*The match has just endedand Jack Daniel's efforts haven't gone unoticed here tonight. For weeks, he and Logerfo have been going at it, and tonight Daniels has decided to involve himself in Logerfo's match. But Daniels ain't wasting any time here as he pounces on Logerfo and begins landing fists of fury. Daniels lets up with the rights and now...now Daniels is choking the life out of Logerfo. Daniels has snapped and no one knows if it's for the better or for the worse. Wait a second, Douglas has come to and he is watching what's going on now. Evan walks over to Daniels and taps him on the shoulder. But Daniels isn't budging. Evan now tries to pull Daniels off but Daniels isn't letting up. Finally Douglas manages to get Daniels off of Logerfo. And look at Daniels and Douglas now...they're staring each other down. There's a loooong history between these two that every mark in this building is fully aware of. Wait, they're shaking hands...and now the two of them embrace dead center in the ring. Perhaps one of the greatest tag teams these circuit has seen in recent history has been reunited and these fans are in complete approval as they are marking out. Absolute Power is back in the throddle and now both Daniels and Douglas are stomping away on Logerfo. Wait a second, Daniels is signaling for Evan. Daniels drags the Logerfo's limp body to the center of the ring. Daniels picks Logerfo up and is setting him up...POWERBOMB! Did you hear the impact of that...wait one fucking second, Daniels didn't let go and now he's using his tremendous strength to lift Logerfo up again...SECOND POWERBOMB! And that one was just as viscous as the first. Wait a second, that was one half of the...DOUBLE SHOT! Daniels flips Logerfo over and now has him in the arched Boston Crab. Logerfo never chugged that bottle and now he's taking a double shot of Jack Daniels. Wait a second, look at Evan. Evan is up on the top rope measuring up the situation. Evan leaps...*


*HOLY MOTHERFUCKERS! Evan hit a top rope somersault legdrop right on the back of Logerfo's head while Daniels had him arched up in that Boston Crab. We haven't seen that move since Absolute Power was tearing through the competition in the MTT3 and the NEWF. The fans are marking out hardcore. Daniels releases the Boston Crab and grabs a mic.*

Jack Daniels: Ya wanna ram this drunken head through a car window? Ya wanna try and run down Jack Daniels and kill him? Well ya gone and fucked it all up cuz ya still left this drunken bastard breathin'. And that right there was your first and last mistake bitch. Oh yeah...it's that time. It's time for Jack Daniels to finish what ya started. This drunken legend ain't waitin' for no pay per view or nuttin'. It's on now...MOTHERFUCKER!

*Daniels gets this sick look in his eye as he looks down at Logerfo limp carcass. Something clicked in Daniels mind cuz a grin just came across his face. Daniels picks Logerfo up and tosses him out of the ring. Daniels follows and picks Logerfo up and hoists him up on his shoulder. What the...Daniels is walking to the back with Logerfo draped over his shoulder. God only knows what Daniels is doing. But thanks to hard working cameramen here, we'll get to find out. Daniels is through the curtains and making his way through the halls. Daniels spots some NWW personnel and speaks.*

Jack Daniels: Where's the back door that leads to the parking lot?

NWW Personnel: Straight back there.

Jack Daniels: Thanks. And hey, ya ever witness a man die right 'fore your very eyes?

NWW Personnel: No.

Jack Daniels: Now's your chance. *Daniels continues on his way towards the back door.* This drunken bastard might have said it 'fore but now he means it more than ever. You're gonna wish that ya never...and this drunken legend means NEVER.........fucked with Jack Daniels.

*Daniels spots the door in fornt of him. Daniels stops right by the door thinking about what he's gonna do and again, a sick grin comes acros his face. Daniels kicks the door open. But before Daniels can take another step, Daniels is bombarded by the NWW security team and personnel. Daniels has no choice but to drop Logerfo as they try and contain and prevent Daniels from doing something he might one day regret. Daniels puts up a fight but it's to no avail, he's outnumbered. NWW security is just all over Daniels as NWW personnel is checking up on Logerfo and trying to revive him from that beating he took in the ring. Daniels can be heard yelling in the background like a drunken madman.*


*Fade out to commercial.*