
This website was created as an assignment for my class CIS 319 Computers and Information Processing at the University of Phoenix.


Ok, so I liked the look of the blog that I had created, so I decided to try and make the webpage look similar. While we are talking about my Blog, why don't you go and check it out: Dan's CIS319 Blog

Speaking of blogs, I also started on a Wiki. A Wiki is a blog that anyone can contribute to. Now, there isn't much on the Wiki, the interface was poorly designed and I became frustrated with it. But you are welcome to check it out: Dan's CIS319 Wiki

When I first sat down thinking about what to put on my website, I decided that I wanted to do something snazzy. Well, I had hockey on the mind, since the NHL had recently cancelled the season, so I decided to create a Hangman game using hockey terms. Now, I know that there a probably a million hangman games out there and I'm sure if I had looked I could of found the code for it, but what fun would have that been? So, I wrote a hockey hangman game from scratch using only client-side JavaScript due to limitations from that come from using free web hosting. So, please check it out and see how your hockey term knowledge is: Hockey Hangman

Once I had completed the Hockey Hangman, I realized that I really should have used CIS terms from our book. So, I created a version of Hangman with terms found in our CIS319 text. The game has over 60 terms from the book. Test your skills, but if you get hanged once, you need to do some more studying: CIS319 Hangman

Now, the assignment stated that I had to include both an audio and an image file. Well I had incorporated several images in the hangman games, but I never did get around to adding audio to the game (although that was an idea I did have and may still add). So, I decided I needed to find a good audio file. I then thought of my favorite political quote from Donald Rumsfeld. I did a quick Google search and found an MP3 file from when Rumsfeld spoke it. So, why don't you check out my favorite Rumsfeld quote and while you are at it, I have made it possible for you to gaze at him: Rumsfeld's Unknown



Dan's CIS319 Blog

Dan's CIS319 Wiki

CIS319 Hangman

Hockey Hangman

Rumsfeld's Unknown

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