Welcome to the Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity, Beta Iota Chapter, Alumni Association website! The following is the Alumni Association President's semi-annual "State of the Fraternity," as of April 16th, 2007.
By Joe Karpa, BI 519, President, Alumni Association, Beta Iota Chapter
Note: Click the magenta coded names of brothers, Programs, or organizations below to access their e-mail or respective website!
Brothers, the following provides a general update on important issues about our Beta Iota Chapter at California University. Several alumni are working diligently with undergraduate members to re-establish a Sig Tau presence back on the campus of Cal after our suspension in 1996.
This "State of the Fraternity" reviews the status of the Undergraduate Colony, Fraternity House issues, and provides the minutes from the semi-annual Corporate Meeting (convened at Myrtle Beach, March 29th, 2007).
The Beta Iota Colony made modest gains in the Spring 2007 Semester. It mainly was able to define which members were prepared to "stay the course" while the Colony sought to overcome the challenges to Recolonize. The Colony sits at 12 members.
The Colony President is Brian Rasel - a highly impressive young man. Also leading the charge is Andre, Mike, and Ryan Howell.
As of March 2006, Brother Rick Zimmerman, BI 538, has volunteered as the Undergraduate Alumni Advisor – as long-time Advisor, Brother Wayne Cekola, BI 616, was called to active duty (he’s a Chemical Corps Major in the Army stationed at Fort Dix, NJ). Rick, along with Brother Donnie Record, BI 563, and Kevin "KJ" Jenkins, BI 447, are providing valuable counsel on fraternity business operations and goals.
By the Numbers – The Road to Being a Chapter.
# of National Brothers req’d by STG Natl: 24. NOTE: Sigma Tau Gamma has set a minimum membership number of going “National”: requirements such as completed paperwork, National dues current, etc.
# of Current BI National Brothers: 3. NOTE: "Current" = dues paid, in good academic standing, and active in Beta Iota.
# of Current BI Local Brothers:
Projected # of Brothers Returning for the Fall 2007 Term: 12;
OVERVIEW: The Sig Tau Alumni Assoc., led by brother Vito Dentino, BI 218, spearheaded an effort to acquire a quality property - which we did in October 2006. We assembled a House Committee to sell our previous property (a dilapidated place that we never did occupy) to the university (for which they wanted the land in order to advance a major project of theirs), then search for and ultimately acquire a different property. Non-brothers rented the new house during the Spring 2007 Term (due to the Oct closing date, it was too late to get undergraduate brothers locked in for the Spring) which provided a positive revenue flow (the property is appraised at $250K). However, several brothers will reside in the house for the Fall 2007 Term. This impressive property will enhance our collective efforts to grow the Colony (namely, via "Rush"). Other house-related issues:
• Zoning Ordinance. A local Borough "zoning" ordinance prevents us from posting our Greek letters on the house. However, language in the agreement of sale with the university places a monetary incentive on university officials to get the Borough to authorize us the zoning ordinance. If it does not materialize by May 31st, 2007, the university will pay us $25K. Currently, it appears highly unlikely we will gain approval to meet the ordinance; thus we will receive the $25K. Posting our letters is important, but the issue has been tabled for further discussion/action. [NOTE: What the Ordinance means: it limits fraternity and sorority properties in the borough. Greek properties must be housed in property that the college owns, and it must be within a designated “zone” near campus.]
• Parking. In the agreement of sale was a stipulation that the university provide a parking pass per every two brothers residing in the house (the property will house approx. 15 brothers).
• Financing. In Oct 06, we secured a bank loan of $150K for the new property. Because of the instant capital earned from the sale of the previous property, no alumni had to co-sign for the current property (as was the case with the previous property where 5 alum's co-signed). The new property will generate revenue (rent) immediately - although (and this is important) Alumni leaders (as discussed at the Corportate Meeting in Myrtle Beach on March 29th, 2007) opted to charge below-market rent to undergraduate brothers as a benefit for them to grow the Colony. Finance Committee and House Committee members reviewed a comprehensive Cash Flow Analysis and estimated we will absorb a small operational loss or achieve a near break-even for the Fall and Spring Terms. Alumni Assoc. leaders made this decision (i.e., to offer reduced rent to select undergraduate brothers) based on 1) the current critical state of the Colony and 2) our savings (approx. $29K) affords us to take some short-term risk.
