Press Release
Fox Valley Flying Club Announces Formation
of Precision Aerobatic Flying Team
March 17, 1998

By Reuters News Agency

Bolingbrook, Illinois.  At a press conference today, noted aviator Kevin Bertorelli, events director for the Fox Valley Flying Club, head quartered at Clow International Airport, announced that his club has formed a precision aerobatic flying team.  In a prepared statement, Mr. Bertorelli said, "We are pleased that after months of preparation and training, our team will be able to appear during the upcoming flying season at several major events.  We have already lined up appearances at the annual EAA Convention at Oshkosh and at the Chicago Air and Water Show in August.  Four members of our club, flying specially modified Quicksilver MX ultralight aircraft will put on a show like none other."

During a question and answer period following the reading of his statement, Mr. Bertorelli displayed a photograph of the team in action.  Said Mr. Bertorelli; "This photograph was taken last fall at our teams training area near Peru, Illinois and quite dramatically demonstrates the extraordinary skill and daring our pilots possess.  When word of the formation of this team leaked out, we got offers from pilots all over the world that wanted to become part of this historic undertaking.  We even had to turn down a former member of the Navy's Blue Angels.  It's interesting that when word of something like this gets out, pilots just come out of the woodwork.  Unfortunately, a lot of pilots just don't realize how demanding flying one of these aircraft really is.  Our team is made up entirely of current members of The Fox Valley Flying Club."