Oregon Horseshoe Pitcher's Guestbook

Come back to see us sometime!

allen - 12/17/00 12:19:08
How Long You Been Pitching?: 22years
Where do you pitch?: baseball
Favorite Shoe: airmaks;red
I would like to see:: horseshoes

For one I don't know what NHPA Member mean.Why did you ask Allen all this stuff.IT MAKE ME MAD

chris - 12/16/00 20:44:39
State: nh
NHPA Member?: no
How Long You Been Pitching?: 2 years
Where do you pitch?: king quenns


Lloyd Kilgore - 07/31/00 18:24:11
My Email:Kilgorel@aol.com
State: Oregon
NHPA Member?: Yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: 22 yrs
Where do you pitch?: Corvallis-Lebanon-Eug
Favorite Shoe: Ohio O
I would like to see:: More pitchers

Hi horseshoe pitchers; Just wanted to let you know I, as OHPA Historian, will be interviewed by talk show host Dick Manning of radio KGAL-AM, 1580, of Albany, Oregon, Monday Aug. 7 at 8:30 a.m....Lloyd Kilgore

Bob Barrett - 05/21/00 06:38:25
My Email:rondadee@freewwweb.com
State: Oregon
NHPA Member?: Yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: Five Years
Where do you pitch?: Eugene
Favorite Shoe: Diamond
I would like to see:: Up to date schedules


Lorena Swann - 05/11/00 04:46:01
My Email:l.a.swann@worldnet.att.net
State: Arizona
NHPA Member?: Yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: 3 rd year
Where do you pitch?: Mesa, Az
Favorite Shoe: M & M

I was searching for info for the State of Washington as we will be flying up to Seattle in August. Was disappointed that they do not have a website as yet. Am I right to understand that Oregon publishes the Washington's tournaments? Also, your schedule till showed 1999, is your 2000 someplace else and I just missed it? Please let me know.

Steve Reynolds - 05/10/00 21:28:31
My Email:steveandjudy@usa.net
State: Alaska
NHPA Member?: yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: 1 year
Where do you pitch?: AK, AZ, CA
Favorite Shoe: M & M
I would like to see:: 2000 pitching schedule

If anyone is reading this we would like to have a 2000 schedule--some info on the Rogue River meet in June for starters. Many thanks.

Lloyd Kilgore - 05/01/00 04:18:53
My Email:KilgoreL@aol.com
State: Oregon
NHPA Member?: Yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: 21 yrs
Where do you pitch?: Corv-Leb-Eug
Favorite Shoe: Ohio O
I would like to see:: On line newsletter

Hi, For any of you that would like to check it out, my column on horseshoes has been running in the Gazette Times (Corvallis) for most of the past year; there have been 5 or 6 of them; most recenton 4-26-2000. The Email for GT is: http://www.gtconnect.com/ Also, check archives section and Search for "Kilgore"... Lloyd Kilgore

Dave Hooper - 04/26/00 22:25:25
My URL:http://dave2536@aol.com
My Email:dave2536@aol.com
State: Maryland
NHPA Member?: yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: 2 years
Where do you pitch?: Frederick MD Club
Favorite Shoe: Elmer Hoyle
I would like to see:: address of clubs in OR

I am taking my family to Sun River and wondered if there were any decent pits in the local area. I saw there was a club in Bend but where. What is the address, any directions or person to call? I will be returning to OR/WA in 3 years when I retire and wou d like to know how to get to all the various clubs. Thanks, Dave Hooper

budenski,mike - 04/26/00 17:02:51
My Email:budton80@aol.com
State: wa
NHPA Member?: use to be
How Long You Been Pitching?: 8 years
Where do you pitch?: back yard
Favorite Shoe: diamond 2ts
I would like to see:: some compitition

Aschedule of upcoming tournements, Thanks

raymond - 04/24/00 00:50:27
My Email:raymondw@cruisenet.net
State: ms
NHPA Member?: no
How Long You Been Pitching?: few yrs
Where do you pitch?: backyard
Favorite Shoe: none


Vicky Oglesby - 04/09/00 17:16:34
My Email:theoges@webtv.net
State: California (Southern)
NHPA Member?: yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: 16 years
Where do you pitch?: Bishop Ca
Favorite Shoe: dead eye
I would like to see:: your 2000 schedule

Could someone please e-mail or mail me your 2000 tournament schedule. address P.O. Box 667 Bishop, CA 93515 Thank you Vicky

Kevin Smith - 04/07/00 06:33:40
My URL:http://www.beaconcontrols.com/marketplace/horseshoes/
My Email:kmsmith@beaconcontrols.com
State: Michigan
NHPA Member?: Yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: On and off for 23 years
Where do you pitch?: In the Midwest
Favorite Shoe: One step Allen

Just wanted to drop a note on your site. I'm selling some items that might make great gift items for your favorite pitcher or yourself. Great site, keep up the good work. Link to us: http://www.beaconcontrols.com/marketplace/horseshoes/ Happy pitching.

