NEW image 3/04/07 - Our first league game was a 5-0 victory over Club America. With out any subs, the boys dominated play and did not allow a shot on goal. We'll see them again and will expect a tougher time....

2/26/07 - Well, it didn't end up the way we would have liked - but the tournament was a great experience. The people of Cleburne were nice and they have a great complex. The Saturday games went well: 2-0 over Waco Arsenal, 0-0 against Glen Rose Pumas, and 4-0 over Crowley Raiders. Besides the middle games - we played very well. The semi-final on Sunday morning was a 5-0o win against Mineral Wells Rockets and that was probably our best game of the tournament. we controlled every aspect of the game and had high hopes for the final. Going down 1-0 pretty quickly and then managing a last second goal to force overtime was great. However; we gave up another quick one in the added period and could not come back.

2/17/07 - As we get ready for the Spring 07 season, I'd just like to welcome everybody back. I look forward to the team growing and becoming better and we'll start by attending the Cleburne Tournament next week.

2/07/07 - Bare with me as I try to transition this website from my 88s to my 95s. It will take awhile and I will keep as many memories of the 88s up here as I can.

Here's the best way to remember all that the 88s accomplished over the years = Check out the HONORS page.

------------0xKhTmLbOuNdArY Content-Disposition: form-data; name="userfile"; filename="dailyarc.html" Content-Type: text/html Old Daily Notes

3/29/05 - We started with a double-header last Sunday and although we did not win both of the games - we really can't argue with the results. Please remember that WE need to behave on the field and act a little more mature than our opponents.

2/26/05 - Well, its time to gear up for the 88s last season. We will be playing in Mesquite and against four opponents so we'll try to win another championship. We'll try to practice a few times before the games start so we can get back into shape.

12/16/05 - The Fall season is over now - we ended with another disappointing run at the TOC. Saturday went really well for us: 4-0 over Lewisville, 2-2 tie against Richardson Stars, and then another 4-0 win over Allen Eagles. In the quarterfinal on Sunday morning we lost 3-1 to the eventual state runner-up Plano Rangers. I hope that we can regroup in time for the Spring season for one more shot at a City title........

11/23/05 - Well, the Fall season is just about over and here is a little recap:
The league play this season was very tough on us, probably the toughest one in a looooooooong time. Sulphur Springs Wildcats played with us again and both of the games with them were very tough. The Spitfires moved up to U19 this Fall and also gave us a few tough games. The other teams we played were the Cosmos, Rolwett Commets, and the Los Lobos. We won the City Championship for the 10th time (4-1 over the Spitfires).Two tournaments this Fall: we played two games in the Spookout (tied one and lost one) and then we played in the Hurst tournament after the season - we won 3rd place there and had a good time. Getting ready for the State Tournament again and I'll write more after that.

Check out the HONORS page.

6/30/05 - Obviously I did not write at all during the Spring season. A lot of factors played into that, but I'll try to keep up now - if anybody cares. We won the City Championship again last Spring. Thats our fourth consecutive championship and thats a pretty strong record. We now know that we are in our last year of playing as a team. I do hope that all of the boys go off to college and take a little piece of our team with them. More later.......

12/13/04 - Well, the season did not finish the way we would have liked. TOC was very interesting - we played AWESOME on Saturday and then lost our first playoff game on Sunday. Saturday's scores were 2-0 over Bedford, 1-0 over a very good Grand Prairie team, and then 3-0 over Richardson. We lost Sunday morning in the quarter-final to the eventual State Champ Cooke County 0-3. Overall, we had a very good season and we'll take some time off and get back to it in the Spring. Check out the HONORS page.

As of today, Jeremiah is back in the hospital for his second round of chemo tehrapy treatments. We expect him to be out near Christmas sometime.

11/17/04 - ALOT has happened since I last wrote so this one is going to be long:

First, we played quite well in the Spookout (for a change) and cam away with 2nd Place. Was really pleased with the effort and teamwork throughout the 4 games. All or most of those teams will be at TOC so it was a good gauge of future competition.

Secondly, our season ended with a few forfeits so our record was 8-0-2 which is very good. Other than a few crazy goals, we performed well all season.

Next, the big story of the year, Jeremiah was dianosed with Leukemia. This hit us all like a ton of bricks and we missed him at the City Championship. Winning by such a large margin was a testament to the boys love for Jeremiah. I think that everyone of them played extra well just for him. He is almost through with his first set of chemo at the hospital and will hopefully be out long enough to be at TOC.

Here is the schedule for TOC - 8, 11:45, and 4:45 at Carpenter Park in Plano. Here is the official website - Check the calendar for practice dates before then. Maps and real schedules will be handed out soon.

10/24/04 - Today's game is cancelled - Sulphur Springs needed to forfeit their games today. Practice will be Thursday at 6:15 and our Spookout games are Saturday 11:45 and 4:45 and Sunday at 11 and 2.

10/14/04 - We've had a lot of games since I last wrote:
The Irving tournament was a huge disappointment!!! We only got to play two games and we lost both of them to very good teams. Bouncing back from that - we've had three strong league games in a row. Against Mesquite Speed, a 1-1 tie was one of the best games we've played or I've seen in a long time. Against Sulphur Springs United, we went down 1-0 on a fluke goal but bounced back to make it 1-1 again. Last night we played well against an under-manned Mesquite Speed side and finished it off 4-1. We do have a few more league games AND we will be playing in the SpookOut the last weekend of the month.

9/6/04 - We ARE in the Irving Tournament this weekend - they only have two opponents for us now but they are trying to find a third. We have practice TUESDAY 7:00PM at Porter and the games are Sat at 8:00, 11:45, 3:30 & then 8:00pm if we make the Final.

8/24/04 - A good result from the first match: saw alot of good things out there and only a few bad things. Second test is Sunday at 5pm at Bruton. Still working on finding a tournament for us the second weekend of September.

7/31/04 - The Fall season starts in three weeks - its time to get into shape and start thinking about soccer. We may not have a lot of practices but the ones we do have will be important!!!! PLEASE take each one serious and be prepared to work hard. Please check out the August calendar.

6/27/04 - Well we did get to play one game before the rain came (and never stopped) - a 0-2 defeat to a good Ennis United team. SERIOUS practice will resume after the July 4th weekend!!!!!!!!!!! Be prepared to step it up OR step out.

6/20/04 - No game time info on the tournament yet but we'll have practice Moin and Thur 7pm at Beasley. We'll need EVERYBODY there this week as we'll be without Kelsi (all weekend) and Jordan (Sat morning) at the tournament.

5/28/04 - Well, it wasn't pretty but it was effective - we won our 7th City Championship Wednesday night. This time it was 2-0 over the Los Lobos. They put up quite a fight (literally) but we scored a couple of early second half goals to take the victory. I'm proud of the team this season and look forward to the Fall already. Do NOT forget that we have a tournament the last weekend in June!!!!

5/23/04 - The first playoff game against the Cosmos went, a 4-0 victory for us. Wednesday night at 6:30 is the City Championship against Los Lobos. Lets add another 1st Place trophy to the case.

5/15/04 - The regular season is over with and we came in 1st place again - CONGRAULATIONS!!!!!! Check out the HONORS page. Practice Monday and our playoff game is Saturday at 11am at Eastfield.

5/1/04 - Can someone PLEASE make the rain stop???????!!!!!! Anyway, check out the calendars for May that are up now and try to keep up with all of the changes. Sorry about all of the recent confusion - but I'm getting confused as well.

4/6/04 - No excuses, just been too busy to do much. will soon... check out the calendars though.

