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The Ultimate NEGROS SLASHERS Hate Site
What's Goin' Down?
Ten Reasons Why They SUCK 
Sign the asswiper
NOgros Slashers
 This site is dedicated to berating the most overrated, the suckiest, and the faggiest ballclub in the MBA, the Negros Slassh... errr, Negros Slashers. Don't expect to find kind words about this pathetic team in here cos you won't. At every opportunity, i did my best to humiliate and inflict mental torture to everyone involved with this team. Please excuse the rather crude images all throughout cos i only have Paintbrush to come up with them.
Some might PRAISE me for coming up with a site with kick ass content as this. Realizing that the Suckers had their fun, and it's now our turn. The ball is on our hands. And to all of you who will, i'm glad you're on my side. It's nice to know i'm not alone on this planet who can't stand them.
Some of you might find this to be offensive. Well, that's my objective - hit things below the belt. The lower, the better. I don't and won't give a shit to all reversing my beliefs. This is my site, this is my vision, THIS IS MY LEAGUE. And you're playing it by my rules.
Before i blow even more tops, i want you to reflect on the reason i did this. It's pretty simple, really...
I HATE THEM ALL TO PIECES!!!!!! I'm not a racist. I'm not regionalistic-minded. I'm just expressing my sheer hatred towards this bunch of egotistic, trashtalking, conceited idiots. That's all. For that, they earned my ire.
  have been pleased/pissed since
Send it now, punks!!!
NEGROS SLASSHERS et al  ©  The Slacker
Illegal reproduction is a must. Highly recommended.