Greg Marshall - 04/04/00 21:13:37
My Email:GTMarsh@msn.com
State: Oregon
NHPA Member?: No
How Long You Been Pitching?: Four years...non competitive
Where do you pitch?: At my home pits
I would like to see:: Clay in my pits

I live in Hillsboro and would like to know where I can find good clay for my pits and how to care for them. Thank you, Greg Marshall

Lloyd Kilgore - 03/29/00 17:54:19
My Email:Kilgorel@aol.com
State: Oregon
NHPA Member?: 21 yrs
How Long You Been Pitching?: 21 yrs
Where do you pitch?: Ore-Wash-Calif-Ohio
Favorite Shoe: Ohio O's
I would like to see:: More members

Just checking in--add me among those pitchers looking for more members and retention of "old" ones. Enjoy this game but believe we need to utilize the countall method for lower classes and beginners. Scoring means a lot to anyone starting out....Lloyd
Revis McKee - 03/11/00 01:39:53
My Email:HorsshuMac@aol.com
State: CAlifornia
NHPA Member?: Yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: 4 years
Where do you pitch?: Orange Horseshoe Club
Favorite Shoe: Colt Six Shooter

Looking for information on the Rouge River Tournament. Dates and application

bill graham jr. - 03/05/00 18:56:11
State: oregon
NHPA Member?: yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: seven years
Where do you pitch?: ore. wash. d ead
Favorite Shoe: dead eye
I would like to see:: more members


ken hill - 03/04/00 21:54:57
My Email:chefken64@looksmart.com
State: oregon
NHPA Member?: no
How Long You Been Pitching?: 8 years
Where do you pitch?: backyard


- 02/20/00 18:50:47


Paddy kennedy - 02/16/00 09:25:31
My Email:kennedyp@tcd.ie
State: Dublin Ireland
NHPA Member?: no
How Long You Been Pitching?: yeaars
Where do you pitch?: Donnybrook Dublin
Favorite Shoe: none
I would like to see:: American style of play

Greetings to you all from the Irish horseshoe pitchers association.

Joe Hicks - 02/05/00 01:26:50
My Email:jmhicks@uswest.net
State: Oregon
NHPA Member?: no
How Long You Been Pitching?: 15 years
Where do you pitch?: home
Favorite Shoe: Gordon


The Scorch - 01/29/00 19:45:55
My Email:scorch@eircom.ney
State: Dublin
NHPA Member?: no
How Long You Been Pitching?: years
Where do you pitch?: Ireland
Favorite Shoe: different over here
I would like to see:: difference

Nice to know shoes are being global.Wev'e being playing them for years. Good to see the game is alive in the US we have being playing over here for centuries. If anyone can date the game please inform me.

Peter Clark - 01/26/00 06:00:11
My Email:pacman_98370@yahoo.com
State: Washington
NHPA Member?: yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: long time :-)

Just Surfing around and found you. Hope life is good down south. Hopefully someday I will be back!

- 01/19/00 02:40:03


Robert D.Brennan - 12/14/99 17:53:08
My Email:Robert.D.Brennan@Intel.com
State: Or.
NHPA Member?: YES
Where do you pitch?: Every where I gone don't leave home without them !!!
Favorite Shoe: Mustang
I would like to see:: Safe & Happy Holidays

As President of the "Portland Horseshoe Club" I would like to wish ALL horseshoe pitchers around the WORLD a SAFE & Happy Holidays !!! Hope to see ya at the World Tournament in North Dakota. Drop me a line (email) or give me a call 503-357-2299 I'm only a "RINGER" away. HO HO HO

Robert D.Brennan - 12/14/99 17:45:06
My Email:Robert.D.Brennan@Intel.com
State: Or.
NHPA Member?: Yes Sir/Mam
How Long You Been Pitching?: Tour. 4yrs total since birth
Where do you pitch?: Mich , Az. now Oregon
Favorite Shoe: Mustang
I would like to see:: more members

Anyone interested in hooking up with other horseshoe pitchers can contact me at the email addresses given above & I can give you a name & number of someone in your area,We are all over the state & will not go away. There are numerous people that will be w lling to pitch with you & give you some hintful pointers along the way. Don't wait for the summer as we do have "a" indoor court to help ya get started. Hope to see ya in the "PITS".

