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Personal Interests

I like everything about it. Doubles is the best. I create a summer tournament list every year. If you would like to get an e-mail of the list or would like to have your tournaments on my list please leave me a message. If you are leaving information about your tournaments please give me the dates and any information that you want listed. Also if you could give all the information that I list it would be apreciated.
Computer Games Animated Mage attacking image Animated Female Martial Artist
I get the exercise playing volleyball, so this is the couch potato activity. I am currently playing Ultima Online.
Other games that I can play are Duke Nukem 3D, Quake, Command & Conquer, Red Alert, Warcraft II,
Mech Warrior 2, Diablo, and many others.
Send me an e-mail and maybe we can play.
Couch potato activity nember 2. I watch the X-Files every Sunday night. Best show on TV, has humor as well as scary stuff, what more could you ask for.
Great comic, pokes fun at authority, lots of fun to read because it is so true.
Visit the Dilbert Store
ComicsAnimated Running Spider-Man
Collect and read, lots of different ones, mostly Marvel. X-Men, Spiderman, Fantastic Four, lots of others
People that I work with

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Contact Information

Electronic mail address
Animated envelope Mike_Daly@msn.com

ICQ: Look me up under my MSN e-mail

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Page designed by Michael Daly.
Last revised: December 19, 2002.