*The scene opens up to the front of a large glass building. Standing in front of it are none other than Evan Douglas and Jack Daniels. They are standing ankle deep in snow wearing ski jackets and beanies. The camera pans up we see that the two greatest athletes in the world today are standing in front of FBI Headquaters. Evan and Jack make their way into the building and they find someone to help them with a problem they must have...*
Jack Daniels: 'Scuse this drunken bastard officer...
Person 1: Oh I'm not an officer.. I'm an agent. Agent Flemming...
*Flemming flashes his ID at AP*
Evan Douglas: Look.. we don't care.. we just have a question we need answered..
Person 1: Ok.. Whats the problem?
Evan Douglas: We're a little pissed off because there are two.. well fucking losers is the only word to describe then.. and they're walking around claiming to be Amerika's Most Wanted.. If that were true wouldnt they be On the most wanted list?
Person 1: Well.. yes of course.
Jack Daniels: Well are they?
Person 1: Are they what?
Jack Daniels: On the fucken list!
Person 1: You havent told me they're names..
Jack Daniels: Smirtdogg and Haywood Jublome..
Person 1: Deffinatly not on the list..
Evan Douglas: What about Smirtlogg and HayCan Ibeyourbitch
Person 1: No.. not on the list.. they're not Amerika's most wanted..
*Evan and Jack walk back outside.. both grinning like chesire cats*
Jack Daniels: Ya know Evan, you're wrong in a way. I know it's hard to believe cuz Jack Daniels and Evan Douglas are very rarley wrong. But this is one of those ocassions Evan. Ya see, "fuckin' losers" is not the only word that can be used to describe 'em. What other words can be used to describe 'em? Well let Jack Daniels paint an overview here. Ya got two African-American guys here who stereotypically soared 'bove the rest in this sport and became two of the greatest. And just like every single one of 'em, Jack Daniels doesn't know if it's the fame or what...but they end up fucking up their lives and end up in prison. Ya see, it's your fate fellas...it's your destiny to end up behind bars and become the true disgrace to this sport and society that everyone was just waiting for ya to become. Whether it's for somethin' as simple as armed robbery or somethin' as complicated as potentially stealin' someone else's dream of capturin' the triple crown, in which ya two bastards already have. Historically and stereotypically speakin' fellas...the only place your criminal asses are headed is behind bars.
But you're used to that, aren't ya Haywood. How many times have ya been behnd bars...or is it home for ya now 'Wood? Hell, Jack Daniels even came into one of your temporary homes down in Mexico City a few years ago. And while he was visitin' your sorry ass, he just managed to kick it all over that cell and take your World Heavyweight Title in the process. Ouch, that had to hurt. This drunken bastard could just imagine the hell ya went through in there followin' that. Your name should have legally been changed to, Haywood Jumakemeyourbitch. And that's exactly what ya became...my bitch 'Wood. Cuz it wasn't only then when Jack Daniels put ya in your place, was it? Jack Daniels pressed his luck in Vegas, and wouldn't ya know it, good ol' Vegas came through when Jack Daniels threw ya off the New York New York rollercoaster, leaving ya for dead. Ya should have just lied there and played dead 'Wood, cuz trust Jack Daniels when he tells ya that ya don't want to be the one standin' in between Absolute Power and winnin' the MTT4. Ya don't want to be theo ne standin' in between Jack Daniels and his triple crown. Why bitch? Just try us and ya'll find out in a fuckin' heartbeat. Go 'head 'Wood, wipe your tears on Smirt's ass, it ain't gonna help the situation one-fuckin'bit.
Evan Douglas: Smirtdogg.. Gods Gift to Wrestling.. *Evan smirks his famous smirk* People say that I am an arrogant son of a bitch.. But what makes Evan more arrogant than Smirtdogg? That's got you people puzzled doesn't it? What does make Evan more arrogant than Smirtdogg? Smirtdogg is one arrogant son of a bitch is he not? Well Evan will tell you the answer.. NOTHING! Nothing makes Evan more arrogant than Smirtdogg.. simply because he isn't! Smirtdogg walks around like he is above everyone else.. why?! The guy is over the hill.. he's been and gone.. Hell.. this past week I've seen Smirt and Grady Smith downing beers talking about "the good old days" on more occasions than I care to remember.. yet he still thinks he can dominate like he used too.. And before you people fall over.. yes.. Evan is giving credit where credit is due.. Smirtdogg gone through more people than his wife.. but when was that? two.. three years ago? Smirt your time is up..