Robert D.Brennan - 12/14/99 17:38:22


Bob Brennan - 12/13/99 20:33:55
My Email:http://Robert.D.Brenan@Intel.com
State: Oregon
NHPA Member?: yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: tour. 4 yrs
Where do you pitch?: Portland
Favorite Shoe: Mustang
I would like to see:: year 2000 schedule

Would like to see the 2000 schedule ASAP for planning vacation needs. This will help those of us still working time to schedule our vacation schedule at work.

JOHN COTE - 12/13/99 00:55:25
State: nh
How Long You Been Pitching?: 20 YEARS
I would like to see:: TOURNAMENT ON ESPN


Lloyd KilgoreL - 12/02/99 19:36:46
My Email:Kilgorel@aol.com
State: Oregon
NHPA Member?: Yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: 21 yrs
Where do you pitch?: Corvallis-Eugene-Leb
Favorite Shoe: Ohio
I would like to see:: Just browsing

Great to see our website "in the flesh." Yesterday my column on horseshoes appeared in the Corvallis Gazette-Times (12-1-99); they have an online site and this can be viewed within time in the archives. Nice talkin' to you all out there.. Lloyd

- 11/20/99 02:22:01


Matt Ray - 11/16/99 22:11:33


Gail Moan Hall - 10/29/99 21:01:48
My Email:gmhall@apk.net
State: Ohio
NHPA Member?: no
How Long You Been Pitching?: never
Where do you pitch?: n/a
Favorite Shoe: anything comfortable
I would like to see:: The Oregon Hall of Fame listing

I have been told that my father, Frank P. Moan, from Myrtle Creek, Oregon, is listed in the Oregon Horseshoe Pitchers Hall of Fame. He got a very nice certificate honoring his services to the sport. I would also like to see some pictures of him if any o your members have some. He was not able to make it to a tournament where they were going to show the traveling museum that your group has created. It would be nice to send him and us some pictures from that, if you have any. He is now 89 years old and not as strong as he used to be. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Richard - 10/25/99 02:17:53
My Email:richard@psln.com
State: Ca
NHPA Member?: Yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: 18 years
Where do you pitch?: In a few tournaments
Favorite Shoe: Dead Eye's
I would like to see:: The old game of horseshoes come back!

Just wanted to say hello to Bill Graham, maybe next time he will let me win a game when I pitch him. We will get out of the barn next time!

- 10/24/99 18:15:26


Charles Walter - 10/08/99 17:07:38
My URL:http://www.litek.com
My Email:charles@litek.com
State: OR
NHPA Member?: no
How Long You Been Pitching?: 1 yr
Where do you pitch?: home

a newbie here...

Ernie Hayes - 09/25/99 17:42:18
NHPA Member?: YES
How Long You Been Pitching?: 20 YEARS +
Where do you pitch?: SAN DIEGO, CALIF
Favorite Shoe: BRONCO'S


Val Furtado - 09/11/99 18:07:24
My Email:vfurto@aol.com
State: California
NHPA Member?: No
How Long You Been Pitching?: 30 years
Where do you pitch?: home


Bobby Butterfield - 08/16/99 04:44:39
My Email:chelsea@pacifier.com
State: oregon
NHPA Member?: no
How Long You Been Pitching?: 15 years
Where do you pitch?: backyard

just got done putting pits in my backyard. i hope the landlords don't get upset, but i'll pay the price to play shoes.

Bobby Butterfield - 08/16/99 04:40:56


Linda Fortin - 07/12/99 15:24:31
My Email:geewiz@uswest.net
State: Oregon
NHPA Member?: No
Favorite Shoe: Art Gee's

Enjoyed viewing your site, and best of luck to all of you!!

