• Durendal will be open on Tuesday nights starting April 14.
  • Durendal will be closed Thursday, Apr 23, due to the upcoming Neighborhood House annual garage sale.
  • Election of club officers will be held on Thursday night, April 30.

Welcome to Durendal!

The Durendal Fencing Club is open to all members of the public. We provide a friendly, open atmosphere for recreational and competitive fencers of the three modern weapons—foil, epee, or sabre—as well as for those who wish to study historical weapons, including hand-and-a-half sword and rapier-and-dagger techniques.


The Durendal Fencing Club meets at the Neighborhood House Community Center, 29 South Mills Street, in Madison, Wisconsin. The building is on the corner of South Mills and Milton, one block south of the Regent Street McDonald's. Parking and the entrance to the gym are in the back of the building.


  • Tuesday 7:30 PM (open fencing only)
  • Thursday 7:30 PM (lessons, open fencing)

Fencing generally lasts until about 10:30 PM. The club is closed when Madison is under a severe winter weather warning; when in doubt, call 608-764-2050 before coming out.


There is a floor fee of $5 for nonclub members. If you don't have your own equipment, you may rent club equipment for $2 per night. Fencers using club equipment are expected to replace or pay for any equipment that they break.


Safety is of the highest priority at Durendal, and each member receives a safety lecture upon joining the club. Fencers must wear the proper safety equipment. We require plastrons and knickers for electric fencing and fencing with archaic weapons—rapier and dagger, hand-and-a-half sword—requires additional protective gear. All members are extremely vigilant; unsafe practices are not tolerated.

Contact Information

For further information about the Durendal Fencing Club or fencing in general, contact Jessie Glaeser, club secretary and instructor, at 608-231-9215 or 608-764-2050.