These are all tapes of matches that I have made by taping certain matches off of WWF Raw, and on one tape, WWF Superstars as well. All tapes are 4 hours

Raw and Superstar matches from late 1995

Razor Ramon vs 1-2-3 Kid:Kid wants revenge after Razor yelled at him and slapped him the week before.

Savio Vega & Bob Holly vs Kama & Tatanka

Yokozuna&Owen Hart vs The Smoking Gunns:The day after IYH 3. Yoko and Owen were just given back the tag titles but lose them the same night to the Gunns.

Horowitz & Hakushi vs Skip & Rad Radford

British Bulldog vs Fatu:Why did I keep this? I hated Fatu

Razor Ramon vs 1-2-3 Kid:The Kid is fighting for respect

Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs Barry Horowitz

Bret Hart vs Jean Pierre LafiteThis was a great match!

Horowitz vs Dean Douglas:A few seconds in Skip, Sunny and Radford come towards the ring to watch for a moment. We find out that Radford wants to be a Bodydonna.

Sid & Kama vs Bam Bam Bigelow & Henry Godwinn

Yokozuna, Owen Hart & Bulldog vs Micheals, Diesel & Undertaker:After the match King Mabel attacks Undertaker with Yokozuna giving him that “crushed face”, Dean Douglas comes to beat on Shawn a little and Bulldog also beats on Diesel.

Skip vs Fatu:Why did I keep this? I still hate Fatu

Razor & 1-2-3 Kid vs Jacob and Eli Blu:Forget why I kept this too.

Diesel vs Walon Mercy:This was Mercy's last matche before he left the WWF. At least on television

Hunter vs Doink

Smoking Gunns vs PG-13:Tag titles on the line, one of PG’s only WWF appearences before the Nation of Domination.

Bret Hart vs Isaac Yankem:Cage match. If Lawler gets involved he goes in his own cage above the ring.

Dean Douglas vs Hakushi

20 man battle royal:Winner gets a match with Ramon for the IC title.

Bertha Fay vs Alundra Blaze:Blaze regains the WWF Womens championship

Ramon & 1-2-3 Kid vs Yokozuna & Owen Hart:I always liked the team of Yoko and Owen.

Raw Matches from late 1996 to Early 1997

Marc Mero vs Hunter Heart Helmsley:Was suppose to be Mr.Perfect, but Perfect is hurt so Mero steps in to take his place. Perfect turns on Mero and Hunter wins the IC title.

"Double J" Jesse James vs Salvatore Sincere:Jesse James' return to the WWF

Mankind vs "Stone Cold" Steve Austin:Tough man contest

Phinis Godwinn vs New Diesel:I loved the Fake Razor and Fake Diesel. New Razor Ramon showed up at ringside to help Diesel

World champ Sid vs IC champ Hunter Hearst Hemsley:non title both ways

Bart Gunn vs Goldust:Billy Gunn gives comments from backstage about how he carried Bart. A look at how terrible Billy's mic skills use to be.

"Double J" Jesse James vs Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw and Zebikiah:Handicap match. This was Zeb's last WWF apearence with Justin attacking and branding him after the match

Vader vs Austin:Tough Man contest

New Razor Ramon & New Diesel vs The Godwinns:Have to love New Razor and Diesel

Billy Gunn vs Bart Gunn:Billy suffers his "neck injury" during the match

Hunter vs Mero:If Hunter is DQed or counted out he loses the IC title

Faarooq & "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs Savio Vega & "Double J" Jesse James:James is hurt but Bret Hart runs to ringside and gets to take his place in the match

Hunter vs Flash Funk:Non-title

Jerry Lawler vs Goldust:Hunter is on commentary and gets invovled

Owen Hart vs Mankind:Tough man contest

Doug Furnas & Phil Lafon vs New Razor Ramon & New Diesel

Bret Hart vs Vader:Shawn does commentary and Austin shows up for a moment

Hunter & Jerry Lawler vs Mero & Goldust

Rocky Mivia vs The British Bulldog:Bret Hart does commentary and Owen comes out to keep a eye on his brother when Austin show up and attacked Bulldog. A look at the earily Rock

Undertaker vs Crush:The rest of the Nation and Vader come out to beat on The Undertaker

Owen Hart & The Bulldog vs Doug Furnas and Phil Lafon:Non-title

Faarooq vs Bart Gunn:Why did I keep this one?

Ahmed Johnson vs Crush

Vader & Mankind vs The Godwinns:Hints at a Vader/Mankind break up. This was the last main event before RAW went two hours.

Hunter vs Rocky Mivia:From Thursday RAW Thursday, Rocky wins the IC title for the first time

Bret Hart vs Sid:The day after IYH Final Four, Steve Austin attacks both men, then later before a restart he just attack Bret and when the match is underway hits Bret with a chair behind the ref's back to get Sid the belt

Raw matches from 1997

Owen Hart vs British Bulldog:Finals of the European title tournament.

Billy Gunn vs Aldo Montoya:Aldo's last WWF match on TV.