1/15/04 - DANG..... kinda forgot about the website with the holidays and looking for a job occupying all of my time. Anyway, I left off as we were preparing for State - we lost in the quarterfinal after 4 exciting games on Saturday. First game we beat the CFBSA Grizzlies, second game we beat the NRHSA Total Chaos, and the third game we destroyed a young Masfield Fire team. In the playoff game that night, we beat Denton in a Shoot-out after the 8th kick. Aldrick played wonderful in the goal and the whole experience was rather exciting. Sunday morning in the QF we lost 1-0 to a team from FGrand Prarie and our State title hopes were dashed. We had a great season but the tournament showed us that we still have some things to work on!!!! With the boys playing high school ball until mid-March we will not have many practices leading up to the start of the season (which is the last weekend of Spring Break March 19?). See you all out at the high school games.

12/02/03 - Finding out some more about our competition - we will have our work cut out for us!!!!!! I updated this with a field map of the Harold Patterson Complex - STATE '03

11/24/03 - It's been awhile since I wrote, but I was waiting for some really good news before I added on - so here it is:

FIRST, we won our 6th City Championship last week - a 5-0 win over the much-improved Spitfire team. It was a complete effort from all of the boys and I never get tired of hoisting the big trophy. We will try to represent MSA well in the State Tournament and hope to win the Gold Medal this time.

SECOND, we finally won another tournament championship and it was in a U17 division at the Hurst Turkey Shoot. The boys played well in defeating a couple of U17 opponents and the final was 4-0!!!! The list grows - check it out!!!

LASTLY, I just wanted to thank all of the boys and the parents for working so hard all of these years. I appreciate the effort and desire shown by everybody and am so thankful that you have allowed me to be a part of your lives. Also, check out this - STATE '03

10/31/03 - Its taken me a whole week to get over the events of last Sunday - I don't know what really to say but this:
There comes a time when each one of us has to step up or step out - I made my choice a long time ago and it's time for some of the boys to make their choices now. A little adversity should NOT tear an individual or team down as much as it did some of us last weekend. It's supposed to make you stronger and more together - and that is what I hope. Our season is not over - we still have five weeks left - but if we do not pull together as a team starting tomorrow, it will not be as long as we wish it to be.

10/15/03 - Going crazy with the Tournament Scheduling - there are a bunch of great teams coming in this year. We will have our hands full in U16 boys - maybe the most competitive group ever!!!!!!!! Anyway, we have a game this Saturday at 11am at Eastfield. I need everybody to be there.

9/30/03 - Last Saturday's game was great except for the cards and the near fights. We MUST remember to control ourselves and not let the negative behaviors by others drag us dow. Matt's wrist is broke but he will only miss a game or two. We have a game Thursday at 6:30 at Bruton and Saturday's game has been moved to Monday Oct 13th at 6:30 at Bruton.

9/22/03 - The rained out game in Rowlett on 9/13/03 will now be on SUNDAY OCTOBER 12TH AT 1:30PM IN ROWLETT!!! (The Cyclones are white so please bring your teal jersey with you)

9/15/03 - Here is the info for the rained out game in Rowlett last week - it will now be Sunday Oct. 12th at 1:30pm in Rowlett. Very good game last night - except for the weak goal we gave up. Hopefully a more complete effort will be given Saturday.

8/25/03 - VERY good set of games this past weekend. The passing, ball control, and defense were superb. Shot selection and execution of them needs a little more work, but we'll get to that. The McKinney Tournament is OFF for us - not enough teams. However; I am trying to find us another place to play - either Garland or Denton. Will let you know something when I do.

8/11/03 - The season draws near - it is time for everybody to get off of vacation and get their attention turned to soccer!!! There is a scrimmage at 4:00pm THIS Saturday at Eastfield. We have outdoor games on Aug 23 at 11am and Aug 24 at 3pm. The indoor final is Aug 22 at 7:30pm.

7/23/03 - Trying to get this website functional again - having problems though. Getting ready for the Fall 03 season!!!!!

2/28/03 - We will be having practice THIS Sunday at 4:00 at Beasley Park. Check the March calendar for more info!!! Our schedule is also ready - go to and check it out under the schedules link.

2/21/03 - If you have NOT been by my house to sign the form or give me some $$$ - you need to do it TONIGHT. I have to register the team tomorrow. Other than that - our indoor game Sunday morning has been cancelled, but we are having an outdoor practice at Eastfield at 3:00pm on Sunday.

2/12/03 - Reminder: outdoor registration is due soon. I need $55 cash next time you see me. The outdoor season starts for us the weekend of March 22/23. If you know of any days or nights taht we can not play - please tell me as soon as possible.

1/27/03 - Concerning yesterday's tie game - remember this: WE lost the lead. WE should have scored more than 4 goals. WE should have put that game away in the first half. The refs did not lose that game for us............ try a little harder next time and keep your heads together when things start to go bad.

1/22/03 - DANG it's cold out there!!!!!!!! You boys better appreciate the fact that I'm coming to watch your games in the FREEZING COLD!!!!!!!! Saw Matt score for Horn JV last night - he got a lot of playing time and looked good out there. Hope to see Poteet JV Friday evening and then North's JV Saturday morning. Indoor game 2:30pm Sunday - please bring $$$ if you have not paid yet.

1/13/03 - Sorry I had to bail early yesterday - not much to say afterwards anyway but this: "Each of you needs to work harder and work together to make this happen. Some effort and desire was lacking out there and it needs to improve. Don't point fingers - point someone in the right direction." See you bright and EARLY next week.

1/7/03 - Go check out the indoor schedule at . We start THIS Sunday at 2:30pm.

1/6/03 - Congratulations all around: Jordan scored in his first JV game a few weeks ago; Jorge scored his first JV game last Thursday and the reports I'm getting are that Brandon and Andrew played very well in the time they were on the field; I saw Mario, Jacob, Troy, Alexander, and Micah play Friday night and thought that they all did very good; and finally Ben Bishop scored a goal in his very first Varsity game last Friday night!!!!!!!!! I hope to catch as many games as possible so please email or call me when you have a game coming up.

12/30/02 - Anybody interested in playing indoor next session needs to get ahold of me IMMEDIATELY. It starts the 12th of January and will cost about $60 with a new i.d. card. Also, there is some reports that the link below has incorrect schedules on it - please get me the correct one if possible. Will update January calendar when positive.

12/13/02 - Here is a website that has ALL of the high school soccer schedules on it. They are listed by date and it's fairly easy to follow. I'll try to make as many games as I can.

12/10/02 - Okay, so the party went well - missed a few people. Don't forget the Sidekicks game THIS Saturday. If you want to go (and sit with us) I need to know by Wednesday night so we can get the tickets on Thursday. If you decide on Saturday that you want to go - I can still give you a voucher to redeem at Reunion Arena that night.

12/02/02 - I have arranged for us to have a small party NEXT Monday December 9th at the Ci-Ci's Pizza down past Mesquite High School. We will have the party room reserved and the time is 6:30-8:00!!! We can eat pizza (everybody buys their own) and hand out our 1st Place Division trophies!!!! Also, let me know if you want to go to the Sidekicks game on the 14th.

11/25/02 - We finished the season on a high note - winning 3rd place in the Hurts tournament yesterday. It was a fun game and all of the boys played well. Congrats to Mario on the perfect set pieces - their coach was getting very mad at his boys....... Anyway, we'll take a little while off. Next up on the calendar is State - if anybody wants to go watch the 87s and 86s play - let me know. I will be out there all day on the 7th supporting our other teams. We also "might" have a small party as soon as I can fit it in and we plan on going to the Sidekicks game on the 14th.

11/19/02 - Game times for this weekend are changed - they are now 9:20, 2:30 and 5:00. Still all at the BHS comlpex - Birdville High School.

11/18/02 - The season did not end the way we would have liked, but I learned a few things about some of the boys that ought to make future seasons more interesting. We will continue to work hard and strive to finish as well as we start. We did add to THE LIST again however. That was our 9th City Championship game and before the loss yesterday - we had won 35 straight games in Mesquite!!!! We do have the times for the Hurst Tournament - they are 9:40, 12:50 and 3:30 pm and I will hand out a map at the practices this week: Tuesday and Thursday at Bruton Road 7-8:15pm.