You said it yourself Smirt.. When you're gone there is only one person that can continue your legacy.. and thats Evan Douglas.. You saw a little bit of yourself in Evan.. you said that too.. Well Smirt.. as far as Evan is concerned.. you are no longer the kingpin of the wrestling world.. you successfully handed that title over to Canada's favourite son when you were ran out of the NWF by your faggot, jail bird brother Marcus. So why are you back? Why did you bother to climb out of your lazy boy and decide to step back into the ring? Because you missed being the center of attention? Because you couldnt handle not being in the spotlight? Because you saw Evan doing things that you could never do? Smirt you're finished.. you're no longer needed.. as long as Evan is around.. as long as the new kingpin is still standing people dont need to pay attention to Smirtdogg..you said it yourself.
That people.. that is why Smirtdogg is the most arrogant son of a bitch in the world. Because he thinks he can simply stroll back in and take back the position that Evan Douglas has taken over. You know Evan is better than you Smirt.. you know Evan is more now than you could ever have been.. People love me Smirt.. Evan calls them names.. Evan makes fun of them.. but they still love me.. they still want to be close to me.. they still want to touch and adore Evan Smirt.. last time you called your "adoring" fans Scumbags they turned on you without a moments hesitation didnt they? They told you to shove your head as far up your ass as you could and they didnt think twice about it.. thats the difference between you and me Smirt.. People say they are Smirtdogg fans.. but when push comes to shove they dont really give a fuck about you.. they'll just as quickly boo you as they will cheer you.. That is why you could never regain your kingpin status in this business.. that is why Evan will ALWAYS have your number.. Amerikas Most Wanted my ass.. This week.. in the ring.. that will be the proving ground.. that is where Evan will prove to the world that Smirtdogg is forgotten.. Smirtdogg is no more.. the day of Evan is upon us..
Jack Daniels: Damn Evan...ya leave anythin' for this drunken bastard to say? A little more there Evan and ya are not only gonna follow his legacy in that ring, buit on the mic too. Ya think Jack Daniels won't find anythin' on everyone's favorite decayin' piece of shit Smirtdogg? What is it Smirt? Tell Jack Daniels what made ya beg the execs for a contract in the MTT4? What's makin' ya do it? Ya wanna go out on top? Ya wanna do what no one else in this circuit has done 'fore and win two tournaments? Or is it the fact that ya don't want Aboslute Power to win it...this drunken bastard to get what he deserves in his triple crown...and for the people to forget your name? YA know what bitch? It doesn't even fuckin' matter why any-goddam-more. The fact of the matter is that your Ben Gay wearing ass is here and ya and your ass lickin' friend in 'Wood are two more sorry motherfuckers standin' in Absolute Powers' way to what they were destined to do last year.
Ya see Smirt, there's a bitter taste in this drunken mouth, and no it ain't from the Ol' No.7. It's not only the fact that we didn't cut it last year and two fartin' mexicans went on to win it all. It's also the fact that Absolute Power stands with just two of us...Jack Daniels and Evan Douglas...the true two. Yeah, it might have been ya Smirt and this drunken bastard that started Absolute Power, cuz that's exactly what we had. And when Evan joined the ranks...we had the past, present and the future...we had it all. But like Evan and Jack said it best, there's no reason to hold on to the past...thus ya were no longer a member of Absolute Power. Ya were nuttin'...and from that moment on, ya would alsways go on to be absolutely-fuckin'-nuttin'. No matter how many World Titles, triple crown or not, whatever tangible statistics ya wanna throw out there Smirt, throw em all out there for cryin' out loud...winnin' percentage, asslickers on your side, asses ya have licked...they just don't add up to the one thing that Aboslute Power has. Well aside from power...we're talkin' heart...we're talkin' determination. Ya might have heard that from Jack Dnaiels once or twice 'fore. Ya might have even heard and seen this drunekn bastard give up his one true love in Ol' No.7 to get what he wants. All of that is nuttin' to what we're sacrificin' here in MTT4. Absolute Power was and still is on top. No team has lasted as long as we have down the stretch. No team has won more Wolrd Tag Titles or more matches for that matter that Absolute Power. Yeah, ya and lickin' 'Wood might be the oldest and closest of friends, but that doesn't mean jack shit. Ya don't mean jack shit..and Absolute Power is gonna show ya just that Saturday night.