Chuck Warner - 06/29/99 05:09:37
My Email:lcwkew@wanweb.net
State: Oregon
NHPA Member?: you bet
How Long You Been Pitching?: 5 years
Where do you pitch?: Oregon, Roseburg
Favorite Shoe: Diamond Tournaments
I would like to see:: More Junior members

Jeff Jones in Hillsboro, Or. We have a few members in the OHPA in your area; Northplains, Banks, Corneilus. As well as many in the Portland Area. Clubs up; north are Newberg, Portland, Oregon city, Gresham and accross the river in Washington. give me a c ll/email/ or drop a note and i will be glad to provide you with contacts.Chuck Warner; OHPA, Secretary/Treasurer,; phone 541-459-1206; email lcwkew@wanweb.net; addr- 17667 Tyee Rd., Umpqua, Or. 97486

DAVE HOOPER - 06/15/99 01:15:05
My Email:dave2536@aol.com
State: Maryland
NHPA Member?: yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: 9 mos
Where do you pitch?: Fredrick Horseshoe Club in MD
Favorite Shoe: Elmers

Raised in Oregon and after my stint in the military I plan to return to Portland area. I retire in 3 years and 9 mos. I am just poking around at this time seeing what is happening in the area in terms of horseshoes. By the way does anyone know if there ar some good pits in the Vancouver area and is there a club there? Thanks, Dave Hooper.

Jeff Jones - 06/10/99 06:04:37
My Email:jeffjones-hillsboro@worldnet.att.net
State: Oregon
NHPA Member?: no
How Long You Been Pitching?: beginner
I would like to see:: throwing tips

I am an ex-bowler that has never pitched horseshoes before (except the occasional picnic). I am interested in getting started into competitive pitching as I feel the sport is very similar in movement with bowling (I was a 200 average bowler).

Lyle Dorler - 06/09/99 19:43:36
My Email:dilly @netsync.net
State: New York
NHPA Member?: yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: 15 years
Where do you pitch?: every where i can
Favorite Shoe: Dead Eyes
I would like to see:: more and more sites for horseshoes

love all these websites..

David Spears - 06/04/99 17:58:51
My Email:ringone@netzero.com
State: Idaho
NHPA Member?: Yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: Since 1992
Where do you pitch?: All over
Favorite Shoe: Dead Eye Easy Grip

Go Oregon. See you in Hermiston

David Spears - 06/04/99 17:57:16
My Email:ringone@netzero.com
State: Idaho
NHPA Member?: Yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: Since 1992
Where do you pitch?: All over
Favorite Shoe: Dead Eye Easy Grip

Gooooo Oregon. See you in Hermiston

David Spears - 06/04/99 17:57:08
My Email:ringone@netzero.com
State: Idaho
NHPA Member?: Yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: Since 1992
Where do you pitch?: All over
Favorite Shoe: Dead Eye Easy Grip

Gooooo Oregon. See you in Hermiston

David Spears - 06/04/99 17:56:39
My Email:ringone@netzero.com
State: Idaho
NHPA Member?: Yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: Since 1992
Where do you pitch?: All over
Favorite Shoe: Dead Eye Easy Grip

Gooooo Oregon. See you in Hermiston

Kevin - 05/29/99 22:31:33
State: CA
NHPA Member?: no
How Long You Been Pitching?: 3 times
Where do you pitch?: on picnics

I was looking for the court size when I found your site. Thanks for the info.

Kevin - 05/29/99 22:30:55
My Email:kevinc3@flash.net
State: CA
NHPA Member?: no
How Long You Been Pitching?: 3 times
Where do you pitch?: on picnics

I was looking for the court size when I found your site. Thanks for the info.

BillieSue - 05/27/99 10:51:37
My URL:/~nhpapublicity
My Email:bspenn@mpinet.net
State: Florida
NHPA Member?: Yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: Since '83
Where do you pitch?: Harbor Hills
Favorite Shoe: Mustangs & Clydesdale
I would like to see:: recognition that Horseshoe Pitching is a real sport!

Hey Charlie! Knew you could update your website! Ya' done good, bud!

LEONARD MAYFIELD - 05/18/99 21:36:19
My Email:leonard.mayfield@nww01.usace.army.mil
NHPA Member?: YES
How Long You Been Pitching?: 30 YEARS
Where do you pitch?: HERMISTON, OREGON
Favorite Shoe: ALLENS


maurice brennan - 05/16/99 00:46:55
My Email:maurice.b@esatclear.ie
State: ireland
How Long You Been Pitching?: to long
Where do you pitch?: sandyford dublin ireland
Favorite Shoe: any shoe
I would like to see:: you guys in ireland

see you soon

Kathy Warner - 05/12/99 23:05:41
My Email:lcwkew@wanweb.net
State: OR
NHPA Member?: yes
Where do you pitch?: Roseburg, etc..