11/14/02 - Not pretty, but we'll take it. We definitely have to do MUCH BETTER on Sunday - we will be playing against the 87s. It is at 1:00pm at EASTFIELD!!!!!!!! Also, we are in the Hurst Tournament NEXT weekend and I should have a schedule for that by Sunday - we will be having practice next week - just not sure of the day yet.

11/11/02 - We finished out the seaon (barely) 10-0 again and gave up only 4 goals all season. I would like to congratulate ALL of the boys (and girl) for doing such a wonderful job. First playoff game is Wednesday at 6:30 at Bruton and then the Final is Sunday at 1:00 at Eastfield.

11/05/02 - Well, we are Division Champions again!!!!!!!! Even though we have one game left - we have already sewn up the regular season title. Now we have to play our last game and then get ready for the playoffs. The game this week is at 12:30 IN Seagoville - here is the map.

10/31/02 - Our games this weekend are as follows: Saturday 10:45 at Eastfield and Sunday 3:00 IN Rowlett. Our rained out game versus Seagoville will now be NEXT Saturday November 9 at 12:30 in Seagoville. Our playoff dates are supposed to be Wed. the 13th and Sat. the 16th. ALSO, we are going to the Hurst Tournament the weekend of November 22nd-24th.

10/22/02 - NO practice this week since we are NOT in the tournament this weekend. We will be back at it next week trying to finish the season up. No word yet on making up the rained out games from last weekend.

10/14/02 - What a GREAT win yesterday and the one Saturday wasn't too bad either. The season is rolling along just fine now and we have three more games. We WILL be travelling down to Seagoville THIS Saturday. Here is a map. Practice is Tuesday night at 6:15. Also, we will NOT be playing in the Mesquite SpookOut Tournament - there are only four teams signed up and three of them are from Mesquite - I see no reason to pay $250 to play teams that we already play enough. It would be a good time for you refs to get out there and make A LOT of money.

10/08/02 - A few of IMPORTANT things:
FIRST - the game rained out last Sunday will be played THIS COMING UP Sunday 10/13/02 at 1:00pm at Bruton. So therefore, we have games on Saturday and Sunday this week. Practice is Wednesday at 6:15.
SECOND - we WILL be travelling down to Seagoville on the 19th. It was changed back to their home field. Here is a map.
THIRD - the kids have free tickets to the Dallas Sidekicks again this year and I was thinking about going Sunday night - email me if you want to go.
LASTLY - the calendar for this month has changed, please look at it and note the earlier practice times as well.

10/03/02 - There has been A LOT of problems in the U16 and U19 age groups this season already. Thankfully none of it has involved our team and I hope that it stays that way. I do not believe in playing "dirty", allowing my players to mouth off at opponents or officials, or do we take kindly to any of that from our opponents. Below is an email message from our commissioner to all of our coaches - please read it and share it with your family:

"Please let your players know that the referees will be calling more fouls and will be less tolerant of repeated fouls and dissent. To try to get a handle on things, the punishment for red cards will be more severe now than ever before. Remember that you are ultimately responsible for your sideline, under no circumstances should any players, coaches or spectators enter the pitch without permission from the referee. Try to keep your sideline under control and talk to your players about playing good, clean soccer......and make sure your players understand that any foul language, mouthing off and taunting the opoosing team is unacceptable."

9/30/02 - A couple of good results from this past weekend. We need to stay focused and do a better job in the future. Check out the October calendar and make note that the game in Seagoville has been moved up to Eastfield #18 on Oct. 19th.

9/26/02 - Here is the map to the fields in Rowlett. Remember, if you get lost call me at 214-662-6910. It is VERY important that everybody shows up on time.

9/23/02 - Practice is moved up to Tuesday from Wednesday this week - 6:30.

9/17/02 - Very good second game - hate to give up a late goal because we feel like being lazy. Practice this Wednesday is cancelled and we have no games this weekend. The game that was rained out last Sunday is now on TUESDAY OCTOBER 1 AT 8:15 AT BRUTON ROAD.

9/12/02 - Here is the info for our rained out game from last Sunday. It will now be: Tuesday Oct 1 at 8:15pm at Bruton. Remember - your attendance and effort at practice determines your playing time on game day.

8/30/02 - Check these out: Fall '02 Game & Drink Schedule and the September calendar. Missing practice will catch up to you on game day (lame excuses don't cut it either).

8/26/02 - Very good game yesterday - a few little things to work on Thursday at 7:00pm at Beasley!!!!! That will be the only practice this week and we are off this weekend. Next outdoor game is Sunday 9/8/02. If you have NOT paid for the uniform and future tournaments yet, I need that money THIS Thursday.

8/19/02 - Practice this Tuesday 7-8pm and an indoor game on Thursday at 6:00pm and Sunday at 12:15. Our outdoor season starts Sunday at 3:00pm at Bruton Road. Do NOT forget about getting your id cards made!!!!!!!!

8/15/02 - Do NOT forget about getting your id cards made tonight. For those that can't make it - you have to get one done before next week ends. Might have one more change on the August calendar. Do not forget about the practice 10:30 Saturday at Eastfield. Also, if you have NOT paid all of your fees yet - I need it now.

8/06/02 - Had to change some things on the calendar - there will be NO practice this Saturday but there WILL be a scrimmage next Saturday the 17th at 10:30 at Eastfield. I also need to know who is playing football and who is running cross country at high school this Fall. Our league schedule depends on this info - so I need to know immediately!!!!! I also need to take a moment and welcome our two new players - Jordan Lill and Ben Bishop. Jordan actually played on our team back in U10 and we are happy to have him back. Ben has not played rec soccer in Mesquite for a while, but I have known his dad for some time now and we are glad to have him join us.

7/15/02 - I need a lot of money from each player pretty soon and here is the breakdown:
League Registration - $55
New Uniform Kit - $45
Tournaments - $25
The total is $125 and if you can not pay all of it at once - I need the $55 by July 29th and the rest by August 9th. Cash is preferred, but checks will be accepted. Interest in fund-raisers has been minimal in the past - but if anybody is interested, please let me know quickly and we will arrange something. Sponsors are ALWAYS needed - so if you know anybody that could help us out let me know. We plan on going to the Carrollton Tournament Aug. 23-25 and the Garland Tournament Sept. 6-8 (we will have Labor Day weekend off). If these tournaments do not work out - the money will be held until we can find another one. Our league games will consist of Sat., Sun. and weeknight dates - not sure if we will have to travel or not.

7/2/02 - DRUM ROLL PLEASE ................ there will be junior varsity soccer teams in ALL Mesquite high schools next year!!!! Thanks to everybody that signed a petition or wrote a letter to the principals or MISD itself. Now, remember..... all of the boys will not be attending the same high school - but we must be nice and supportive when they play each other. If I happen to root for Poteet a little more than the others, please don't get mad - thats where MY kids will be going in a few years.

6/26/02 - Appreciate the attendance last night at the workout - now if the effort would improve a little. The club is trying to purchase new soccer balls that have our logo on them - the cost is $10 each and Michele is ordering them next week. If you would like one of these - please bring the cash to the next workout.

6/24/02 - Overall, I think we had a very good weekend. The two games Saturday were wonderful and the game Sunday showed us many things we need to work on. As I said, the Tuesday Night practices are NOT optional now - I hope and expect to see everybody there. We will start two practices a week in mid-July. Thanks to Bennie for playing with us and thanks to all of the parents for your support.

6/20/02 - I need EVERYONE at practice tonight if we are going to be prepared for the tournament this weekend correctly. We will be facing some stiff competition on Saturday and I would like for us to be prepared. We will not be taking David Berumen with us as he was unable to get registered in time. Instead we will be borrowing Bennie off of the 87 Terminators and hope that he can help us out this weekend. Don't forget to wake up at 6:15 Friday morning and watch the USA beat Germany in the World Cup.