• Occupancy. Ideally, the house would be occupied exclusively by undergraduate brothers -- a concept consistent with a thriving fraternity. We are not there yet, due to several factors: 1) the Colony continues to build a solid foundation (i.e., the Colony lacks members), 2) some parents' objection having their son reside in a fraternity house, 3) some undergraduate brothers having committed to a different off-campus residence by placing a non-refundable security deposit, and 4) other time-sensitive factors. [NOTE 1: rent for the Fall Term for brothers will be $1,300, they each place a $300 security deposit, and they pay all utilities (except the Alumni Assoc. agreed to pick up the internet/cable.)] [NOTE 2: 4 undergraduate members (non-brothers) will reside in one side of the house. Their rent will be higher, which provides the bulk of our revenue flow.]
Golf Outing at MYRTLE BEACH: This event has proven to be the catalyst to our Re-colonization Effort! Besides engaging in golf, alcohol, good food, fine cigars, camaraderie, poker, and Bible study (ya, right!), we also use this occasion to convene our Semi-Annual Corporate Meeting (a 2 hour session on Thursday night although alumni brothers have side-bar discussions throughtout the week). The other Corporate Meeting is held during Homecoming Weekend in California, PA.
Minutes from the semi-annual Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity (Beta Iota Alumni Chapter) Corporate Meeting, March 29th, 2007 (taken by Kevin Jenkins, Secretary, BI 447):
Meeting Attendees (20): Russ Bergstedt (BI 354), Wayne Cekola (BI 616), Ed Clay (BI 356), John Darnley (BI 542), Vito Dentino (BI 218), Jeff Janosik (BI 526), Kevin Jenkins (BI 447), Joe Karpa (BI 519), Chris McCrory (BI 286), Bob Rodi (BI 350), Jim Sandherr (BI 503), Joe Sandherr (BI 523), Tom Sandherr (BI 483), John Sauritch (BI 333), Rich Saut (BI 527), Joe Sprentz (BI 536), Jeff Stivason (BI 524), Walter Stockton (BI 252), Jack Wardman (BI 244), Rick Zimmerman (BI 538).
Corporate Meeting:
• The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:00PM by Alumni President, Joe Karpa;
• Discussed financial obligations and ramifications of the current cost of dues and insurance for undergraduate brothers;
1. Pledge & National Initiation Fee = $185.00;
2. Per brother/per semester insurance ($100.00) (paid in Fall) = $200.00
3. Local and National Dues = $120 ($60.00 per semester)
• Current Status of Beta Iota Colony:
1. Currently financially suspended by Sigma Tau Gamma National Fraternity.
2. Over $1,000 in past due insurance is owed to STG National Fraternity.
3. STG National recommends a collection action/agency at this point.
4. Bottom line is from a STG National point of view – BI Colony is not paying its dues and is on suspension until the debts are satisfied.
5. There has been a review of STG BI Colony members and their financial status within the colony – this was done to attempt to clear the current debt.
6. STG National insists that dues be paid for 20 brothers – insurance is charged at the same amount/ratio – need $5,000 to satisfy debt.
7. There has been a significant pay-down of the debt – Joe Karpa to contact STG National Fraternity to try and arrange a restoration of Colony status.
8. Review Results: 18 members (3 persons owe significant amounts of money) (3 persons recommended for outright expulsion) – After the review – bottom line = 10 brothers in good standing, payment of dues, etc.
