Tony's 'Ironman' fitness program

Please note: before starting any fitness program, please check with your barman first as to your overall fitness level. Three Rivers takes no resposiblity for ant injuries, coronary trombones or cirrouses that may occure do to following this course

Fitness. There's no getting away from it, no matter what your skill level, every player needs to be tip-top condition to survive the rigours of a full season of bone crunching, tendon stretching, muscle pulling football. And what better way to get fit, than to follow Tony Fitz's fitness regime. As you can see, from just a cursory glace at this is a man who take his fitness seriously. Now get out those leotards and go for the burn!
  1. OK, lets start with nution. Food, as you are no doubt aware, is the fuel that feeds our bodies with the energy that they need to get though the day. For a professional athele such as myself, energy in the form of carbohydrate is the prime consideration closly followed by protien to build muscle, vitiamins and minerals for healthy teeth and bones and lastly a small amont of fat. Fortunately, all of these food groups are present in the wonder food of the ninties - Lard.