Mini Vader & Mini Mankind vs Mini Goldust & Mascarita Sagrada Jr.:The Jr. guy was Max Mini. After the match Jr. does a killer dive off the top of the Raw Ramp onto Mini Vader

Sid vs Bret Hart:Steel cage world title match. Just before WM13 so Austin comes to help Bret win the title and Undertaker comes down to help Sid keep the title

Headbangers vs Owen Hart & British Bulldog:Owen and Bulldog fight after the match and Owen challenges Davey Boy for a European title match

Flash Funk vs Brooklyn Brawler:Broolyn Brawler is classic

Headbangers vs Barry Horowtiz & Freddie Joe Flode:Last TV appearence in the WWF for both Barry and Joe

Rob Van Dam vs Jeff Hardy:Lawler proclaims Rob "Mr.Monday Night". It's Rob's WWF debute.

Rob Van Dam vs Flash Funk:Paul E and Tommy Dreamer are at ringside. After the match Paul and Tommy jump the guardrail and there is a Paul/Tommy/Lawler/Rob brawl at ringside

RockaBilly vs Bart Gunn:Rockabilly was also classic, a lot of thought went into this gimmick, a smoking gunn in a jacket that reads "Rockabilly", that's about it.

Ahmed & Undertaker vs Faarooq/???:Farrooq is putting together the new Nation, Kama(Godfather) is his mystery partner and after the match Ahmed turns on UT to be the other new member

Sabu vs Flash Funk:Paul E broadcasts

HHH (with Chyna)vs Goldust (with Marlena) vs Owen (with Pillman):Triple threat match for the IC title, Pat Patterson special ref. First fall is the winner.

Jerry Lawler & Brian Christopher vs Ivan and Scott Putski: Mr.Personality, Scott Putski

Bulldog & Owen vs Austin/???:The finals of the tag tournament after Shawn disapeared. Austin fights half the match with no partner before Dude Love shows up to join him. Dude Love's debut.

Tajiri Yoshiro vs Taka Michinoku:Why did I keep this one?

Boriquas and DOA brawl in a parking lot:Boriquas destory one of the DOA's bikes and Chainz are slaughted with a garbage can in the background

HHH vs Cactus Jack:Pinfalls count anywhere. Jack's WWF debute

Everyone stands at the top of the Raw Ramp for a ten bell salute for Brian Pillman:Along with the Owen Hart Tribute Raw, this is the most imporant peice of footage I have.

Headbangers vs Godwinns:non-title lumberjack match

Jim Ross narates a tribute to Brian Pillman:Really nice.

Gidwinns vs LOD:LOD wins they win the tag titles, they lost they leave WWF. Of course LOD wins and Godwinns beat up Uncle Cletus after the match, so long Uncle.

Vader vs Bulldog:Dog collar match. Steve Blackman debutes when he runs out from the crowd to help Vader.

Migel vs D-Lo vs Rekon vs Chainz:Four corner, single elimination match. Everyone's group is at ringside

Hunter vs Jim Niedhart:This was the Anvils last WWF match. After the match WCW is spray painted on his back by Shawn

Mark Henry vs Brooklyn Brawler:Brooklyn Brawler is classic.

Shawn vs Hunter:The European title mock match. Hunter wins the gold.

Barry Windham vs Jeff Jarrett:Jeff wins the match to decide the NWA North American Championship.

Jackyl vs Scott Taylor:I love the Jackyl's wrestling style. Kurrgan is at ringside

Raw matches from 1998

Hardcore Legends vs New Age Outlaws: Cage match, day after WrestleMania 14. Outlaws win the titles again and join DX

Luna Vachon vs male jobber

Vince vs Austin: world title match, Dude Love comes down and attacks Austin.

DOA & LOD vs DX: DX team is Hunter, Outlaws and Chyna, it's Chyna's first WWF in-ring action

Foley vs Funk: pinfalls count anywhere, Foley wins he's he number one contender again

DX visits the WCW main office

DX visits the CNN center

The Rock and D-Lo vs Autsin and Vince: Vince teams with Steve just to screw him over

Patterson and Brisco vs Austin: street fight, Slaughter is the ref

The Original Oddities with Jackyl debute with the killer creepy circus music

Golga vs Thrasher

LOD & Droz vs DOA: Fight in a alley

DX vs Nation: Hunter and Outlaws vs Rock, Owen and D-Lo in a Survivor Series elimination style match

DOA vs LOD vs New Age Outlaws: tag titles on the line

10 Tag Team Royal Rumble

Edge vs Jose: Edge's WWF debute

Brawl For All Match: Marc Mero vs Blackman

Hunter vs Owen vs Shamrock: King of Kings match

Brawl For All Match: Mark Canterbury vs Bradshaw

Kane vs Austin: world title, Austin regains title

Brawl For All Match: Brakkus vs Savio Vega

Shamrock vs Jeff Jarrett: King Mabel returns and attacks Shamrock

Brawl For All Match: Hawk vs Droz

King Mabel vs Shamrock: King Mabel's first, and only match back in the WWF before he returned again at the 1999 Rumble.

Mankind vs Kane vs Undertaker: #1 contender's match, Undertaker dress up like Kane

DX does a Nation paraody

New Age Outlaws vs Kane and Mankind: Kane and Mankind win the tag titles

New Age Outlaws vs Kane and Mankind: Outlaws get a rematch at Kane and Mankind the same night, Austin and Undertaker are refs on the outside

D-Lo vs Hunter: D-Lo wins the European title

Brawl For All Match: Pierre vs Steve Williams Williams WWF debute