YeeHan's Personal Homepage

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Who Am I



Who Am I

Hello & Selamat Datang. I am Look Yee Han, a Secondary 4 student in Malaysia. My main objective in producing this homepage is to make my presence known in the Net. Aside from that, I will also provide informations on playing chess via the Internet.

My main interests are in the area of chess, Star Trek, physics & mathematics. Occasionally, I dabble around with computer languages such as C++ & HTML. I am currently trying out the HTML language since it's one of the "in thing" nowadays. Anyway, this homepage one of my experiments with the language, so please fill in the feedback form to give me suggestions on how to improve it. This homepage will be updated as I progress in the HTML language, so please visit again.

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Chess is a game enjoyed by many people all over the world. The Internet has presented to chess enthusiasts exciting new ways to further indulge in their interest. There are mainly two ways to play chess on the Net, online chess & E-Mail chess. Click on the links below to find out more.

Online Chess (via telnet)

E-Mail Chess (via E-Mail)

Aside from the two services available, serious chessplayers have access to virtually limitless database of games & openings. Chessplayers can also obtain the latest news & games that are recently played in international tournaments. Follow this link to obtain the URL of several chess related homepages.

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Here are links that may be of interest..

Homepage of Malaysia's Prime Minister

Malaysia's Homepage

Chess Related Homepages

SMSJ's Homepage

Bogus Domain (by Rudi Cheow)

Tang Chi Yan's Home On The Net

The Star Online

HotWired Online

Time International

CNN Interactive

Ziff Davies Net

International Mensa Homepage

Malaysian Mensa Society

Barry's Clip Art Server

Amazon Online Bookstore

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Look Yee Han
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Last revised: January 27, 1997.