Vian's Photo Album Continued
These are some pictures of when I was a baby...
This is me when I was a one year old.
This is me on my porch in NY. I was in Kindergarden.
This is a picture of my mom and me around Christmas time.
Here I am on a boat in Florida. It was a blast!
Here I am just starting to develop teeth. Oops! Did I break that?
This is me again in front of the Statue of Liberty. I love New York!
Here my brother (left) and me just finished sledding down our hill in New York. I miss the NY snow. Texas is sooo hot (but I love it here too!)
Bye-bye for now! I hope you enjoyed my Album. I've had a wonderful life so far and I hope it will continue to be awesome! Take care! This is my brother and me (I'm the shadow in the back) riding our tricycle in the basement with Raggedy Andy and Strawberry Shortcake's friend (I forgot her name!).
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