelton Health Center
The Fire Station

There are 3 pubs in Skelton with further pubs in the other 3 small villages of Skelton Green, North Skelton and New Skelton. The Wharton Arms in the probably the largest and this can be seen here. The other pubs include the green tree, the miners arms and the George.

The Wharton Arms

In the older part of Skelton is the green. Here is the old whipping stone and the memorial cross.

The Memorial

The high street of Skelton has 1 bank 1 building society as well as numourous estate agents. There is a newsagents, minimarkets, butchers, bakers and green grocers.

Start of Skelton High Street

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