6/10/02 - Here is the schedule for the Gatorade Tournament:
ARLINGTON HP PATTERSON #15 (where we played for State)

Looks like it will be TOUGH - so everybody needs to show up for the workouts and get ready for the games. Workouts start Tuesday at 7:00pm at BEASLEY PARK!!!!!

5/31/02 - What a show last night!!!!!! That was the most dominating performance I've ever seen in a City Championship game (and I've seen quite a few). I am sooooooo proud of the dedication and effort put forth by the boys. And I would like to thank ALL of the fans that showed up to cheer us on!!!!!!! Simply amazing............. Don't forget the party at John's house on Sunday 1:30-4:00pm.

5/29/02 - PAY ATTENTION WHEN I SPEAK AT PRACTICE IN THE FUTURE. The BIG game is this Thursday night 8:00 at Bruton Road. I hope everybody brings a crowd and the boys play well. Take it easy after school on Thursday please.

5/22/02 - Fairly well played game last Saturday - of course we need to finish our shots off better. Hopefully we will get that straight before the City Championship game. I know that we have been in a few of these now but they never get old to me. I am requesting that each player invite as many fans as possible to the final - it is May 30th at 8:00pm at Bruton Road. I would like to see people on our sideline from corner flag to corner flag. Please do your part to make this happen. Practice this Thursday only - 6:15 at Porter.

5/11/02 - Well, the regular season is over now - Seagoville just forfeited that game instead of trying to make it up. So we finish 10-0 again and look for some positive results in the playoffs. The first playoff game is THIS Saturday at 11:00am at Eastfield. Please invite all of your family out so that we can have a big crowd.

5/7/02 - Here is the map to Seagoville. The game starts at 2:15 so don't be late!!! Here are the other dates I talked about - I need to know who is going to be around for the friendly and the tournament:
Bobby Rhine Clinic - June 3rd Monday 6:30-8:00 at Eastfield $10 each (you must call or email me to sign up)
Friendly Game June 8th Saturday at Eastfield vs. Madisonville Time 11:00 Eastfield
Gatorade Invitational Tournament June 22-23 TBD

4/29/02 - We will have practice tonight and our make-up game against Seagoville will be THIS THURSDAY at 6:30 at EASTFIELD!!!!!!!!!!! Great game Saturday - still need to work on finishing a bit. Brand new UMBRO store just opened in Allen - will be going Friday night if anybody wants to go OR needs shoes or something.

4/24/02 - Will post reschedule information on the cancelled game as soon as I know something. Would like to remind all the kids about the Dribble, Pass, and Score Competition I am putting on again this year on May 11th at Eastfield from 9:30-1:00. We play down in seagoville that day, but if you can get up to the competition beforehand - maybe you'll have some fun and do well.

A great couple of games this past weekend - even if we did get scored on. We still have some things to improve on - but then again we are playing wonderfully. Record stands at 6-0 with a game Tuesday night against the Giants from Seagoville. Would like to see all of the parents down there to show them what a great crowd of supporters we have.

4/15/02 - Very well played game this past Saturday. We needed to step up to our strongest league competitor and we did a wonderful job. We controlled every aspect of the game and won an important match. We play them again Sunday so be ready. Practice Monday and Thursday at 6:15 this week.

4/9/02 - I need your Burn ticket orders back tonight if you have them ready. If not, definitely by Saturday morning (cash only). I still have the kids vouchers on me.!!!!!!!!

4/8/02 - Back from Waco and while we didn't get what we went there for, I'm glad that we bounced back from the loss with three strong games. Winning 2nd place at any tournament is an honor. Now, back to reality, we have a make-up game TOMORROW NIGHT (Tuesday) at 6:30 at EASTFIELD!!!! This was the original first game on the schedule (Andrew drinks/snacks) so wear white but bring your teal. Also, do not forget that I need the Dallas Burn ticket orders back a.s.a.p. so that we can get our tickets for the game on the 20th!!!!!

3/27/02 - Been a while but here is something new: our schedule for Waco. Saturday 8:50am, 11:30 am, and 3:30pm and then Sunday at 11 and 3. If you HAVE NOT booked a hotel room with me yet you better do so NOW!!!!!!!!!!! We have practice at 6:00 Monday (I NEED ALL PARENTS THERE AT 7:00) and Thursday next week in preparation for the tournament.

3/25/02 - First two outdoor games have been sleepers - but we get to work on things and move people around to new positions which will help us as a team in the future.

3/11/02 - So the indoor season ended with a 4-4 tie that leaves us in 3rd place. Not too bad, but just remember one more goal for us and one less goal for them in every game would have made a big difference. So we get ready for outdoor now and we start with a scrimmage against the 87s Thursday night at 6:45 at Bruton. Our next outdoor game is THIS Saturday at 10:45!!!!!!!!

3/4/02 - Reschedule info from this past weekend's cancellations:

Sat 3/2/2 is now on Tuesday 4/9/2 6:30 at EASTFIELD.
Sun 3/3/2 is now on Sunday 4/21/2 3:00 at EASTFIELD.

I know this makes April's schedule really crowded - but try to keep up. Practice this Tuesday at 5:45 at Porter and a scrimmage next Thursday the 14th at 6:45 at Bruton vs the 87s. Last indoor game THIS Sunday at 10:00am. Check out the updated March calendar.

3/1/02 - I have one extra room for Waco reserved if anybody needs it - call me - it is a room with two double beds and it is for both nights. Make sure you look at the calendar for March and be at all of the scheduled events. We have games this Saturday and Sunday outdoor.

2/26/02 - Practice is CANCELLED for tonight - we still have a scrimmage scheduled for 6:45 Thursday at Bruton.

2/20/02 - Check out the Wednesday sports section in the Dallas Morning News!!!!!!!! I still need more reservations for the Waco hotels.

2/15/02 - Okay you asked for it, you get it - PRACTICE !!!!!!
Here we go:
Sat. 2/23 11:30-1:00 at Eastfield - it is a scrimmage with someone.
Tues. 2/26 and Thur. 2/28 6:45-8:00 at Bruton Road Complex. I hope everybody can make all of these!!

2/5/02 - The hotel rooms for the Waco Tourney have been reserved - it is the Lexington Inn and the cost is $67 per night. You can get it for either or both nights (Fri/Sat.) and you MUST reserved them through me. Call me at work 972-820-3246 or email me a.s.a.p. I will need family name, phone number, credit card and number and whether you want a room with ONE King Bed or TWO Double Beds and smoking or non-smoking. They WILL go quickly so contact me soon - we should be having 4-6 Terminator teams make the trip.

2/4/02 - LINESMAN CLASS FEB. 23 - Anyone interested call Richard Najera 972-686-6012 A.S.A.P.!!!!!!!!
Finally back and recovered from my trip - it was amazing and as soon as I have the time, I will write a little journal about the whole trip. It was very exciting!!!!!!! Back to the business at hand - I need $55 each for outdoor registration by this weekend. Outdoor starts on March 2 and I have to register on February 16. Still no sign of us in any papers - let me know if ya'll see anything. Will try to schedule some outdoor practices soon - check back on the calendar often. VERY well played match yesterday against an overmatched opponent.

1/22/02 - Well, in a few more days I'll be "across the pond" hopefully watching soccer games and travelling about. I'm super excited and wish that some of the kids were going with me (maybe next time). Ya'll enjoy the weekend off and then we'll start preparing for the Spring season when I get back. ALSO - our team will be featured in the Dallas Morning News "Good Sports" section of the Sports page (usually near the back by the box scores, etc.) pretty soon!!!!!!

1/14/02 - The party was a huge success and nobody got seriously hurt this time. Hope everyone has recuperated by now (I have not yet). The indoor game was played well despite the tired legs and it was good to get some players moved around to different positions. There will be more of that outdoor this Spring. Thanks for all of the gift certificates the team gave me - I'll use them soon I'm sure.

