Both Storm and Kage are in the ring, ready to get this match on...and with the sound of that bell, here they go. Collar and elbow tie up, Storm with a side headlock. Kage pushes Storm off and into the ropes and takes Kage down with a shoulder block. Storm off the ropes again, hops over Kage and off the opositte ropes. Kage with a hip toss...BLOCKED! Storm slaps Kage in the stomach, goes for a famouser type move, but Kage flicks Storm over ala X-Pac. Storm with a closeline...DUCKED by Kage. Kage with a series of a few chops to Storm, before Storm ducks his last attempt, Kage turns around and is met with a dropkick. Kage back up quickly, runs at Storm, quick roll up by Storm..1...2..PINNING ATTEMPT REVERSED...1...2...REVERSED AGAIN...1...2...REVERSED AGAIN...1...2...Storm kicks out and both men up on their feet quickly in a staredown.
The pace of the match cooled down a bit, Storm hit a superkick that allowed him to take control for a bit. A leg drop of the second rope amd a flying forearm shot leveled Kage. Storm whipped Kage into the ropes again, this time Kage reversed it...went fora back body drop, Storm flips over Kage's back and lands on his feet...Kage turned around, running closeline attempt by Storm, ducked by Kage...Storm used his momentum to go off the ropes only to be met with a tilt a whirl back breaker by Kage. Kage went to work on Storm's back. Kage hit an elbow drop off the top on Storm's back and then applied a Mexican Surfboard on Storm. Kage hit his pattented powerbomb into a facebuster and decided to put an end to this match when he ascended to the top rope and hit the NIAGRA FALL. Or so Kage would like to think. Storm got his knees up just in the nick of time and picked Kage up...DEATH DROP TIME! And that's all she wrote as Storm picked up the one...two...3!