1. One interview or Challange per week, but Role Play a lot. (Min. 1 per week)
2. Tell me why you want to fight this person.
3. must be at least 1 paragraph long.
4. No sneak attacking wrestlers in Role Play's, no using other's wrestlers in RPs.
5. Punctuation and grammar DO count towards your matches so try and double check them.
6. Cursing is permitted.
7. No attacking in interviewers.
8. Matches must be requested or I will plan matches for wrestlers.
9. No all caps roleplays, ie. "I WILL BEAT YOU!!", No all CRAP RPs, such as "Hanging with Bill Clinton @...."


1. You must create your wrestler using the form.
2. You cannot use: a real wrestler's name, anything copyrighted.
4. To get a match Signed, Send a challenge to gary_owen@eee.org (Note: All challenges must be sent in by the night after each card, no later. All challenges must be accepted by 2 days before the card, NO LATER!)
After the challenge has been accepted, the match will be on the next available card.
5. Sneak attacks are permitted, but they must be done this way: NOT DURING ROLEPLAYS. You must send me a letter saying to who and when the attack will occur, but only during scheduled matches (ie. Not at home while he was sleeping or like that)
6. Stables must be reported (Stables are groups of characters who all work together, ie. NWO, Dungeon of Doom)
7. NO more than 2 wrestlers per person.                                                                                     8. New title Shot Rule. I have had all these rookies challenge champions. I'm sorry guys, but I just can't give you the title. So here is my new rule. You need at Least 5 wins. Those do not count Jobber matches, You can't fight a jobber 5 times and then call for a shot. So 5 WINS, GUYS, decent matches. You have to prove to me that you deserve the title. at least. Then make your challenges.