St. Julian's - Malta

Melita F.C. Youth Nursery has embarked on an ambitious project to build a new committee room, a decently sized and well equipped bar, a 47-car car park, two 5-a-side football pitches that can be converted into one 7-a-side football pitch, and together with landscaping.

The project has been divided into three phases namely:-

Phase 1 - The construction of a committee room and bar above the existing premises

Phase 2 - The construction of a 47-car Car Park and infrastructural works for two 5-a-side Astro Turf pitches that can be converted into one 7-a-side football pitch, and landscaping.

Phase 3 - The completion of the Astro Turf pitches, fencing off, floodlighting and a spectators stand.


Hereunder is an animated plan of the whole project describing the various phases


Phase 1 is now completed and Phase 2 of the project has just commenced. The construction of the car park and the pitches' infrastructural works should be completed by August 2003, in time for the opening of the new football season. A parents' meeting was held on Thursday 15th May 2003 to discuss together with the members of the committee on how best to raise the finance for Phase 2. The meeting was well attended (see photos hereunder) and it was obvious from the response that all present were in favour of the project. The committee was given the go-ahead to do the needful to seek finance from all the members of the nursery.

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