Nice to see this site. Good Job!

ÇƧ£® - 05/06/99 02:01:08

BaBa, to change the schedule, log in and edit orsched.html

Glenn Jamieson - 05/04/99 05:24:22
My Email:natstatguy@aol.com
State: California
NHPA Member?: yes NATSTATS
How Long You Been Pitching?: don't pitch no more
I would like to see:: more email address for officers

Just browsing around a few states to see what is happening. How about getting Barry on line so he can email me the tournament results instead of writing them out by hand. Have a good year and we will see several of you at the World

Mel Savery - 03/06/99 20:27:15
My Email:melsave@jps.net
State: CA
NHPA Member?: past member
How Long You Been Pitching?: 15 yr
Where do you pitch?: back yard
Favorite Shoe: allen/deadeye
I would like to see:: more clubs

I'm moving to Florence, OR. Any horseshoe players in that area?

Rodney - 02/25/99 04:22:10
My Email:rpick0942@aol.com
State: Idaho
NHPA Member?: yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: 6 years
Where do you pitch?: Idaho
Favorite Shoe: Ted Allen


gary chalberg - 02/03/99 03:25:27
My Email:arizonatwo@webtv.net
State: arizona
NHPA Member?: yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: 12 years
Where do you pitch?: various places
Favorite Shoe: deadeye regular
I would like to see:: oregon schedule

it would be nice to download the state pitching schedule for our summer trip thru your state

Bobby Stewart - 01/25/99 19:00:01
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sc/fastbobby
My Email:FastBobby@webtv.net
State: South Carolina
NHPA Member?: Yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: 5 years. 4 in sactioned tournaments
Favorite Shoe: Imperial

I enjoy pitching horseshoes. I stopped by this site because I have a friend over the internet that lives in Oregon. I was going to get some information for her in case she wanted to begin pitching. If I ever travel to Oregon I will come pitch some shoe with yall. Maybe someday?

M. R. Edwards - 01/21/99 07:06:39
My Email:chairmaker@msn.com
State: Washington
NHPA Member?: yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: 1 year
Where do you pitch?: tri-cities,wa
Favorite Shoe: deadeye,cydale,df

Printed out your schedule, will try to make more than the Hermiston outings.

Richard Archer - 12/09/98 03:00:12
My URL:http://members/tripod.com/~rarcher/index.html
My Email:aturnshoe@ozip.net
State: Arkansas
NHPA Member?: yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: 12yrs.
Where do you pitch?: Arkansas Valley Asswoc.
Favorite Shoe: elmer holye

good page

Richard Archer - 12/09/98 02:57:26
My URL:http://members/tripod.com/~rarcher/index.html
My Email:aturnshoe


Charlie Moppin - 10/25/98 05:56:05
My Email:cmopp@kozi.com
State: Wash.
NHPA Member?: yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: 6 years
Where do you pitch?: Lake Chelan
Favorite Shoe: Allens


David/Linda Carcich - 09/13/98 21:37:15
My Email:listennw@wizzards.net
NHPA Member?: No
How Long You Been Pitching?: 1 day
Where do you pitch?: Roseburg, OR

Hi, Art Gee is Linda's cousin. We usually don't have time to do this but today we made time. Really enjoyed it. We hope to go to practice nights on Thursdays but most weekends are out for us. Had a fun time today. Met lot's of neat people. David

Jim Warhurst - 09/13/98 03:41:09
My Email:WWarh1949@aol.com
State: OR
NHPA Member?: no
How Long You Been Pitching?: just starting

I'm just starting. I have thrown a little, but basicly I know nothing about it. I would like to.

Charlie Anderson - 09/03/98 03:09:54
My Email:chuck@a1pro.net
State: Oregon
NHPA Member?: not this year
How Long You Been Pitching?: 10years
Where do you pitch?: Rouge River Oregoon
Favorite Shoe: Imperial
I would like to see:: Roxanne,Bilie Sue,Sharon,Diane and some guys also

I want to thank Billie Sue Pennington for putting this site together. I sent her the info and she made up the website and did a great job. Thanks Billie Sue. Everyone is invited to play in the Rogue River money tournament the last week end in June.

