A Message From Kyle ... |
The purpose of this page is to
raise funds in Honor of Rodney A. Knight towards Throat Cancer Research. Kyle
Elizabeth Gancher will be running the Dublin, Ireland marathon on October 25, 1999. |
October 25, 1999 - Hello to everyone. Well I have successfully completed the Dublin City
marathon with an unofficial time of 3:51. My goal was to break 4 hours. (They record times by a chip you wear on your sneaker). I probably finished
just as most of you were going to work this morning. Had a great time running, no problems. At times when I got tired I felt dad there with me
encouraging me to go on, it was a tearful finish for me. I am off to celebrate now, and have a few beers. We leave Thursday am to come home and
are looking forward to it. Will email more when I return.
Thanks again for all your support and generosity, it kept me going out there.
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This page was last modified: August 17, 1999