Week      11-11/16  Results

  Player                         Pick1                        Pick2                        Pick3                   Score

  Cody                             Jets                            Panthers                      Dolphins                      3.5

  Patrick                            Jets                            Panthers                      Colts                          3.5

  Amy W                           Dolphins                       Colts                           Panthers                       3

  Bill F                              Colts                           Dolphins                       Panthers                       3

  Craig                             Colts                           Dolphins                       Panthers                       3

  Glenn G                          Broncos                       Jaguars                       Browns                        3

  John                              Dolphins                       Panthers                      Colts                            3

  Lee                               Dolphins                       Panthers                      Colts                            3

  Mad Dog                         Colts                           Giants                         Panthers                       3

  Mark R                           Dolphins                       Panthers                      Colts                            3

  Michael G                        Redskins                      Browns                       Jets                             3

  Michele W                       Dolphins                       Colts                           Panthers                       3

  NN                                Colts                           Panthers                      Steelers                        3

  Pam                               Dolphins                       Colts                           Panthers                       3

  Rich D                            Panthers                      Dolphins                       Colts                            3

  Scott                             Colts                           Panthers                      Dolphins                        3

  Tom W                           Dolphins                       Colts                           Panthers                       3

  Bobby                            Jets                            Colts                           Redskins                     2.5

  Kyle                              Jets                            Seahawks                    Panthers                     2.5

  Lenny                            Jets                            Panthers                      Eagles                        2.5

  Albanese                        Redskins                      Dolphins                       Panthers                       2

  Chris H                           Redskins                      Dolphins                       Panthers                       2

  Dan G                            Eagles                         Dolphins                       Giants                          2

  DJ                                 Panthers                      Eagles                         Colts                            2

  Feldner                           Dolphins                       Eagles                         Panthers                       2

  Gina                              Dolphins                       Eagles                         Panthers                       2

  Gonzo                            Panthers                      Dolphins                       Eagles                          2

  Jen W                            Steelers                       Panthers                      Rams                           2

  Tuesday, November 18, 2008                                                                                                         Page 1 of 2

  Player                         Pick1                        Pick2                        Pick3                   Score

  Jim P                              Cardinals                      Eagles                         Panthers                       2

  Katie                              Giants                         Panthers                      Redskins                       2

  Lauren                           Dolphins                       Panthers                      Eagles                          2

  Mark K                           Colts                           Eagles                         Panthers                       2

  Matt K                            Panthers                      Dolphins                       Eagles                          2

  Matt W                           Colts                           Panthers                      Eagles                          2

  Steve F                          Colts                           Panthers                      Eagles                          2

  Willie                              Dolphins                       Panthers                      Chiefs                          2

  Julie                              Jaguars                       Bears                          Jets                           1.5

  Jon B                             Chargers                      Colts                           Vikings                         1

  Mark D                           Dolphins                       Chiefs                         Redskins                       1

  Chris B                           Redskins                      Ravens                        Jaguars                        0

  Chris S                           Redskins                      Ravens                        Jaguars                        0

  Jack                              Lions                           Raiders                        Bengals                        0

  Nate                              Redskins                      Ravens                        Seahawks                     0

  Wayne                           Redskins                      Chiefs                         Seahawks                     0

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