Evan Douglas: Haywood Ja-fucken- blowme. I remember that son of a bitch like he was standing in front of me. Evan remembers beating him.. not one but twice.. Evan also remembers having one of those wins taken away by a crooked commissioner so eager to have the legacy he made with Jublome stay in everyones mind. But Evan doesnt hold a grudge.. Evan knows what really happened.. so Evan is well and truly over it. But I guarantee.. Hell Evan will put every one of his earthly posessions on the fact that 'Wood hasnt forgotten about it. How could he.. he was "better" than Evan too.. just like Smirtdogg.. 'Wood was supposed to make Evan his bitch.. But did he? HaHa I dont think so! Take a look in the mirror 'Wood.. that cant make you feel too crash hot.. and believe me.. when I am done today.. you'll want to cut your wrists and have Smirtdogg cradle you until you're fucken dead!
The biggest question Evan is ever asked about you 'Wood.. is whether or not I took those pills Smirtdogg gave me when I beat you the first time.. Evan has always said 'No comment' or 'What pills?' when asked that question.. so alot of people think I took them.. and alot of people think that they are the only reason Evan beat you.. and YOU yourself are one of those people.. Aren't you 'Wood? Thats how you've been dealing with it all this time isnt it? Thinking that Evan was on some kind of super drug and thats the only reason he beat you.. That what has kept you going.. I heard you say time and time again that a loss to Evan Douglas would be the most humiliating thing in the world.. and Evan is glad that you found an excuse.. because that excuse has allowed me to reveal the truth to the entire world.. to all of the people who worship Evan like I am their god.. and the truth is.. Evan didnt take anything when he beat you 'Wood. That has to hurt your ego.. that has to put a dent the size of Toronto in your pride.. but Evan is only planning on making that dent bigger.
I've got a question for you 'Wood.. How can you trust Smirtdogg? Evan knows all about the relationship between you two.. and that arrogant son of a bitch has turned on you more times than you've knelt down in front of him.. 'Wood thats a hell of a lot.. Hell.. Smirt was the one who gave Evan those pills.. such was his desire to see you eliminated from that tournament.. What makes you think he doesnt want to see you eliminated from this tournament? Oh right.. of course.. If you go.. he goes.. and Smirt thinks he owns the world.. You've followed him your entire career 'Wood.. you've followed from fed to fed like a little sheep.. cowering when he turned on you.. crying with joy when he came back.. You followed Smirt into Absolute Power.. you followed Smirt when he left.. you followed him to the NWW and you followed him here. And when Evan and Jack Daniels are finnished with the two of you this week.. You'll be following him to hell because you're going to be the second team in the pile of desicration left in the wake of Absolute Power's triumph.
Jack Daniels: Ya motherfuckers wanna try and rob us of our destiny and of Jack Daniels triple crown. Well, we're gonna rob your asses or your pride and your names. No longer will anyone think of anythin' good to say when they hear the names Smirt and 'Wood. No longer will they have any good memories or Smirt and 'Wood. No longer will anyone have any arguments to make in support of Smirt and 'Wood were the best. The only arguments that anyone, and especially Amerika's Most Wanted, will have left in the back of their minds is that...
Evan Douglas: We carried Smirtdogg through Absolute Power's reign of terror.. Evan carried Haywood through the New England lethal lottery tag team tournament.. but now the piggy backs are over.. the gloves are going to come off and on Saturday night the Absolute best team is going to come out on top...
Evan Douglas and Jack Daniels: Till then...MOTHERFUCKERS!
*Evan and Jack turn as we fade to black*