Daniels started his career up north in Canada in the UIWF. Daniels, along with LN(Legalization Nation), quickly rose to the top of the fed, completely destroying anything that was put in their way. Daniels became the first ever UIWF Heavyweight champ and held that title for an unbelievable four months before being screwed out of the title. The fed eventually closed when Jack Daniels left, leading us to believe that Jack Daniels made and carried that fed.

Daniels was ont he look out for some fresh faces and competition...in comes the NYSWF. Daniels brought along the LN with him and before you knew it, LN was engaged in a war with the infamous Ghetto Warriors. After Daniels realized the rest of LN couldn't keep up with him and realized they were more of a responsibility than anything, he threw them to the curb. Daniels quickly rose to the top and gave some of the NYSWF's top talent some much needed competition. Daniels fought wars against Smirtdogg, Haywood Jublome, Grady Smith, Nothing...the list goes on. After capturing the Hardcore Title for a third time, Daniels went on and won the Heavyweight Title twice, first from Dredd in a barb wire hell in a cell match, and then against Haywood Jublome in a prison cell match held in Mexico. After realizing there was no competition there worhty of stepping int he ring with him, Daniels vacated the title and was off to add more accolades to his career.

Daniels was off to the explosive NWW, and Daniels made a huge impact right off the bat. Daniels tore through competition and before you could blink an eye, Daniels had captured the NWW United States Title from Thorne Richards in a ladder match. Daniels then became a double champion about a month later when he and partner Jack Reed beat the Public Enemy to become NWW Tag Team Champions. And while Daniels was on top of the world, the NWW shut the door on Daniel's opportunity of becoming Heavyweight champ by closing the fed.

But Daniels didn't give up just yet. Daniels found himself in the EWA and aligned witht he extremely controversial group...FTW. Along with Venom and The Kaze...Daniels ripped through the EWA. He quickly grabbed the EWA Intercontinental Title in a 3-way ladder match. Then only two weeks later, Daniels and Venom captured tag team gold from Simply Intimidating. Daniels earned himself a shot at the World Title. After a controversial finish, the stage was set for a rematch, but the rematch never took place as once again, the EWA had closed it's doors. And once again, the door was shut on Daniel's opportunity to become Heavyweight Champ.

From there, Daniels headed to familiar territory as he headed back to New York and the NYSWF. Daniels collided with the up and coming Cold Harding Cash in a series of 3 matches in about a month's time that even today, many in this industry are still talking about. Daniels won the NYSWF Television TItle, before losing it to CHC only a few weeks later. But that wasn't the last time these two met here in the NYSWF for gold. After a two month Tag Team Title reign with partner Grady Smith(The Alkaholiks), Daniels found himself fighting CHC once again, but this time it was for the Heavyweight Title. Daniels won the NYSWF Heavyweight Title for an unprecedented third time, before losing it to Grady Smith in one of the greatest matches in this circuit today...a 3 way 60 minute iron man match.

At the same time, Daniels was taking part in the BSPW. He won the Pacific Coast Title before the BSPW shut it's doors. In turn, Daniels went off to the CWA. The CWA exploded...as did Daniel's career. Daniel's and Haywood's feud was the main focus of the CWA. After a mix tag tornado match...after both men were run down by a car...after a classic encounters in the hospital...these two hooked up in a Stretcher Match. Daniel's was always criticized for not being able to "get over the hump" and win the "big one". Although numerous World TItle reigns, people always questioned Daniel's competition in those matches. Well Daniels said a big fuck you to all of the critics as he not only beat Haywood, but nearly killed the bastard by delivering a Lynchburg Lowdown from a moving rollercoaster. Daniels had his opportunity at World gold again, but couldn't overcome a red hot Nukeman. So instead, Daniels settled for the U.S. Title, but nearly got killed in the process. After he beat Lunatikk Crippler in a memorable Grand Canyon match, Matt Hoffman threw the drunken bastard off the Grand Canyon...yeah that's right, the Grand Canyon. Daniels wasn't the same after this. Daniels seekd revenge for this distasteful act, however Daniels would have to do it somewhere else as the CWA closed it's doors.

Daniels followed Hoffman to the IWF, where he would extract his revenge. Or would he? Just when you thought these men were gonna kill each other, suddenly their working together and with Sean Sanders. Rated-X brought a fresh feel to the IWF as they were set on taking out Amerika's Most Wanted. But before they could accomplish their mission, Hoffman showed his true colors and his master plan as he turned on Daniels and had him committed. Hoffman had sent the drunken bastard to the Betty Ford Clinic. Yeah that's right...the Betty Ford Clinic.

When Daniels finally made it out of that "brainwashing prison", he went looking for Hoffman, only to find the IWF had closed it's doors. How fucking convienent for Jack Daniels. After taking some time off to get all the demons out of his head that the Betty Ford Clinic put there, Daniels entered the NEWF, where he distinguished himself from the rest of the pack and as truly a legend in this industry. Daniels captured the NEWF World Title at the very first Pay Per View in an Iron Man Hell in a Cell Match against TME. Daniels took the title and ran with it for over 2 months before Grady Smith finally took it away after numerous tries. But Daniels was far from done. While competing in the NEWF, Daniels was invited to the UEFA where he beat legends like Erik Draven, Prodigy and finally CHC to become the very first UEFA Cup Champion. And Grady Smith used the opportunity to destroy Daniels. Convienently, Chris Furman, Grady's other ass ramming half, owned the UEFA. And Grady used this to his advantage as he had his pack of wolves in Hailey, Haywood, and the Public Enemy chew up Daniels and spit him out. But Daniels had the last laugh as he would go on to beat Marcus Hailey for the NEWF World Title, making Daniels the first 2-time NEWF World champ. Daniel's brought that title with him to the NEWF's last show...Final Countdown. And what embarked was one of the greatest matches ever witnessed where four men, Jack Daniels, Marcus Hailey, Grady Smith and Bazooka Joe battled it out in one hellacious, unforgiving, life threatening experience in which we called a 4-way dance.

Daniels realized he had done what he set out to do and that was become a legend in this industry. But Daniel's wasn't done yet...there was one more thing he wanted...the EWA World Title in which he got screwed out of the first time around. Daniels got his rematch right off the bat...but couldn't get the job done. Daniels and CHC teamed together to capture Tag Team gold, and after Daniels captured the Hardcore Title, he was just about on his way out. Until that one man made his life a living hell...Evan Douglas. Daniels and Douglas went at it like no one could believe. This feud was building up from way back when in the NEWF. And now, it was time for them to settle it once and for all. After twists and turns...after one threatening the other's life...after Clarissa jumping to Daniel's side and turning on Evan...the two settled their months long heated feud in a Three Shots of Hell Match. 1st Shot(1st Fall)...Ladder Match. 2nd Shot...Jack Daniels Death Match. 3rd Shot...Casket Match. They damne near killed each other, but in the end, Daniels was the one standing outside of the casket and setting it ablaze as Evan lied there helpless. The EWA soon after closed it's doors yet again.

But many are left wondering, after such an illustrious career...after so many titles...after so many accolades and accomplishments...is this drunken bastard finished with wrestling? Or will he still pursue the one thing that will set Jack Daniel's name in stone as one of the elite this industry has ever seen...the Triple Crown? Only time will tell...