*Suddenly, the jumbotron in the arena sparks to life as the crowd turns their attention to it. We find ourselves inside an empty dim lit room. All that is seen is a white wall in front of us and a shadow of someone sitting in the chair. A moment goes by before that muffled voice is heard once again.*

Voice: It's eating you up inside, isn't it Evan? It's eating you up inside to find out just exactly who I am. It's eating you up inside that I came from right under your nose, and took the only meaningful and significant possession in your life...YOUR BITCH!

Now except for the humiliation you suffered and the beating that you will receive soon enough, you have nothing left to show for your pathetic and meaningless carreer. So where is your bitch...no wait...MY BITCH at? She's in the other room, getting some rest. Why so tired you ask? Well, let's just say from a high impact workout. But don't you worry Evan, because Clarissa is safe and sound.

You must admit Evan, last week when you saw Clarissa all tied up in these *the shadow reveals the person holding up what looks like a metal chain*, that she looked pretty damn good. But you know, she looked even better in these.

*The shadow reveals the person placing the chain down and holding up something else, which we can't quite make out. The camera slowly pans over to the source of the shadow. Suddenly, what little lights was in the room, quickly goes out. Now all we can see is the outline of the person in the pitch black room. He brings his hand and the object to his face, as we hear him take a very deep breath.*

Voice: Ahhhhhhhhh. I must admit, purple thongs do look good on that bitch of yours. But one wrong move Evan...one minor mistake Evan, and you just might never see Clarissa in her little purple thongs...or alive AGAIN!


*Jumbotron fades to, well black.*