Nederlandstalig Reglement uit de Spellen Bibliotheek van Chiro Bret-Gelieren

The rules of the game

The Philosophy

Danball was created and exists for one sole purpose: fun.

The Directions

The instructions below are those for "official" World League matches. When playing just for fun, feel free to fool with the rules. They are meant to be flexible. By no means should you let them interfere with the fun you're supposed to have.
Danball is played by two teams, each with three or more players. Only three players from each team are allowed on the field at a time. If either team has fewer than three players, the game will be halted until both teams have three players.
The Danball
Danball is played with an inexpensive, plastic ball about the size of a volleyball. This is the "Danball".
The Dansticks
Danball is played with just about anything you can find to hit the Danball with. Stuff that weighs over 4 pounds or is longer than the height to a player's shoulder is discouraged but not "illegal." Short wooden or plastic oars make good Dansticks.
The Arena
[arena] Danball is played in the street. The street should be reasonably straight and level, preferably paved and with a curb, and having as little traffic as possible. The playing area should be about 30 meters long from goal line to goal line. No-man's land (the area in the center of the field) should be about 6 meters long.

Playing the game

The object of the game (apart from having fun) is to use the Dansticks to drive the ball across the opposing team's goal line, scoring a point. In World League play, the first team to reach 10 points and hold a lead of at least two points is declared the winner. If one team reaches 10 points but does not hold that two point lead (i.e., the score is 10-9), play should continue until one team can establish a two-point lead. That team should then be declared the winner.
Play is begun by serving the ball. One team serves while the other receives. Each team should be on opposite sides of the field, outside the boundaries of no-man's land. The serving team hits the ball toward the receiving team. Until the ball crosses into and out of no-man's land, no player from either team can enter no-man's land. Once the ball has cleared no-man's land, any player may go anywhere on the field. If a player steps into no-man's land before the ball has cleared it, the ball should be re-served. After a point is scored, the scoring team decides which side of the field it will take, and whether it will serve or receive. Play continues in this manner until one team wins.
Out of Bounds
The edge of the street is considered the edge of the field. If the ball crosses out of the field, the game is paused, and the ball is called "out" on the last player to make contact with the ball (with a Danstick or the player's body). A member of the other team then hits the ball back in from the point on the edge of the field where it crossed out, and the game resumes. This is called a "play-in." Players are free to cross out of bounds at any time, provided they immediately return to the field.
Body Contact
Use of a player's body to block the path of the ball is okay, but players may not use their hands to hold the ball, or hold the ball against their body. If this happens, the game is paused and a member of the other team will take possession of the ball where the offense took place.
When a ball crosses the goal line, it is counted as a point for the team that began play at the opposite end of the field. If a player inadvertently knocks the balls across his own goal line, it is still counted as a point for the other team. Balls which are kicked across the goal line do not count as a score. If this happens, the game should be paused, and the ball placed on the edge of the field at the closest boundary of no- man's land. The ball is then played in by the team that would have scored. After a play-in from out of bounds, the ball must touch both the ground and another player before crossing the goal line to be counted as a point. If the ball crosses the goal line without making those two contacts, it should be played in again from the same spot. After a serve, the ball must touch both a player on the other side of no-man's land and the ground before crossing the goal line to be counted as a point. If the ball does not make these two contacts, it should be re-served.

The Authority Figures

The use of referees is optional, and is up to the teams involved. If referees are used, there should be one on each side of the street, and both should remain off the field when possible. Referees have the final say on all calls, unless both teams contest a call. If both teams contest a call, the call is reversed. The choice of referees is up to the teams involved. If the WDL provides referees, a team may contest the choices, and request a new referee(s) if the other team approves.

When to Play

Danball is a night game, and should be played only after 7:00pm for "official" games. If a team contests that a site is too dark to play in, the game should be postponed until a suitably lit site can be found. That's about it. Have fun and no hitting below the belt.