1/7/02 - Well the first weekend of indoor games was interesting - one win and one loss. It's easy to win against inferior opponents - but a lot harder to win against the tougher ones. We need more of those tough games to get better. Don't forget - the party is this Saturday night at the ASI Gym in Lake Highlands (map).

1/2/02 - HAPPY NEW YEAR everybody out there!!!!!!! Hope it is a good one for you and our team. Here is a link to the indoor schedule - we have a double-header this Sunday!!!!! Remember, go up there some evening this week or on Saturday before our game on Sunday - we [play at 8:30 and 10:00am this week. I need you to bring $45 cash with you Sunday morning or bring it by my house before then!!!!!!! Also, do not forget that the party is on the 12th and it is an all-nighter ($15). One more thing - I will be going to ENGLAND on the 25th to see some soccer (football) in the Old Country!!!!!!

12/21/01 - Indoor will cost $45 each plus your i.d. card if you do not have one yet (most of ya'll don't). Those cost about $15 now and you MUST take your birth certificate and CASH up there to purchase it!!! I suggest going a.s.a.p. to avoid the rush. The team fund will take care of the referee fee and drinks for each game. I need the $45 a.s.a.p. also - I will be home this weekend if you can start bringing it by.

12/20/01 - Congrats to all of the Terminators that ran cross country yesterday - Kimbrough is REALLY luck that ya'll participate in their program. Tell your coach - that he can send me a "thanks-for-running-them-all-of-the-time" present a.s.a.p. I had a blast watching the meet and I hope you all continue running when you get to Poteet next year (except Kelsi).

12/17/01 - Here are the plans for our team party: it will be Sat. January 12th at the ASI Gym in Lake Highlands (map). It will be an all-night lock-in (8pm-8am) and will cost each person $15 and we will be having it with the 86s and 89s I believe. We also will have to round up some snacks and drinks for the party. More info later....... Also I need you to call me and tell me whether you will be attending and whether or not you are playing indoor in January!!!!!!!

12/4-5/01 - What a weekend, I am extremely proud of the kids and am so happy with the 2nd Place finish that I'm speachless. More later......
Okay, I've had a day to calm down - but my head is still spinning. 2nd place in State is awesome: I want to thank the kids for working so hard to get there, I want to thank the parents for being so involved and supportive, and I want to thank my wife for putting up with it all. I too wish that we would have won 1st place, but I am thoroughly proud of where we did finish. We'll take a few weeks off and then get ready for indoor that starts in January. I need to know who wants to play and who does not. We'll also have a party soon and I'll get more info on that this week.

11/26/01 - Practice will be Monday ONLY at 6:30 - 8:00!!!!!!!!! If you need anything - call my cell phone. Here is the schedule and directions to where we will be playing.

11/19/01 - Practice dates: Tuesday 11/20, Monday 11/26, and Wednesday 11/28 all at 7:30-8:30 and at Bruton Road. Monday will be a scrimmage - more later. A whole league season and playoffs without giving up one goal is awesome - thanks to everyone. The Honors page has been updated with last week's trophy.

11/16/01 - Another EXCELLENT game last night!!!!! We controlled the whole match and the goals were beautiful. I can not say enough about the teams hard work, dedication, and enjoyment - thanks alot. So we win the City Championship again!!!! I really hope we have good weather this time at State. Here is the schedule and directions to where we will be playing. Check out the November calendar to see the practice dates for the next few weeks. More later....... A new website to check out here.

11/12/01 - A very good game last Saturday - the defense was superb again!!!! The passing and ball control up front was great and we seem to be right on track for the final. The City Championship game will be Thursday at 6:30 at Bruton. Please invite all of your family and friends so that our sidelines will be full!!! We will be playing the 89 Terminators. Also, the 85s played well but lost in the U19 final last night. The 86s and 87s will meet in the U16 Final on Wednesday at 6:30 at Bruton. I would like for ALL of you to attend that game if possible. Also, the Sidekicks game was a blast Saturday night!!!!

11/09/01 - Would just like to take a second here to congratulate all of the Terminator teams that made the playoffs!!! I would also like to make an extra special note of the 85s who I used to coach. They went from worst to the City Final in one season and I hope they enjoy their City Championship game on Sunday. Below is all of the Terminators playoff schedules if you would like to go out and support another team:

11:00 Sat - Eastfield #19 - 88s v AllOut (Final 6:30 Thur Bruton)
3:00 Sat - Eastfield #19 - 89s v Golden Eagles (Final 6:30 Thur Bruton)
1:00 Sun - Bruton - 86s v ??? (Final 6:30 Wed Bruton)
3:00 Sun - Bruton - 87s v ??? (Final 6:30 Wed Bruton)
3:00 Sun - Eastfield - 87 Girls v ??? (Final 8:30 Wed Bruton)
7:00 Sun - Bruton - 85s in U19 Final v Badboyz

DO NOT FORGET - We are going to the Sidekicks game Saturday night!!!!

11/05/01 - What a great finish to a great season - another shutout win. Our defense and goalies deserve a big hand for not allowing a single goal during the regular season!!!!!!! That is an amazing accomplishment and one not to be duplicated. We will have a light practice Thursday 7-8 at Bruton Road (so we have some lights). Our first playoff game is Saturday at 11:00am at Eastfield!!!! Since we failed to organize the Sidekicks game very well - I am redeeming all of the kids vouchers for tickets this week and then any parent or family member that wants to attend can just get a ticket at the game.

11/1/01 - The Terminator Soccer Club is planning to attend the Dallas Sidekicks game on Sat. November 10th. Each of the players has a free ticket voucher and extra tickets for anybody else will cost $12 each. I would like to know who wants to go by this weekend so we can order them in advance.

10/30/01 - What a very difficult weekend. It was good for us to play those hard teams and it helps point out things that we still need to work on. Practice this week is Thursday only AT BRUTON ROAD from 7-8pm!!!!!!!! We have one more league game this Sat. at 12:30 and the playoffs start next weekend. The Honors page has been updated with last week's trophy.

10/22/01 - Another great couple of games for us this past weekend (except for the first 10 minutes of Sundays game). Two more shutouts (thanks Aldrick) and alot of great passing and ball control up front. We have a league game at 6:30 Thursday and the Mesquite tournament Saturday is 11, 2, and 5 and Sunday is 10 and 2. All of our games are at Eastfield!!!! ALSO, I need some volunteers to help at the tournament from 12-2 on Sat. with the Moonwalk and Speed Kick!!!!!!

10/17/01 - We WILL be playing in the Halloween SpookOut next week here in Mesquite. Do not have a schedule yet, but plan on playing Saturday and Sunday as usual.

10/15/01 - Our game that was rained out Saturday is now scheduled for this Sunday 10/21 at 5:00pm at Eastfield. So we have a 8:00 game Thursday at Bruton, a 12:30 game Sat. at Eastfield and a game Sunday at Eastfield this week. Plus another game NEXT Thursday the 25th at 6:30 at Bruton!!!!!!!!Look at the October calendar

10/8/01 - A great weekend for our team!!!!!!!! Both of the games were really hard and we stepped up to the plate and delivered. Our defense was just amazing and Aldrick's stop on the breakaway against the '89s was awesome. We are half way through the season schedule and we are doing fine. No practice today because of the fair and we have another game on Thursday (wear teal).

10/1/01 - Our game that was cancelled yesterday will now be on Thursday Oct. 18th at 8:00pm at Bruton!!!! Another great game last Saturday - the control and passing were superb. Shot selection and quality still lacking so we will concentrate on those this week in practice. We have games Sat and Sun this week and team & club pictures on Sunday afternoon at 4:15.