Denis Oakley - 08/18/98 00:16:49
My Email:oakley@portalinc.com
State: Philippines
NHPA Member?: no
How Long You Been Pitching?: 6 yrs
Where do you pitch?: subic bay, olongapo city
Favorite Shoe: cal flip
I would like to see:: rules

I'm an Australian who enjoys this great game. We have a mixed league that plays first to 21, 2 points clear. Our men play off 40 ft, our women throw of 30 ft ( in the same game ) causes some conflict. Can you tell me your associations views on this.

Ed Loranger - 07/16/98 22:02:37
My URL:/yosemite/trails/2052
My Email:ooringer@geocities.com
State: California
NHPA Member?: Yup!
How Long You Been Pitching?: Most of my 40 yrs.. Member 4 yrs.
Where do you pitch?: Sonoma County Club, Santa Rosa, CA.
Favorite Shoe: Allens/Dead-eye originals.
I would like to see:: My average go up!

We are expanding to 16 courts from 12. Come visit the club webpage and see the photos of us working too!! More photos real soon! Ed, President , Sonoma County Horseshoe Pitching Club.

Sam/Wendy Tomasevic - 07/15/98 01:54:11
My Email:samtom@direct.ca
State: Vancouver Canada
NHPA Member?: Horseshoe Canada
How Long You Been Pitching?: To long
Where do you pitch?: British Columbia
Favorite Shoe: TNT

Nice going, say hello to Elmer and Barry for us. Look forward to visiting Oregon again one day real soon. Sam and Wendy Tomasevic

Mike Davis - 06/26/98 01:48:48
My Email:mdavis@coinet.com
State: Oregon
NHPA Member?: no

I have been looking for the rules and regulations for pitching. I need the regulation pit size, etc. If you can, please email. If not, mail to Mike Davis PO Box 802 Redmond, OR 97756

Roxanne Medley - 06/17/98 14:34:10
My URL:http://www.rmedley615@aol.com
My Email:rmedley@aol.com
State: CA
NHPA Member?: Yep
How Long You Been Pitching?: 5 years
Where do you pitch?: Orcutt
Favorite Shoe: Any that don't land in the Rogue River when in Oregon
I would like to see:: Charlie Anderson, and all the crew at the Rogue

Just glad you have this page for me to check everything out on.

sue - 05/27/98 00:18:14
State: oregon
NHPA Member?: no
Where do you pitch?: home


Tom Nichols - 05/06/98 18:23:23
State: AZ
How Long You Been Pitching?: 1 1/2 YRS
Where do you pitch?: AT A PARK IN N. PHX.
Favorite Shoe: AMERICANS


Sam Tomasevic - 05/02/98 16:09:53
My Email:samtom@direct.ca
State: B.C.
How Long You Been Pitching?: too long
Where do you pitch?: Canada
Favorite Shoe: TNT

Hello Elmer, Sam and Wendy Tomasevic in Vancouver, B.C. Canada saying hello to al our Oregon friends. Say hello to Barry Chapelle for us. Hope to see you one day. Fell free to e-mail me sometime.

Kevin Brown - 04/27/98 22:14:33
My Email:brown@tco.net
State: CA
NHPA Member?: no
How Long You Been Pitching?: 10yrs.
Where do you pitch?: home
Favorite Shoe: diamond/tournament
I would like to see:: a book on pitching


Darrell Buell - 03/13/98 18:36:47
NHPA Member?: YES
How Long You Been Pitching?: 17 YEARS
Where do you pitch?: ARIZONA,MESA
Favorite Shoe: TED ALLEN
I would like to see:: ??


Richard Jacques - 01/28/98 22:46:50
State: Maine
NHPA Member?: Yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: 5 Years
Where do you pitch?: New England Area
Favorite Shoe: Cal. Flip
I would like to see:: More Ringers

Nice Page . Hope to play in your state some day.

Vey Allen - 01/22/98 10:22:50
My Email:Vey Allen@aol.com
State: Washington
NHPA Member?: You bet
How Long You Been Pitching?: Since 1985
Where do you pitch?: Fairly close to the peg
Favorite Shoe: Deadeye Clydesdale
I would like to see:: More Ringers

Would like to see Washington and Oregon develop a team tournament to be held once a year for a traveling trophy. Criteria would need to be developed to determine who would be the teams representatives. Some system that would balance out well, maybe 4 pi chers from each state fitting into each class so that the class has a fairly small spread. Each state would earn one point toward the trophy for each game won. Maybe this would help stir up some interest in the sport. You have a very nice web page.

