The Dog Pound


Click On The Result For The Boxscore!

(All Times Eastern)

DATE         OPPONENT                  TIME      Result
October   3  Albany                    7:30pm
          4  at Hershey                7:00pm
         10  Rochester                 7:30pm
         14  Syracuse                  7:30pm
         17  Rochester                 7:30pm
         21  Adirondack                7:30pm
         24  at Providence             7:05pm
         26  at New Haven              5:05pm
         29  at Albany                 7:00pm
         31  at Syracuse               7:30pm
November  2  Providence                2:00pm 
          7  Syracuse                  7:30pm 
          8  Syracuse                  7:30pm 
         10  at Syracuse               7:30pm 
         12  at Philadelphia           7:00pm 
         14  Albany                    7:30pm 
         16  at Rochester              6:05pm 
         19  at Albany                 7:00pm 
         21  Rochester                 7:30pm 
         26  at Cincinnati             7:35pm 
         28  at Kentucky               7:30pm 
         29  at Cincinnati             7:35pm 
December  2  Fredericton               7:30pm 
          5  Albany                    7:30pm 
          6  at Adirondack             7:30pm 
         12  Cincinnati                7:30pm 
         13  Cincinnati                7:30pm 
         17  Rochester                 7:30pm 
         19  at Rochester              7:35pm 
         20  at Albany                 7:00pm 
         23  Fredricton                7:30pm 
         27  St Johns Nfld             7:30pm 
         29  St Johns Nfld             7:30pm 
         31  at Syracuse               7:30pm 
January   2  Rochester                 7:30pm 
          4  at Rochester              6:05pm 
          8  at Saint John NB          6:30pm 
          9  at St Johns Nfld          6:05pm 
         10  at St Johns Nfld          6:05pm 
         13  Saint John NB             7:30pm 
         16  at Cincinnati             7:35pm 
         18  at Kentucky               5:00pm 
         20  Saint John NB             7:30pm 
         23  Philadelphia              7:30pm 
         24  at Hershey                7:00pm 
         27  St Johns Nfld             7:30pm 
         29  at Kentucky               6:30pm 
         30  at Cincinnati             7:35pm 
         31  at Kentucky               7:30pm  
February  4  Adirondack                7:30pm 
          6  St Johns Nfld             7:30pm 
          8  at Adirondack             6:00pm 
         13  New Haven                 7:30pm 
         15  at Fredricton             1:00pm 
         16  at Albany                 2:00pm 
         18  at Adirondack             7:00pm 
         20  Albany                    7:30pm 
         22  Kentucky                  4:00pm 
         24  Kentucky                  7:30pm 
         27  at Rochester              7:35pm 
March     1  Adirondack                2:00pm 
          6  Syracuse                  7:30pm 
          7  at Saint John NB          6:00pm 
         10  at Fredricton             6:30pm 
         11  at St Johns Nfld          6:05pm 
         12  at St Johns Nfld          6:05pm 
         14  Hershey                   7:30pm 
         15  Hershey                   2:00pm 
         18  at Adirondack             7:00pm 
         20  at Syracuse               7:30pm 
         22  at Rochester              6:05pm 
         24  Philadelphia              7:30pm 
         27  Syracuse                  7:30pm 
         29  at Syracuse               5:00pm 
April     1  at Philadelphia           7:00pm 
          3  Kentucky                  7:30pm 
          5  Kentucky                  2:00pm 
          9  Adirondack                7:30pm 
         11  Cincinnati                7:30pm 
         12  Cincinnati                2:00pm 

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