Dearest Brothers and Sisters,


I hope you are all well. My heart and prayer goes out to all of you. It was last year in November that I left Austin, TX with a torn heart to be with my family in Hanover Park, IL.  I felt that God led me to Austin and while away from my immediate family, God provided a Church family that I would grow to love very dearly at Austin Chinese Church.  The Lord provided open and energetic younger brothers and sisters, thoughtful and caring aunties and uncles, and some of the closest and dearest friends in my entire life.  God continued to change me, bless me, and grow me in so many ways, but I knew God was showing me that I needed to be home with my family.  I began to pray that God would use me to sever, support, and grow deeper in relationships with my family.  I also prayed that God would lead me to a Church where I could find solid teaching and fellowship, as well as like-minded brothers for accountability. God has not only filled me to capacity with his provision, but has overflowed his blessings to my family


Dad, Me, Mom, Victor

Cheng Family at Thanksgiving 2001


            Through spending time with my parents, we began to attend Willowcreek Community Church where the weekend services present the Gospel fundamentals and practical life messages and are intended for seekers and non-Christians.  These services opened up my parent’s hearts to hear about Christ’s love and saving power. I visited this Church with my old youth group when I was in high school. It’s 4 different several thousand person services, auditorium-style worship, enormous parking lot with people directing traffic greatly intimidated me.  I remember commenting how impersonal it all was, how I wondered how anyone could come to Christ, and how I’d never go back there for Church.   I was so wrong.  God showed me how he uses both the big and small for his glory.

We had been consistently attending the weekend services and having interesting conversations about God, faith, morality, ethics, issues with the current medical health care system, and our lives.  My dad is a great proponent of justice and has identified many problems about the American health care system. After a Sunday service,  my dad said “I wonder what Bill Hybels would think about these medical issues.”  I was amazed.  In the past, my dad wanted to stay away from Pastors and this was the first time I heard him wanting to talk to one of them!


             On January 16th, 2002, my dad met with Pastor Bill Hybels to talk to him about some issues that he had.  The night before I stayed up and wrote Bill a long letter explaining to him how through my dad’s 78 years on the earth, he experienced much pain and suffering, his mother died when he was about 10, he endured 2 wars, grew up with a crippling and deforming medical disorder, and survived several death experiences.  Through his experiences, my dad’s heart was hardened to the existence of a loving God. I asked Bill Hybels to share the gospel with my dad.  When they finally spoke for about 5 minutes, the whole “conversation” consisted of my dad talking and Bill Hybels nodding his head listening. I was pretty disappointed at this and started doubting if my dad would ever come to know God.  God showed me how I should simply rely on Him and how his timing is so perfect.

           The next day I picked up a call for my dad. I thought it was a telemarketer and was about to say “he’s not available,” when the voice asked, “is this Julian.”  It scared me a bit. The person on the other end explained to me that he was a lawyer from Willowcreek and that he had read my letter.  He wanted to help get my dad’s issues addressed and change to happen in the community.  That Sunday we met with Jim.  For 1 hour my dad talked and talked and Jim listened to the issues. I was pretty frustrated so I left to the bookstore.  When I returned, the whole conversation had changed, the mood was warm and the two spoke about family like old friends.  I looked over at my dad and though, my dad must have a cold or something, he was sniffling. 

       Jim asked my dad, “would you like to share the decision that you made with your son?” 

       “He knows about everything already,” replied my dad, thinking about the medical issue.

       "Oh, I mean about the prayer we just prayed.” elaborated Jim.  This floored me.  My heart began soaring and I couldn’t believe my ears. Jim went on to tell the story that he explained th Gospel to my dad and that my dad had just accepted Christ.  I felt like leaping for joy. I hugged my dad and couldn’t help thanking Jim.  After 78 years of struggle and pain, my dad put His faith in Christ as his Lord and Savior.  God is so good!



            Although the unfortunate circumstances of my grandma’s illness was very hard for all of us, my family’s relationships deepened greatly for each other. We would visit grandma every few days in the hospital and later in the nursing home.  We would visit her and sing, pray, bring her Chinese food, and just talk to her about everything going on.  Although we didn’t leave the room where she would be bed ridden for almost 6 months, we had a great time with each other up until the time when the Lord finally took away her pain on February 19th, 2002. In my time of sharing at the funeral I talked about how although grandma was in bed for quite some time, that Christ came to take away all suffering and pain and that I pictured my grandma not only walking around in heaven, but dancing and singing with joy now that she was with the Father. I also shared how, although I couldn’t communicate in Chinese well with my grandma on this earth, how I wait in anticipation for the day when I will reunited with her again in heaven and speak to her in perfect Chinese. I know God used that time to speak to the non-Christian members of my extended family.  I pray that God would use that time to seek out answers and open their hearts to God’s healing grace.


