(The scene opens and we find ourselves...we find ourselves at a familiar site actually. We are at none other than the infamous home of that of one Marcus Hailey....Riker's Island, just like he described. Except there's only one difference this time. There's no Marcus Hailey playing the role of tour guide. No, instead we see none other than Jack Daniels. Is Jack Daniels crazy? He'll be raped, murdered and spat on before he could even polish off a bottle of Old No.7 in here. It's quite obvious that the current inmates can't stand the drunken bastard after what we saw in Hailey's last visit there. Anyhow, Daniels with his bottle of Old No.7 in hand, is standing right outside the Bantum Annex of the Bantum Correctional Center, the very same facility Hailey was last seen at. Daniels takes a swig from his bottle of Old No.7 as he looks around and takes it all in. Daniels looks towards the camera and begins speaking...)
Jack Daniels: Well...well...oh fuckin' well. So this the so-called home of Marcus Hailey...Riker's Island. Hell, if ya ask this drunken bastard, it looks more like a bunch of rocks piled up with baboon shit holdin' 'em together. But the real baboons are inside, so lets go take a look 'round this sunuva bitch.
(Daniels enters in and he finds himself where those juveniles were seen visiting the inmates. Daniels enters, and upon entering, the inmates take notice. They begin to growl a bit at the sit of Daniels. Daniels is a bit intimidated by this at first, but then shrugs it off and keeps on walking.)
Jack Daniels: Where do they keep the Alpo in here? Maybe I could feed 'em and shut 'em the hell up.
(Some of the inmates actually begin to bark out at Daniels. What the fuck is going on? Almost everyone is up against the prison bars, taking notice of Daniels. The noise in the place has just picked up as inmates begin to throw insults and such at Daniels.)
Prison Inmate: HEY YOU DRUNKEN BITCH! Yeah you. I'm gunna rip these steel bars wit my teeths, then I'm gunna make ya my biatch. Ya just wait partna.
Jack Daniels: I see they promote ebonics here at Riker's Island. That explains why Hailey only has seven words total in his vocabulary.
(Daniels keeps walking, and this time another inmate speaks up...)
Inmate#2: Hey, Hailey is gunna rip ya apart bitch. Marcus is gunna leave ya dead right here on this floors. Then your all mines mothafucka. Your just a piece of meat and we be the dawgs that are gunna eat ya.
Jack Daniels: Yeah, I'll show ya bastards just how it's goin' down.
(Daniels walks to the end of correctional center and behind a glass encased room. Daniels looks over at a big red button, in fact the only thing in that room. Well that button and a bottle of Old No.7. He pushes the button. What the...look at the correctional facility. It's being flooded with something. Rivers of some kind of fluid is quickly gushing into the facility. Wait a second. That's...that's Old No.7! The facility is quickly being flooded by Old No.7. The liquor level is rising high er and higher. The inamtes are already wasit deep in Old No.7. Daniels starts laughing demonically as the facility is filling up higher and higher with Old No.7. The liquor is now up to the inmates' necks. Daniels continues laughing...)
(The scene begins to get a bit cloudy and slowly fades out. It fades back in from acloudy state and we still hear the demonic laughing going on. But as the scene becomes a bit more clear, we realize the laughing is coming from a television. The camera pans around the scene and we seem to be in a hotel room. Wait a second, there's Daniels...and he's sleeping on a recliner. What the hell is going on? I thought he was just at Riker's Island? What a damn second... Daniels must have been dreaming. Suddenly, Daniels wakes up and comes to feeling the presence of the cameraman. Daniels takes a swig from hsi bottle of Old No.7, sitting atop a night stand next to the recliner, to wake up and come back to reality. Daniels looks at the cameraman and begins speaking...)
Jack Daniels: Damn, what a dream. But ya know what's the funny thing here. Now this drunken bastard is damn sure that Hailey is sittin' back and watchin' The Drunk One doin' what he does best...and that's cut one of his drunken promos. And after Jack Daniels gets done rippin' him a new asshole, he's gonna stick his ebonic speakin' ass in front of a camera and talk 'bout how it's all a dream for Jack Daniels... beatin' Hailey is all a dream for this drunken bastard. But ya see Haiely, that's where your wrong bitch. As much as ya would like to believe it's a dream...it's a fuckin' reality. And not only is Jack Daniels gonna give ya a reality check Sunday night at FEAR...but he's gonna give ya one know bitch, whether ya like it or not.
(Daniels grabs his bottle of Old No.7 and gets up. He walks over to a sliding door and walks out onto a balcony. It's probably like only 30 degrees outside, but Daniels couldn't care less right now as he continues speaking...)