9. Promissory Note: In use by other fraternities on campus – will go into effect for Fall semester 2007 – will be a binding/notorized obligation form for dues, insurance, etc. – there was much discussion as to how to make this legal for minors, whether parents should be involved, etc. – will require fees to be paid “up front.”
10. Colony Objectives: As stated by Wayne Cecola and discussed by group:
A) Increase paid membership/amount of brothers during the next year.
B) Possible Alumni/Undergraduate combined Rush event in Fall 2007.
C) Possible Open House – parents visit house and talk with brothers and
alumni during Freshman Orientation (Jul/Aug).
D) “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ) placed on both web sites (ACTION: Wayne Cekola and Frank Catalano).
E) Weekend house work/construction required to make apartments above the garage more inhabitable – suggested Saturday @ 10:00 a.m. – Sunday @ 2:00 p.m. – plan for two weekends (June – August).
• Old Business:
1. House Issues: It was stated by Vito Dentino that work/improvements are “required” (in his opinion) to: the garages and apartment above the garage to expand reasonable occupancy from 2 to 3 renters, ensure that the garage apartments are within ordnance/code requirements (electrical & plumbing), update the kitchen, insulate the garage area, with a possible requirement for a fire escape. An inspection may be required.
2. Institutional Zone: As of the date of this meeting, the zoning and ordinances have not been changed to allow our house to be recognized as a “fraternity” house (which basically allows us to post our Greek letters). It is currently considered a “boarding” house, which restricts the number of renters and restricts us from using a portion of the upstairs in the house. The University is still negotiating with the borough, but there does not seem to be any resolution to this issue in sight. Based on our sales contract with the university (due to Vito’s keen insight to add a clause to the agreement of sale to which the university agreed), there is $25,000 being held in escrow for payment if the zoning was not changed. The agreed upon date, for the zoning change is May 31st, 2007. Once that date has passed, the $25,000 can be disbursed to the Alumni Chapter by the attorney holding the money in trust. Use of these anticipated funds is TBD.
3. Number of Renters: It was discussed that based on the current zoning, the best we could hope for is 3 renters per each side/duplex (6 total) of the house and 3 renters above the garage, for a total of 9 renters. It was discussed that the garage needs to be inspected and approved for rent.
4. Motion – Pursue fixing up garage, get it inspected and assess cost of required work: This motion was discussed, and then passed. The discussion centered around first getting the area assessed, then possibly having professionals perform the portion that has to be inspected/certified and to have the undergraduates and alumni do some of the work as several weekend projects that would be done over the Summer of 2007.
5. Assets: Although we did not have financial statements to review, it was determined by an oral report given by Vito Dentino, that the Alumni Chapter has approximately $29,000 in its two bank accounts.
6. Rent of Apartments to STG brothers: There was discussion, led by Joe Sprentz, Wayne Cekola, Jeff Janosik and others in reference to ensuring that the apartments in the garage and the house would be rented at a “discount” to the brothers who are in good standing. Many expressed opinions, and there was a “circular” discussion of what dollar amount (per semester) was reasonable/fiscally responsible for the apartment above the garages. Vito Dentino expressed that the attendees did not have enough knowledge of rental pricing to discuss this item. There was also discussion as to how much of a “break” we should give to them. Some felt that this group of brothers were not the ideal ones to keep the improvement of the Colony going for STG. Some expressed that these are the young men we have (9-10) who are in good standing and we should have them renting the house. There was discussion about the fact that these men have paid their dues and insurance and that about ½ of the members have been asked to leave. It was also discussed that these brothers were working hard to pay off the “bad debt” the former members left them. After much discussion, a motion was made.
7. Motion – Cost to rent the area above the garage will be $1,100 per brother per semester, they each place a $300 security deposit, and they pay their own utilities (except internet/cable which the Alumni Assoc. would absorb). Discussion was some of the same as mentioned above. Without financial details, it was difficult to determine a reasonable rental amount. Vito Dentino informed us that the apartments in the house could be rented at $1,050 per month and that he had a professor interested in a one year lease. Vito also stated that the cost to rent a dormitory room on campus is $2,800 per semester. There was also discussion about having the remaining apartment in the house rented to brothers at a reduced rate. The motion passed with a majority vote.
