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Underground Wrestling Alliance [UWA]

Last Updated on: 9/6/97

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     Welcome Everyone to the Underground Wrestling Alliance [UWA] Web Site. We here at the UWA are very happy to bring you this web site so that you may communicate with other underground wrestling fans, wrestlers, and promoters. This site was created for you the fans, wrestlers, and promoters to interact with eachother at any time. Please feel free to post in our message boards or chat in our chat room. Please feel free to check out this site and e-mail us. That's it for now! Let's get it on!

: UWA Mission Statement - What we hope to accomplish

: Join the UWA - By joining the Underground Wrestling Alliances you get exposure for your undy (underground fed). Join Today!

: UWA Newsletter - The OFFICIAL UWA Newsletter

: UWA federations - Federations that belong to the UWA

: UWA Message Boards - share your feelings on UWA members, member's videos, underground wrestling in general ,specific wrestlers and more.

: The Official  UWA Chat Room -  Come chat with the members of the UWA and underground wrestling fans. This is a great version of wrestling which has become an international pastime for young and old wrestling fans. Every so often we will try to get some underground wrestlers and/or promoters to come chat with us in the UWA chat room!

[ NOTE: This chat room requires a Java enabled browser. Please download the latest version of either Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer. ]

| Mission Statement | LetterFeds | Boards | ChatE-mailHOME |

(c) 1997 Extreme Productions

This web site was created by Extreme Productions.

Send us some e-mail and let us know what you think about this site!

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