Mom, Grandpa, Victor, Me, Grandma, Dad on 2001.7.21

 Mom, Grandpa, Victor, Me, Grandma, Dad on 2001.7.21



           Away from my friends, I felt really alone in terms of friendship and support. While I often called my friends in Austin, it wasn’t the same to pray with someone and share in person. I constantly prayed that God would provide a fellowship where I could learn, grow, be blessed, and bless others. God again, amazed me with how He not only answers prayers, but provides abundantly.

          After checking out numerous Churches and fellowships around the area, I began attending Chinese Christian Fellowship Church’s Young Adult Fellowship on Friday nights.  Though it is quite far from my house (about 45 minutes driving), I felt this is a place I could be nurtured, grow, bless others, and be blessed.  My Bible study leader, Sam Chan, is not only an awesome leader, but also has a very evangelistic vision and has planned several outreach events such as our March 30th Dialog Dinner.  My small group is equally as awesome.  Instead of being the older brother to all the youth, I am really blessed to have several older sisters and brothers in the group. It's fun because they are like the older sisters I've never had.

         Here's also the newest member to our small group, Gabriel Chua, son of Eric and Helen.




Back: Nancy, me, Eric & wife Helen, Mary, Wei-Wei
Front: Tina, Sam & wife Stephanie


God not only answered this prayer for fellowship, but brought two brothers and me into an accountability group.  Mike Maa, grew up at CCFC and has been part of their young adult group for some time. He also has a very child like heart and is extremely goofy like me.  Daniel Chen, is actually a recent graduate from Texas A&M and formerly went to HCC before coming to Chicago for 6th months of training with his company.  He has been one of the most open, honest, and encouraging people I’ve met in my whole life.  We've meet once a week to share about what's been going on, share in each other's struggles and each other's praises.  God has also re-united me with two of my high school friends, Nestor and Brian.  Although we haven't kept in touch with each other since I left to Austin, we hang out just like it was yesterday.  Here's some pictures of the above mentioned guys.


             Although I mentally tried to stay away from helping out with the youth group so I could focus on my own family, God softened my heart when he led me to True Light Lutheran Church.  This Church is composed of a lot of parents from my old Church that broke up when I was in college.  They recently purchased a building that is less than five minutes driving from my house.  True Light is less than 100 people and only has a Mandarin service so doesn't have any high school, college, or young career people.  There are actually about 10 students in 6th grade and the need to start a youth program is there.  When I walked in the doors, some parents came up to me and said "we've been praying for your brother to come lead our youth, but God seems to have sent you instead." 
               I was taken aback by this statement, had God really sent me to this Church? I remembered my days in youth group, how we didn't have a permanent youth pastor or a counselor.  Many of my friends fell away from God and only have a 'fairy-tale' knowledge of who the True Living God of the Bible is.  I was convicted to meet the pastor and after much prayer I told him I could help out as a sort of interim counselor, but not assume the full responsibilities of youth director as they wished--after all, I came back mainly to minister to my family.  As it turns out, this is all True Light would need.  We also started meeting with an older group of students having a Bible study.  Because a local Chinese school meets during the same time as Church, a lot of parents would rather send their kids to Chinese school. In the afternoon, after I go with my parents to Willowcreek, I meet with Daniel, and Pastor Wu (an IBC--Indian Born Chinese) and we help out with the high school Bible study.

Me, Molly, Cheryl, Mary, Ben, Dinan

Top: Me, Cheryl, Daniel, Ball to represent Chris
Bottom: Michelle, Christine


God also has brought me numerous opportunities to share His love at an inner city homeless shelter, Joshua Transformation Center.  Some ladies have come from broken homes, physical abuse, and drug addictions. God has healed many of them and is using Joshua Center as a place where they can start to rebuild their lives. Before I went, I prayed that God would give me a heart of openness and give me the boldness and opportunity to share God’s love with someone at Joshua House.  Essentially I went to BE a blessing, but as it turned out, I was BLESSED so much more!  The ladies shared about their faith in God and how he has constantly provided for them. 


Ranis, me, and Linda at our Chinese New Year Celebration at Joshua Homeless Center

CCFC Young Adults Serving Food




Chinese Outreach discussion groups

Alan, Yang Dong, me, Rocky



               This weekend CCFC also went to a evangelistic outreach with some students from China. We played games, sang songs, and broke up into small groups to get to know each other better. These students are government workers from Shenyang, China that are getting their MBAs from Roosevelt University in Chicago, IL.  At first we were told to be a bit careful about sharing our faith because there was a "monitor" who would say what we could and could not do.  However, through the sharing times and through someone giving their testimony, the students were very open to talking with us and asking "Who is Jesus, what is His role?" and "Do you really believe in the Bible?"  I even got to share the gospel message to a guy named Bob, and I got to help Yang Dong and Rocky try to buy a car.  I pray that our friendships can grow and that they might see Christ through us and come to know Him as Lord and Savior.



     God has been teaching me so much about Him, myself, and the world around me.