8. Intention to rent to undergraduates at a reduced rate: It was clear that the intent of the Alumni present at this meeting was/is to rent any available space in the house and above the garages (6 spaces) to brothers first, at a reduced rate. It was discussed and understood by most that the undergraduates would have until April 6th, 2007 to give their deposit checks and applications to Vito Dentino. It was discussed quite emotionally at times, that we HAVE to rent to these young men, or risk ending the likely last, best hope we have of reestablishing the Beta Iota chapter. It was also discussed, that this was the sole purpose for forming the deals last Summer and Fall when we sold the previous property to the university. We assured them we would put STG brothers in this newly acquired house. After the meeting, Wayne Cekola was instructed by Joe Karpa to contact Brian Rasel the STG undergraduate president and get a commitment that 6 brothers could provide deposits and applications NLT April 6th, 2007 to Vito.
• New Business:
1. Alumni Contacts: Jeff Janosik made the point that the most effective way to contact alumni brothers is to pick up the phone and talk to people. He illustrated that point with the fact that most in attendance at Homecoming and/or Myrtle Beach came back, or got involved because someone got on the phone with them.
2. Amnesty: Kevin Jenkins briefly discussed the Amnesty process, that we had brought two brothers back into the fold, but that most of those contacted were not interested. It was also stated that upon investigation with STG National, there were some fairly unusual reasons, without much documentation to expel brothers from the fraternity over the years.
3. Homecoming: Announcement that Homecoming is mid-October, and there will be the usual events, with golf, gathering, etc.
4. CUP Alumni Association: No discussion
5. Elections: After a short discussion it was agreed by hand vote that all current officers should remain in their elected positions. No new nominations were made for any officer positions.
6. Repayment of Alumni Donations: It was discussed that several brothers made donations last Spring/Summer when it was required to keep the STG Alumni Assoc. solvent until the valuable property could be sold to the university. Those brothers named (but might not be limited to) were Jeff Janosik, Pete Galames, Joe Karpa, Rich Saut, Mike Neapolitano, etc.
7. Adjournment: It was motioned and seconded that we adjourn.
• Follow-on Items From the Meeting:
1. Rent of the apartments to STG undergraduates: Following the meeting, Wayne Cekola contacted Brian Rasel – STG undergraduate president in reference to the rental of the apartments above the garage and in the house. This was as per the direction of Joe Karpa during the meeting. Brian committed to getting 5 deposit checks and applications to Vito Dentino to secure rental space for Fall 2007, NLT April 6.
2. A formal “House Committee” Meeting (to include two Finance Officers) is scheduled for Saturday, April 21st, 10:00AM in California, PA. Agenda items include: identifying and compensating a Property Manager, drafting House Rules, analyzing a Cost Analysis, reviewing the Agreement of Sale and other pertinent documents, etc.
• Sigma Tau Gamma National has a quarterly publication, The Saga of Sigma Tau Gamma. Alumni and undergraduates are encouraged to submit news, stories and photos for publication. The Saga is free of charge. If you’d like to begin receiving your copies, call Nationals at 660.747.9599 or e-mail, editor@sigmataugamma.org.
• Cal U also has a quarterly publication, The Cal U Review. The publication also encourages submissions. If you want to get on the mailing list click Cal U Review office, or phone: 724.938.4195.
Gentlemen, at this point, we really need your support in keeping the fires hot among our 800+ alumni base. How? Try:
• Using our data-heavy Excel Brother Spreadsheet, CALL YOUR PLEDGE BROTHERS! Re-establish that contact! For an updated copy of the Spreadsheet, e-mail Jeff; he’ll gladly mail an electronic or hard copy to you. Please specify if you want it rank-ordered by BI # or alphabetically.
