*The scene opens and we find ourselves right outside of President Gates' office. Suddenly, a hand is seen reaching out and just as it's about to knock on the door, the individual instead just barges right in. Wait a second, that's Jack Daniels! Daniels doesn't look to happy and Gates doesn't look to thrilled himself, as papers, books and phones are laid out on the floor, Looks like a tornado hit his desk. Gates looks up as he's picking up the mess on the floor as Daniels speaks...*

Jack Daniels: What the hell happened in here?

Gates: Evan Douglas...that's what happened.

Jack Daniels: Which is exactly the reason I came in here Gates. Why aren't there any security or metal detectors by the wrestler's entrance out back?

Gates: Look Jack, I can assure you that Evan will not be bringing any more dangerous weapons in any arenas or events. In fact, I threatened to fire his ass if he pulls a stunt like he did last night on WNW.

Jack Daniels: Fire him?! Aw man, don't ya see Gates, that's exactly what that pussy wants ya to do...fire him. Ya think he wants to step into that cage with Jack Daniels come King of the Ring? He knows damn well that the next time he looks at me the wrong way...breathes on me...fuck it, is even in the same buildin' as me...well let's just I ain't gonna hold back like I did last week. I only let the sorry sunuva bitch live so he could suffer 'fore I finally break the motherfucker in half and kill his carreer...his hopes of ever bein' something in this business...just falt out killin' him.

Gates: Now listen Daniels, I will have none of that shit in here, you hear me? This has gone way too far and gotten way out of hand...

Jack Daniels: Too far? Outta hand? Ya call crucifyin' my drunken ass on a stell cage and puttin' me into a coma perfectly fine then? What the fuck is up with that?

Gates: No no, now that was looked upon very highly as well but...

Jack Daniels: BUT WHAT?!

Gates: But then you go ahead and kidnap Clarissa and from what Evan teold me, raped her and assaulted her? Look Jack, you made this personal between Evan and yourself. And let me tell you, Evan has me worried...worried as hell. He's scaring me Jack so just be careful because the last thing I want is for one of you to do something you're going to regret someday.

Jack Daniels: Regret? Regret? Oh no Gates...Jack Daniels ain't gonna regret a damn thing he's gonna do to that motherfucker. Hurt him...paralyze him...kill him...I ain't gonna regret a damn thing Gates. And yeah, ya better be worried Mr. President, but not with Evan. You better be worried 'bout what exactly Jack Daniels is gonna do to Evan and his little bitch.

Gates: Now listen Jack...

Jack Daniels: *cutting Gates off* NO YOU LISTEN...don't think for one single solitary secon that Jack Daniels is gonna give Clarissa back and let by gones be by gones. That motherfucker went way too far and now he's in over his head. And there ain't no way...and Jack Daniels means NO WAY...that Evan is gonna get away with something like this and not pay the consequences.

Gates: *looks as if he's trying to swallow a golf ball with a worried look on his face* And what would those consequences be Jack?

Jack Daniels: *with a sick smile on his face* Wouldn't ya like to know...MUAWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

*Daniels looks down at Gates who is just about done picking up everything off the floor and back onto his desk in a neat manner. Suddenly, Daniels puts his arms in the middle of the desk and slides them outward, once again clearing everything off of his desk and onto the floor. Daniels leaves the office laughing as the camera zooms in on Gates, who sighs and looks down at the mess. Scene fades...*