9/27/01 - Our game Sunday is being postponed, I do not have a make up date at this time. Practice Thursday and a game Saturday at 12:30. October's practice times will be moved up to 6:15-7:30 because of the darkness.

9/19/01 - Thursday practice has been cancelled. NO games this weekend for us. Practice both Monday and Thursday next week at 6:30.

9/17/01 - The game that was cancelled yesterday will be played on 10/7 at 1:00pm at Eastfield. Please make note of that. Also, we have NO games this weekend as Saturday's game was moved to Sunday the 30th at 3:00 at Eastfield!!!!!

9/7/01 - The Irving Tournament was cancelled due to wet field conditions. Nothing to do this weekend. We have games on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday of next week.

9/4/01 - Practice this Thursday night at 6:30. Look at the September calendar.

8/27/01 - We had a very "up and down" weekend. Friday night's game was pretty good, but we did not finish enough chances. Saturday afternoon's game was really good and the defense played strongly. Saturday nights game was even better - we were down a goal and came back to tie it - to send us into the final. The Championship game was very ugly - the defense forgot how to play and the offense could not get anything going. On the bright side - we did pick up the intensity near the end of the game, but it was a little too late.

8/21/01 - Very good scrimmage last night - good result. I was pleased with the defense and passing, but not with the shot selection or quality of shots. We'll discuss that some Thursday at 6:30. Here is the schedule and map to Carrollton and here is the map for the McInnish Park and the Farmers Branch Park.

8/16/01 - There is an updated August calendar with the scrimmage info for Saturday and Monday. We are definitely IN the Carrollton Tournament and we should have some info by Friday or Saturday.

8/8/01 - Great turnout for practice last night; however part of being there is being PREPARED!!! You must wear proper clothing, footwear, etc and bring water & a ball!!! If I still do not have your registration form, money, and copy of your birth certificate - bring it by my house this weekend. Here is the schedule for Fall 2001 and here is the August calendar.

8/1/1 - ONCE MORE - if I do not have your registration form, money, and copy of your birth certificate by THIS THURSDAY, I will assume that you are not playing this season. I can not have a team meeting with seven kids and three parents. This is unacceptable. THURSDAY PRACTICE 7-8 AT PORTER - MEETING FOLLOWS!!!!!

7/25/01 - Let's try this again - TUESDAY NIGHT I NEED TO SEE AT LEAST ONE PARENT FROM EACH FAMILY AT THE END OF THE WORKOUT!!!!! That would be 8:00 next Tuesday night at Porter. Attendance is still a problem with six kids missing last night. If you want to plan ahead, please look at the calendar - August

7/18/01 - I spoke too soon, the attendance at practice is very poor and unpredictable. Some guys I see every week - some guys I've seen once - and some guys I have not seen at all. Being out of town on vacation is one thing - but being in town and too lazy to come is another. We have a roster of sixteen now and that means five subs and more competition for playing time. Remember, your attendance and work habits at practice have an effect on your playing time. THEREFORE; we will be having a team meeting NEXT TUESDAY the 24th after the Terminator workout at 8:30. I will need EVERY player and at least one parent from each family. We need to get money collected and paperwork turned in. Please look at the calendar - July

7/11/01 - Attendance is picking up at the workouts. We have added a practice this week - Thursday 7:00 at Porter. We have solved the uniform issue - we are keeping the teal. If you need a new one, we can get you one, - if yours' needs fixing - bring it to me and I'll get it fixed. Registration is upon us - it's $55 again and I need you to fill out a registration form and bring me 5 copies of your birth certificate. Season starts on August 25th!!!!!!!!

7/02/01 - Practice this week is on THURSDAY the 5th - not Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to see everybody there - we have some decisions to make.

6/20/01 - Laziness has it's price - I hope you don't pay it this Fall. Starting July 5th - all practices will be mandatory unless you are on vacation. Please look at the calendar - July.

6/15/01 - It's been awhile and here's what has been going on. I am severely disappointed in the turnout at the Terminator workouts. I know that some of ya'll have been on vacation, but there was only THREE at last Tuesday's workout. ONCE AGAIN, it is EVERY Tuesday at 7:00pm at Porter Elementary!!!! I hope the participation picks up. Also, I am still stumped on what to do about the uniforms - part of me wants to keep what we have and part of me knows that some need new kits. I NEED everybody to come to a workout and tell me what they want OR I will make the decision for us.

5/30/01 - Well, Michele's boys won 3-0 and the 89s beat the 90s for the U12 City Championship, so thats two titles for the Terminators this Spring. The U15s still have to finish their playoffs Thursday. Do not forget - summer workouts start June 5th!!!

5/21/01 - The party was a blast - I hope everybody had enough fun. I owe Jorge one the next time we have some water balloons flying around. Actually, I know where you live - so beware. Anyway, thanks for the great season and thanks for the gift certificates. Take a few weeks off and then we'll start training in June. Do not forget to come watch Michele's Terminators play tonight at Bruton at 8:00pm.

5/14/01 - well, that last game did not exactly go as we planned. It did show us afew things we need to work on over the Summer. Anyway, lets have a party and forget about that. It is THIS SATURDAY at John's house and here is the map if you do not know. Let's say 1-4pm and call John's mom Carole to see if she needs anything 972-226-4100.

5/9/01 - The playoff schedule has changed somewhat - the final is now on Monday May 21 at 8:00pm!!!!!!! Our game this Saturday at 1:00pm is still on. Please chack out the May calendar for allof the dates.

5/7/01 - As of right now - we have practice Monday night at 6:30, maybe Wednesday night at 6:30 and our playoff game is Saturday at 1:00pm. Of course, this all depends on the rain and we'll see what happens. we also have scheduled our team party for May 19th at John's house. More info later on that one. Please check the May calendar.

5/1/01 - Who's still tired?????? I sure am - that was a rough weekend. We played well at times, not so well at times. The 1-3 record does not bother me as much as the way those games were played. We have some work to do before the season ends and the playoffs start. Please check the May calendar to see our schedule for the next couple of weeks. Do not forget about the Burn game this Saturday at 7:30 - we'll need to get together and leave early.

4/23/01 - We had a couple of fine games this past week. On Thursday night we played well against the big Terminators for most of the game. Our only goal was brilliant and may be the goal of the year so far. We'll need to score more against those big guys Saturday in Tyler. Our game last Saturday was superb - especially being able to get so many people involved in the scoring and the defense was unbelieveable. Please look here for info on the Tyler Tournament and start preparing now for it!!! We have practice Tuesday and Thursday this week.

4/16/01 - The BEST game of the season!!!! The kids played absolutely wonderful. A complete game of great passes, good shots, and tenacious defense led us to another win. We still have a few things to work on at practice Tuesday, before we play the big Terminators on Thursday.

4/11/01 - We've had an excellent couple of games in the last week. A few mistakes have cost us a couple of goals, but overall play has been great. The defense has been superb and the offense just needs continued work on finishing. Four more games left in the season and everybody needs to get ready for Tyler at the end of the month.

4/02/01 - Very good game all around last Saturday. I was a bit discouraged by all of the griping at each other on the field and that will need to be corrected. Another outstanding job by the defense and some great passing up in the field. Please remember that we have no practice and a game at Bruton Thursday at 6:30.

3/29/01 - All practice are cancelled this week. Our game Saturday is 12:30 against the Golden Eagles. I NEED all of your candy money at that time!!!!!!! I have to send off the check Monday. Please be patient with all of the rainouts and reschedules this Spring. Speaking of, I need to know if you can or can not play on Saturday April 14th Easter Weekend - they want to reschedule our game from Sat. 3/24 that got rained out. Please let me know this weekend!!! One month to Tyler!

3/26/01 - Great game yesterday - the passing and patience was superb but we will need to work on our finishing against "the bunker". Practice this Thursday only. I NEED the candy money this Thursday also. PLEASE get it all sold before then!!!

3/20/01 - There have been MANY schedule changes and there will be more - please check back frequently. Check the calendars often March and April.