Foster Kenton Jr. - 01/13/98 02:17:54
My URL:http://greatbasin.net
My Email:kenton@horseshoes.hawthorne.nv.us
State: Nevada
NHPA Member?: Yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: 18 years
Where do you pitch?: Everywhere
Favorite Shoe: Imperial Plus
I would like to see:: Schedule


R. Urban - 01/10/98 21:48:24
My URL:http://www.connix.com/~urban/
My Email:urban@connix.com
State: Connecticut
How Long You Been Pitching?: about 25 years
Where do you pitch?: Deep River, Ct.
Favorite Shoe: Ohio os
I would like to see:: myself pitch more often

Doing a quick surf. The homepage looks great. Glad to see another state getting their charter. I'll be back. RU

WAYNE MAJOR - 01/10/98 18:28:33
My Email:WAMajor@aol.com
NHPA Member?: YES
How Long You Been Pitching?: 8 YEARS
Where do you pitch?: TRI-VALLEY CLUB
Favorite Shoe: CLIDESDALES


Sharon Paddock - 12/29/97 00:58:57
My Email:paddock@inreach.com
State: California
NHPA Member?: yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: 20 years
Where do you pitch?: tournaments
Favorite Shoe: Allen
I would like to see:: Everybody having fun pitching and not bitching

Looking forward to The Valley of The Rogue Horseshoe Tourney, maybe we'll all make it up there this year...

Oscar Brown - 12/20/97 15:07:46
NHPA Member?: no
How Long You Been Pitching?: 25 years
Where do you pitch?: Bar League
Favorite Shoe: Diamond
I would like to see:: more ringers

Just cruising around. Lots of horseshoe stuff on the net!

Buddy Austin - 12/10/97 14:28:10
State: West VA
NHPA Member?: Nope
How Long You Been Pitching?: Just started
Where do you pitch?: In my backyard
Favorite Shoe: The Blue Ones
I would like to see:: somebody who pitches good

Hi. I'll come back to see your page. I'm planning to visit Oregon this year, and hope to find somebody to pitch a few games with.

Rudy Urban - 12/04/97 02:24:31
My URL:http://www.connix.com/index.html
My Email:urban@connix.com
State: Connecticut
NHPA Member?: yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: 24 yrs.
Where do you pitch?: Deep River Ct.
Favorite Shoe: Ohio o's

My 6 year old & I just found your site and enjoyed the horseshoe animation. Great stuff. Can you believe the many horseshoe players and organizations!? My site is in the ring. We feel very special to be included. Its a great challenging sport for everyone Good pitching to you. Rudy

Casey Sluys - 12/03/97 03:57:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~nhpa
My Email:kcslus@worldnet.att.net
State: California
NHPA Member?: Yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: 12 yrs.
Where do you pitch?: from 40 ft. Santa Rosa
Favorite Shoe: Mustang
I would like to see:: All Charters with a Website

Made an error in the URL on last posting. Sorry!

Casey Sluys - 12/03/97 03:53:13
My URL:http://www.geocitie.com/~nhpa
My Email:kcslus@worldnet.att.net
State: California
NHPA Member?: Yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: 12 yrs.
Where do you pitch?: from 40 ft. Santa Rosa
Favorite Shoe: Mustang
I would like to see:: All Charters with a Website

Glad to see you folks on the Web! Keep up the nice work Charlie and whomever else is helping.

Steve Summerlin - 11/30/97 15:56:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/1198
My Email:wshpa2@geocities.com
State: MI
NHPA Member?: of course
How Long You Been Pitching?: 9 yrs
Where do you pitch?: MI
Favorite Shoe: Allen

just stopped by to see development of site and welcome you to the web and to webring. thanks for joining us

David Sullivan - 11/30/97 14:27:07
My URL:http://www.texoma.net/~davids
My Email:davids@texoma.net
State: TX
NHPA Member?: yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: 20 years
Where do you pitch?: anywhere I can
Favorite Shoe: Reno


Billie Sue Pennington - 11/30/97 00:42:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/1401/
My Email:bspenn@worldnet.att.net
State: CA
NHPA Member?: Yes
How Long You Been Pitching?: More than 10 years
Where do you pitch?: Backyard
Favorite Shoe: The new MUSTANG
I would like to see:: Everybody pitch horseshoes!


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