William Neff High School Class of 1967

Come here to find out the latest news and information on the happenings with the class of

Last update: February 2nd, 2009

Your class reunion committee is made up of:

Judy (Brown)Wiemer
Kathi (Donohue)Jauert
Brenda (Burklin)Thurman
Susie (Buckridge)Gomez
Terry and Debbie Harper
Maria (Tovar)Cowles
Jim Pool

The next reunion committee meeting will be sometime in October. Do you need to contact the committee? Send an email to them Class of 67 Reunion Committee

To the Class of '67 Neff Alumni -We would like to thank all of your for your generous donations to the committee to help put on the 40th reunion. The reunion committee is busy at work planning events for future reunions. In order to provide the most fun for all, there are some costs that come up along the way. Some of these costs are: mailings (including paper, envelopes, stamps, etc.), gifts and prizes for the reunions, and other incidentals that go into reunion planning. So, we would like to take this opportunity to let you know that any donations would be greatly appreciated - and - no donation is too small. If you want to help out the cause, please mail your contributions to Kathi Jauert - 29069 Old Wrangler Rd. - Canyon Lake, CA 92587. Thanks - and we'll see you at the next Neff event - Neff Reunion Committee

Web site with old photos of NEFF HS and other photos.

Here is a great web site by Debbie Jones with some photos from the past.There are pictures of NEFF being torn down....very sad. There are photos from the multi year reunion in 2001.Old photos

Neff High School Class of 1967 40 Year Class Reunion Pictures have been moved. To view them click here

The memory books and dvd's where sent out and we hope you're enjoying them.

Hello all, Well the reunion weekend has come and gone. What a great time. We had about 25 people at the Friday night cocktail party/dinner with Larry Bosworth and Richard Seimer making a surprise visit.

Saturday during the day was a sit around and catch up on old times with everyone checking in. The actual reunion on Saturday night started on time and what a time.

The room was decorated with memorabilia that Judy Brown - Wiemer has kept since high school. Our group class picture..........you know the one in front of the school............was posted up on the wall and it was great to see everyone looking for themselves. We tried to take a picture simulating that picture. We had the alumni find themselves in the original and get in that same general position for our photo. I Doubt if it will be even close but it was fun trying.

The entertainment was unbelievable. Our surprise guests were a tribute band to the Beatles called "Imagine the Beatles". They've performed in Las Vegas and do celebrities parties. They had just done Tom Hanks birthday. They did 3 sets, one for each phase of the Beatles career. Everyone was up dancing and singing. Susie found the group and we're glad she did. They don't usually do small groups but Susie sweet talked them into performing......and wrote them a really big check. By the way the reunion committee couldn't believe it when Ruth (Ruark) Kennedy actually guessed who we were going to have. I was scolded and given strict orders not to give out any more hints after Ruths email.

It was great seeing everyone. I think Don Templeton and Don Solanas traveled the farthest to be there. Dave Bernoudy rode his Harley down from Washington State and Cubby and Sally Armstrong drove in from Oregon in his vette. Buddy and and his wife flew in from Texas. It was good to see Buddy Rumley and Don have both recovered from their little heart surgeries.

The old cross country team made an appearance. I doubt if you would recognize them..... :-)

The food was good, the dessert was even better. We had some great raffle items that we auctioned off.

I've got to tell you for me it was one of the best times I have ever had. To see so many faces from so long ago. Some just 5 years ago others I haven't seen since high school. I wish it could have gone on longer.

Thanks to Rick Cline and Maury Gomez for being our official photographers for the evening. Thanks to Susie, Kathi, Judy, Brenda, Maria, Debbie and Terry, and my lovely wife for all the hard work they did right up to the last minute to pull this off......I've got to tell you back in June I thought for sure we were going to have to cancel it. Thanks to the many people who made donations to the reunion committee that helped us pay for this. And thanks to all of you who were able to attend the reunion and make it so special for so many.

New Email addresses

Patti Smith has a new email address.
Yes can you believe it....Steve Johnson is still alive and kicking.
Melanie Westcott's new email address
Bev Stone
Sue Shockey
Jeannie Reeves
D'Arcy Rigby
Dave Bernoudy
Tim Courson
Cheryl (Edwards)Fox
Steve Johnson
Cubby Armstrong
Ruth Ruark Kennedy
Melanie Thiel Westcott,class of 68
Dan Wolosuk, class of 68
Pam Estrada
John Boyer
Sally Galvan

Past Grad Updates

I have uploaded a few pictures of the Africa trip that Susie, Judy and I took with our families in May. If you would like to see them go to Africa pictures

General information

Do you have an email address?? Or even your own homepage? Let us know so we can create a link to it. If you have a change of living address or found the home address of one of our past classmates we have been looking for send us an e-mail at I'm alive!

Get your email address posted here. Send your email address to email update so the reunion committee can keep track of where you are and other grads can contact you if they want, or avoid you depending if they still hate you from something that you might have done some 40 years ago.
Looking for a past love? a future love? Maybe someone you can borrow money from? If you don't let us know where you are how the heck do you expect us to contact you??

List of other class mates email addresses. Oh go ahead and send them an email
Just click on the mailbox following their name.

Mike Adams . Stephanie Adams . Merlin Albright Home Page website Click here.
Cheryl Ankeney Marco Annes .Cubby Amrstrong .
Dave Bernoudy .Vickie Berry . Tyrone Borelli .
John Boyer .Susan Buckridge . Brenda Burklin . Jim Carrigan .
Rick Cline Home page website click here .
Tim Courson . Deborah Dennison . Mel Desselle . Kathi Donohue . Dennis Dyer .
Cheryl (Edwards)Fox . Leonard Essman . Pam Estrada Her web site Click here
Dianne Fifer . Sally Galvan .Richard Gardner .
Lynne Garfield . Dale and Jeanne Gelder . Terry and Debbie Harper .
Randy Henderson .Tom Hooper .Wofgand "Butch" Holst
Cindy Johnson . Steve Johnson .Dave Keaton .
Ruth Ruark Kennedy . Steve Knight. Todd Lewis . Bonnie Lorig's email is no longer any good . David MacCormack Home Page website Click here. Jim Martin .
George and Susan Medlin .David(Walter)Mcghee . Liz McLucas . Ismael Parra .
Jim Pool or Home email Home Page website Click here. Bill Quigley .
Jeannie Reeves D'Arcy Rigby .Buddy Rumley .Joe Russo .
Sue Shockey. Patti Smith Don Solanas . Darwin Southard .Bev Stone Lee Strom .
Mike Svetilik . Don Templeton. Maria Tovar . Judy Weimer . Kathy Welch .
Sara Winemiller-Page . Paul Winston . Tyler Zambory .

Other email addresses for past grads from other years.

Sally Tinnell .Colleen Asper . Steve Berklite . Barbi Braff . Steve Hampton Not sure of this email address.Nancie Pollock . Denny Ruby . Dean Strom . Robin Schaffer . Barbara Tharp . Melanie Westcott .
Dan Wolosuk .

If you have suggestions on what you would like to see on the home page or how to improve it send your suggestions to 1-800 "Go To....." Just kidding, send an e-mail to ME

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