Vote for this Site!                                                                                                             last update: 7/8/2001

What is Eyes?
If this is the first time you visit this page, you may be confused as to what "Eyes" actually is. Eyes is nothing more than the greatest bowling team in existence. It started as a group of youth bowlers who ventured into the adult league for the first time only to capture 1st place. Never had the world of the TBA(Thibodaux Bowling Association) received such an unexpected ass whipping at the hands of 18 year olds. After the summer league ended, Eyes gave birth to the almighty Psycho Nomadic Fishermen so that the carnage could continue into the winter league. It is now the year 2001 and Eyes is back for a 4th round of summer bowling mayhem.

Well people, how's everything? If you happen to visit this site every so often, you may have taken notice that the site hasn't been updated in, well, about a year. It's now July 2001(last update being July 2000) and the team is whooping ass in the Wednesday Summer League. I'm aslo happy to anounce that Wix has returned from Atlanta and is bowling in full force with PnF. To find out more information on the whereabouts of team members and their many adventures, check out The Official Eyes Historic Photo Gallery.

Phrase of the Year:  We Rox, You Sux

The Official Eyes Historic Photo Gallery
Ok people....... I've got some good news, and some bad news. Good new is that I finally rounded up some new pictures to put in the Gallery. The bad news is that my digital camera bit the dust, so there won't be any new pictures for a good while.

Eye Ball!!!!!
Nope, this isn't a picture I drew, and it isn't a 3D rendition of the Eyes bowling shirt design. The picture displayed above is a new bowling ball from the gods at Ebonite, and we must pay homage to them for creating this false idol for the team to worship.

This is a picture of the pool table at the fire station where the team chills after a nerve racking night of bowling.

Click here to track the teams progress through the 1999 summer league.
*Click Here to track the team's progress through the 2000 summer league.*
Click here to see a cartoon rendition of the Psycho Nomadic Fishermen.
*Background generously created by Brett Guillory. Visit Toasty's Town for all your graphic needs.
This site is owned by Matt Casse. 
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