• For those brothers not yet found (as per the Spreadsheet) who you knew personally - or wonder where they are today - HELP FIND THEM! Conduct an internet "People Search" or be aggressive by tracking family and/or friends from their origin or last known whereabouts. Once you locate a "lost" brother, please ensure you steer them to our website and pass their personal info to Jeff.
• Correct your information on the spreadsheet, e-mail Jeff with the changes.
• Note: Amnesty Program Committee (POCs are Kevin Jenkins and Rich Saut). Access this link to learn more about our genuine attempt to welcome back many (approx. 27) of our Brothers – from 1959 to 1996 – who were unofficially “black-balled” from National rolls through, as we have realized, no fault of their own.
• For you IT pro's, are you interested in assisting the Website Committee? POC is brother Frank Catalano, BI 499. Please contact and consider assisting Frank with managing this site!
• Tab this webpage! We also need assistance in further developing our webpage as well as the photo album. Do you have old photos of your Fraternity days? Date the photo as best you can then send an electronic (JPeg) copy to Frank!
CLOSING.. I want to personally invite you back…not just to Homecoming or to the Golf Outing, but in a general sense, back to Sigma Tau Gamma – an organization that means so much to each of us. Become re-connected with your Fraternity, and with your old fraternity brothers, and your University – even if it was called Cal State! The Colony at Cal is truly at a crossroads and they need a strong Alumni Association to support them; they need you – now more than ever. If you find that you cannot support us with your time, then please consider opening up your wallet a little (submit donations to Sigma Tau Gamma Alumni Asasoc. 321 Third Street, California, PA 15419). When you do find time to come back to Cal, to a Sig Tau event, you are going to see a substantial Beta Iota presence at the California University campus and you can be thankful to be a part of our history at Cal.
We will once again be the model fraternity on campus!
Fraternally Yours,
Joe Karpa, BI 519, President
Beta Iota Alumni Association of
Sigma Tau Gamma
III. Homecoming 2005. For Sig Taus, last year's Homecoming get-together was a profound success! Nearly 100 brothers returned to celebrate the re-emergence of Sigma Tau Gamma back on campus of Cal U, visited the fraternity house, and renewed old acquaintenances. The attendees (most are pictured above):
Greg Janusek (633), Herb Brant (3), Speer Ruey (364), Pete Gialames (220), Jon Brierton (644), Dean Billik (2), Stan Kukula (1), Joe Karpa (519), Randy Senior (548), Michael Pado (329), David Peters (273), Tim Terhorst (620), Chris Antantis (587), Darren Danko (576), Kirk Danko (602), Paul Serbak (653), George Bender (47), Joseph Fincik (100), Paul Pollock (199), George Wilson (183), Carl Miller (586), Kenneth Gulick (621), Jeff Janosik (526), Frank Bunecicky (72), Rich Lasota (324), Mike Napolitano (230), Dan Gidick (344), Jeff Stivason (524), Don VanSlyke (31), Rodger Wiegman (60), Dave Talpas (508), John Cekola (670), Wayne Cekola (616), Dave Smith (Uniontown; 659), Dave Smith (Ohio; 695), Ted Lorch (4), John Shosky (367), Dan Wess (43), Vito Dentino (218), Rodger Terry (654), Jack Lesko (404), Dayne Losee (405), Bob Kaufmann (238), Rich Saut (527), Tom Sandherr (483), Jim Sandherr (504), Anthony McCune (528), Kelly Cass (661), Lou Pergola (629), Robert Rodi (350), Dino Aloisi (549), Donnie Record (563), Bob Anderson (509), Dave Walchesky (517), Bo Gillis (360), Mike Hooper (747), Ed Clay (356), Ron Oklewicz (250), Frank Catalano (499), Tom Stuvek (495), Glenn MaGatz (550), Kenneth J. Katona, Robert Berberich, Josh Pajak, Barron Burton, Rich Thornton, Doug Craig, Tom Perrotta, J.R. Barney, and Ross Persichetti.