3/19/01 - Great game last Saturday versus the new Rowlett Comets team. Their coach had said that he could not wait to beat us - so now I guess he'll have to wait a little longer. They were good and the other Rowlett team also looked strong so they will be nice opponents for our development. I was extremely pleased with the passing and effort from all of the guys and girls. We will work on finishing all of those opportunities this week. Practice this week is Monday and Thursday and we have games on Saturday and Sunday. I need the candy bar money by Sunday and if you want to sell some more - please let me know. The first game that was rained out has been rescheduled and it is Tuesday the 10th of April at EASTFIELD at 6:30.

3/9/01 - Remember - the car wash is tomorrow from 11-2 at the Arby's in front of WalMart at Beltline and Highway 80 in Mesquite!!!!!!! Let's hope that it does not rain. I could use a few parents to help monitor the guys while they are working. The candy bars must be sold by March 19th!!!! Practice starts next week.

3/1/01 - The calendars for March and April have changed somewhat because of the number of boys participating in track. Please check them out and note the changes. GAMES ARE CANCELLED FOR THIS WEEKEND.

2/28/01 - Somebody make the rain stop - don't know if we'll play outdoors this weekend. Here is a link to the Tyler Holiday Inn Express that we'll be staying at. I hope you have a room reserved because they are about gone. Once again, if you do not want a room and you need someone to take your child - please let me know!!! We will be having car washes on the 10th and 18th if you want to make some money - you MUST let me know whether or not you will be there. Last Indoor game is Sunday at 12:15.

2/22/01 - We WILL have practice Sunday 4:00 to 5:30pm!!! Everybody needs to be there - it is VERY important. This will be the last practice before the season starts.

2/19/01 - Very good game yesterday; I was extrememly pleased with the final result. It serves as a good lesson that we ought to be able to take those guys outdoor this season. I still need registration from a few of ya'll by TUESDAY please. There will not be a practice Saturday - I am going out of town to watch Kelsi and Christina play for the girls at The Aggieland Classic at A&M. We have a 7:00AM indoor game Sunday and we might also have practice late that afternoon.

2/15/01 - The Spring schedule is here! I NEED your $55 registration fee if you have not paid yet!!!!! We are in need of some more sponsors if anybody knows of someone who could help out. We also will be having some fundraisers this Spring and Summer to help defray some costs.

2/8/01 - We are having practice Saturday from 4-5pm. Please be there and bring your $55 for outdoor registration. We are still working on the Tyler tournament for the weekend of April 27-29. Hotel info will be coming shortly!!!!!!

1/30/01 - What a crazy game last Sunday. Sorry about getting tossed, but the boys hung in there without me and played well. We all need to watch our temper and it will serve as a good lesson for everybody. The team will have practice THIS Saturday from 10-12 at the regular place. I will not be there but Coach Scott and Michele will be working with the boys. The second hour will be spent scrimmaging with Michele's team as they prepare for a tournament next weekend. PLEASE be there!!!!!!! We DO NOT have an indoor game this Sunday. Finally, I would like to heap some more praise on Kelsi and Christina who have both been doing a wonderful job playing for our team and with the girls!!!!!!! Keep up the good work.

1/24/01 - Well, it's been awhile. We've had two indoor games since then and one was a spanking and one was a win. The first was a 13-0 loss to a good collection of talented select boys and the second was a good win over a team our size and skill level. REALLY disappointed in the turn out at the indoor practice last Tuesday night (5).

1/15/01 - Ouch, that hurt!!!!!! Don't mind the final score, but the lack of effort from some was alarming. Don't ever give up and don't blame your teammates. Stay positive and do the best you can to help the team. Show good sportsmanship and good things will come. Another tough one tomorrow night - be ready. Hurt guys - PLEASE stay home and rest. Check out these new pictures. Indoor practice NEXT Tuesday the 23rd from 6:30-7:30 at MISC.

1/10/01 - VERY good game last Sunday indoor. I was really pleased with the play of the team and thought that it went well for the first game of the season. I was also EXTREMEMLY pleased with Kelsi and Christina's play with the girls team. Their hard work with the boys really shows off against the girls. Please go watch them some time if you can. Outdoor workout THIS Saturday from 2-4 at Porter Elementary where we worked out last Summer!!!

1/3/01 - Here is the full indoor schedule. Check out that Tuesday night game at 9:45pm and that Sunday at 7:00am!!!!!! Remember, if you have NOT paid - I need it at the FIRST GAME.

12/29/00 - I hope that everybody had a good Christmas yesterday and I would like to thank all of the people that sent cards to me and the family. You guys will be starting the next game............. Anyway, we will be having practice Saturday aftrenoon at 4:00pm and remember that indoor starts the first Sunday of January. Also, I need the $41 brought to me a.s.a.p.

12/19/00 - If you have a pretty fast computer and a fast connection, check this out: Sunny D Soccer ShootOut. Please bring the $$$$ for indoor by my house soon!!!!

12/12/00 - The party was a blast - too bad some of you missed it. We will be doing that again. Check your mail for another note soon or click here to read the Indoor and Spring info.

11/28/00 - Here is the Party info: We will be going to Paintball of Forney on Saturday Dec. 9th from 9am-1pm. The cost will be $15 each and I hope that EVERYONE attends. We will eat pizza and hand out trophies there after we are done playing, so I would like all of the parents to be back there at 1:00. Here is a link to their website, you have to have signed a waiver, and the map is also on their website. Also, we will be playing indoor starting in January - don't know the actual cost yet but plan on $50 each. More info later....

11/16/00 - I finally received the City Runner-up trophies Tuesday night. I am wanting to plan a party to hand them out, but am currently having trouble finding the right time. Will contact everybody as soon as I do. A Few Notes: I am selling the Entertainment Passbooks if you want one - they are $30. These coupon books are a great deal and there are coupons for almost anything that you could need one for. Also, I could use a new job closer to Mesquite if anybody knows of anything.

11/10/00 - So the season finally comes to an end. The Championship game last night was entertaining to say the least. Congratulations to the big Terminators that won 4-1 and good luck at STATE!!!!!!! A GREAT effort out of the kids and I am very happy with the team's play. The trophies will be in soon and we will ahve many parties and activities during the off-season.

11/8/00 - ANOTHER UPDATE: We are in the final game tomorrow night at 8:00pm at Bruton. The deal is this: the Sting played a player who had received a red card in their previous game and should have sat out our semi-final game. So - they have to forfeit their win over us. Anyway, we will be playing and it WILL be cold so be prepared!!!!!!!

11/7/00 - UPDATE: Please be prepared to play this Thursday night at 8:00pm. It is NOT positive yet, but we might get to be in the Championship game against the big Terminators. I will know more later tonight and will call everyone as soon as something is set in stone. Anyway, let me say this, I am EXTREMELY pleased with the way the team played Saturday (and all season for that matter). It was an unfortunate loss after playing so well. I will write more tomorrow.

10/30/00 - Important: Practice this Thursday only from 6-7pm at Bruton! Our playoff game is Saturday at 1:00 at Eastfield!
I am EXTREMELY pleased with the way the tournament went this past weekend. 2nd place was a good result and fits nicely into our Honors page. The three games Saturday were well-played and Sunday was even better. I am very confident that we are playing good soccer now and look forward to our City playoffs. Also, it was VERY good to see David flying around out there again!!!!!!!!!!

10/23/00 - NOT a very good first half last Saturday. A lot better in the second half however and the regular season is now finished. A 5-3-2 record is not that bad and we finish in 3rd place. We'll work harder over the off-season and do better in the Spring. Thanks for coming out to the Terminator Picture Day yesterday - I'm so glad we got it in before the storm. Practice Tuesday and Thursday. Also, our game times for the Tournament this weekend are 9:15, 1:00 and 3:30. AND FINALLY, I could really use some volunteers for this weekend. If your family can help out between our games, I would appreciate it. Let me know a.s.a.p.

