After pretending to have wedding issues last year and neglecting to bowl in SBI 7, Kathleen is expected back in action this summer at SBI 8. Her inaugural performance left much to be desired, especially from the female constituents who expect Kathleen to "represent", much as Aly Gnatzig did in 2000 and Lisa Olwig did in 2001. Kathleen however claims to have "laid up" in her only tournament appearance. "I wanted to give my brother a fair chance to win it. After all, he helped get this event off the ground. Now that he's had his chances, I plan to bring my full game this summer," said Kathleen from her Milwaukee home.
Expectations are high and much luck is wished upon her at The Ocho.

Career Record: 0-2
Tournament Average: 110.50
High Game: 116
Some nice beagle pictures for the file