Jack Daniels: Ya see Hailey, ya can thank this drunken bastard right now. Not just for givin' ya a much needed reality check, but for makin' ya realize that this is a helluva lot more than just a Jack Daniels Riker's Island match to prove who's the better man. Ya see, to ya Hailey it's only skin deep. But there's more to it than meet's the eye. Ya think this is all 'bout who's got the better advantage here. And naturally ya think ya do cuz we're gonna be on your home turf. But it's like Jack Daniels told ya back at Shockwave last week Marcus. It's doesn't matter where this match is, it could be on to pof the Empire State fuckin' buildin' and the end result would still be the same in this drunken bastard stompin' a mudhole in your pathetic ass. And as much as Jack Daniels would like it to be, this match ain't 'bout the Ol' No.7 either. So now, someone with the IQ level of a coconut, or Hailey for that matter, is probably sittin' back wonderin' just what this match is all 'bout then.
Jack Daniels noticed the word FEAR bein' tossed 'round lately like some cheap Vietnamese hooker. Hailey is tellin' this drunken bastard that he's the one withthe fear...that I should fear him. Marcus...ya don't have the slightest clue of what fear really is, do ya? The only thing ya had to fear the last decade or so was food poisonin' from the crap they would feed ya. Ya feared the rats that would be crawling around the prison cells. Ya feared someone violatin' ya and becomin' their bitch. Oh who's this drunken bastard kiddin', that ya absolutely loved. But Jack Daniels...Jack Daniels could tell ya a thing or two 'bout fear. The fear of thinkin' his time was over in this business 'fore risin' to the top yet once 'gain. The fear of ever walkin' 'gain after fallin' twenty plus feet through three stories of tables and ultimately on the cold, hard concrete floor. The fear of seein' the sunrise for one last time...for takin' one last breath...for drinkin' one more bottle of Ol' No.7 after bein' tossed off of the Grand Canyon. Now Hialey, ya wanna look into these drunken eyes and talk 'bout fear? I didn't think so bitch, cuz by the looks of it, fear is only the third four letter word in your vocabulary next to fuck and shit.
(Daniels takes a swig from his bottle of Old No.7 and then continues speaking...)
Jack Daniels: Ya see Marcus, the fact of the matter is you're still a rookie. And ya have had your time in the sun...and too much of it if ya ask this drunken bastard. But when compared to a drunken legend such as myself, it just quite ain't 'nuff. Ya see Jack Daniels has been in these situations time and time 'gain. He has fought in Pay Per View after Pay Per View. This drunken bastard knows the pressure involved. This drunken bastard knows the consequences that surround this match. Jack Daniels knows all 'bout clutch situations. But as for ya Marcus, the only thing ya know how to clutch is 'nother inmates dick in your hands. And the truth is, only your fellow inmates would be there for ya or watch your back. Or will they? Jack Daniels remembers what seemed like ages ago, Dark Force Risin' hittin' the scene and hittin' it hard. Ya and Grady were inseperable and tighter than a 16 year old virgin pussy. But what happened Marcus? Did ya two have a fight(trying to act sincere, but in a sarcastic way)? What 'bout Grady's two fossils in Public Enemy or even Johnny Napalm? Ya have had your share of beatings onthat ring, yet they didn't seem to take much interest in watchin' your back, now did they? Fact is, Grady got his gold like he wanted to, and then dumped ya on the street like yesterday's garabage. And hell, who could blame him? Absolutely no one. And that's exactly how many people will be there for ya, after Jack Daniels hands ya an ass whoopen of epic porportions that will make those prison riots look like recess at the elementary school down the block.
Ya can have your fellow criminals with ya and ya can have your home turf Marcus. Cuz when it's all said and done at that doghouse ya call Riker's Island, not only is Jack Daniels gonna walk away with the NEWF New England Title, but he's gonna walk away with your pride. This drunken bastard is gonna have your number and there won't be a fuckin' thin ya can do 'bout it except fuckin' like it. Ya took my number one contender's spot and my shot at fightin' for the Heavyweight Title. But I'm gonna take somthing from ya that means a helluva lot more to ya. No, not your life Marcus, cuz that would be too damn easy. He's gonna take your pride, your title...your reputation and your fuckin' ego. After Sunday night, all the inmates at Riker's Island will make ya their bitch cuz your limp...bloodied...beaten carcass will have no other option. But first...'fore your homos...err...homies and fellow inmates can make ya their bitch...you're gonna be MY DRUNKEN BITCH!
Dreams...your dreams will be shattered. Bones...your bones will be broken. Fears...your fear of goin' a round with Jack Daniels will vanish 'fore ya can blink your eyes. Cuz after Sunday night...after FEAR is all said and done and has gone down in the history books...ya will have found out damn well that ya just can't handle a round of Jack Daniels. And it ain't just a catchphrase Hailey...it's the fuckin' truth. The truth hurts...don't it bitch?
(Daniels takes another swig from his bottle of Old No.7 as the scene fades to black...)