10/16/00 - What a great weekend we had - two wins in two games and no goals allowed. Very good job by all of the guys, but especially the defense. "Play of the Game" on Saturday goes to Aldrick for his flying save on the "upper 90" shot near the end of the game and "Play of the Game" on Sunday goes to Alexander for his SOLID, well-taken, perfect shot on the first goal (Mario gets an honorable-mention for the corner kick goal). Two practices this week in preparation for the season finale against the big Terminators. Do not forget that we have pictures this Sunday the 22nd, 4:30pm at Bruton!!!!!

10/9/00 - The game that was rained out last Saturday has been scheduled for THIS SUNDAY the 15th at 1:30 PM at Eastfield!!!!!!!!!! Also, we have practice on Tuesday only this week. REMEMBER - We will be having individual, team, and club pictures taken on Sunday October 22 at 4:30pm at Bruton Road. This will take approximately 45 minutes. Plan on being there even if you do not want to buy any pictures.

10/3/00 - NO practice Tuesday and on Thursday you need to go to EASTFIELD for practice at 6:30. Also, let me know if you want to go to the Sidekicks game Saturday night!!!

10/2/00 - The result Saturday keeps us in a good position - WE control our destiny. Every player has to step it up a notch now and focus strongly. Remember, practice THURSDAY ONLY!!!

9/28/00 - We will be having individual, team, and club pictures taken on Sunday October 22 at 4:30pm at Bruton Road. This will take approximately 45 minutes. Plan on being there even if you do not want to buy any pictures.

9/25/00 - Saturday's match was very well played and I was pleased with the effort from all of the players. We have two important practices this week and then a very critical game on Saturday. "Play of the Game" goes to Micah for his rare goal.

9/20/00 - Good game last Saturday, but we have to do a better job of finishing our opportunities and playing 100% all of the time. We'll get it straight at practice Thursday and be ready for our next game. "Play of the Game" goes to Brandon for his nice goal.

9/15/00 - I was very impressed with the effort last night - the score does not show it but we played well against the big Terminators. Rest up tonight because we have a must-win game tomorrow against the Golden Eagles.

9/11/00 - Very good game last Saturday, especially the defense and mid-field. We definitely improved over the last game. We will need to work on the offense some more, but overall a great effort. Play of the Game goes to Mario and Jorge for hooking up on the first goal!!! Look at the calendar - I cancelled a practice next week to give the guys a break.

9/5/00 - Last Thursday's game was not one of our best, in fact, it probably was one of our worst ever. Hopefully, we can turn it around this week by practicing Tuesday and Thursday at 6:30. Play of the Game goes to Jorge for his one goal and giving us a chance to tie it up.

8/28/00 - VERY nice game Saturday!!! I was extremely pleased with most of the play. If we cut out some of the mistakes - we'll be just fine. Play of the Game goes to Jamie for his "run-from-midfield" goal. Practice Tuesday and a 6:30 game Thursday!!!!!!!

8/23/00 - The new shorts have been ordered for you guys that requested them - they will not be in for the first game though, but hopefully before the second. Also, do not forget that Thursday's practice is at Bruton at 6:45!!! Once again, here is the schedule.
Check this out: is liquidating their entire inventory at 40% to 70% off retail prices. They have everything from boots to balls, from every major manufacturer, including Adidas, Nike, Kappa, Diadora, Puma, and Umbro. This is truly a sale you don't want to miss!

8/18/00 - Both practices this week were great - we should be ready for the start of the season next week. Remember - Tuesday practice at the regular spot - Thursday practice at Bruton Road. Also, I can get new shorts off the internet for $15 each - please email me the size and quantity you need a.s.a.p. (ex.- 1 Adult Small). HERE is the schedule if you want to see it and print it out!!!!!! When we are home team at Eastfield we sit on the side farthest from the parking lot - when we are home team at Bruton we sit on the side closest to the parking lot.

8/14/00 - What a great weekend. Five games worth of hard work and a 3rd Place trophy to show for it. I was REALLY pleased with how the guys (and girls) played. We learned what we need to work on before the season starts. As I said, it had been a long time since we received third place in a tournament - U9 Spring '97 Terrell Tournament!!!!!!!! Oh well, we'll get back to the 1st and 2nds at the next tournament. Thanks to all of the parents and family members for your support and sweat!!!!!!!!

8/10/00 - Okay here is a map to Terrell and an old picture. Our tournament game times have changed - they are 7:00, 12:00, and 3:45. Please be there at least 30 minutes before each game!!!!!! NO excuses! If your child needs a ride - please call someone a.s.a.p.

8/3/00 - If you have not turned in your paperwork - I need it tonight or Tuesday at the latest. We HAVE to register next week!!!!!!! Practice went well last time; however, some of the playing around needs to stop because it's time to focus on the upcoming season.

7/26/00 - The final Club Workout was great - for those of you that missed it, too bad. This Thursday starts our own team practices. I expect everyone there and we need to get busy. Our roster should be set now and I'm ready to get busy. DO NOT FORGET - registration is $55 this season and I need that a.s.a.p. Also, I will be handing out a lot of paperwork Thursday so please be there. Check out the calendar - August!!

7/19/00 - Last night's workout was good - I just wish that the whole team was there. Remember, next week we start going on Tuesday AND Thursday!!! Tuesday will be the last Terminator Workout at Porter and then Thursday will start our own practice at the regular spot. Paperwork for the Fall season will be handed out Tuesday and will be due Thursday next week. Registration is $55 and I need that in cash or a check made out to Terminators Soccer Club.

7/11/00 - Do NOT forget that practice starts back up again tonight - 7:00 to 8:30 at Porter Elementary!!!!!!!!!! Everyone is required to be there. Important dates: August 12th - Terrell Tournament and August 26th First League Game. Check out the calendars!!

6/29/00 - I have updated some of the picture section - check it out. And if you have any more pictures from previous seasons - please let me have them.

6/26/00 - Congratulations to our '86 Terminators for winning 2nd place in the Gatorade Tournament. They won all three of their first round games, won the semi in the 13th kick of the shootout and then ran out of gas against a very good CD Independiente team. The U10s also participated in the tournament and missed making the playoffs by 1 point!!!!!!!! We will have practice again Tuesday and I hope to see you all there.

6/16/00 - Tuesday night's workout was great - good to see so many of you out there. Please make it again next Tuesday!!!!!!!!! Good luck to John, Jamie, and Mario playing with AllOut next weekend in the Gatorade Tournament. Have fun.

6/7/00 - Last night's practice was pretty awesome - I hope you guys had a good time. It was great to see all of the Terminators out there working together. We did however miss quite a few of you guys and I hope that you make it next time.

6/5/00 - Congratulations to the U10 and U14 Terminators who both won 2nd place at the Chevy Texas Open this past weekend. DO NOT FORGET the workout Tuesday night 7-8:30 at Porter!!!!!!!

5/30/00 - TERMINATORS RULE!!!!! Once again, we have THREE city champions!! We won Monday, the U14s won Tuesday, and the U10 boys finished it off Thursday for the TRIPLE Back-to-Back City Championships!!!!!!!!!! This is an awesome achievement for our club and I am really proud of all of the hard work that the teams have put in. DO NOT FORGET - Summer workouts start next Tuesday June 6th at 7-8:30pm at Porter Elementary. And if you want to go to the Burn game Saturday at 7:30 with one of your free vouchers - let me know.

5/23/00 - WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a game!!!!!!!! I am getting too old for those. 2 goals in the second half of overtime for the City Championship!!! What a way to finish our U12 career. "Play of the Game" definitely goes to Jamie Weckman for scoring the spectacular first goal!!!!!!!!!!! David added the second one - for his final goal as a Terminator. The defense was superb throughout and a lot of credit goes to our opponets AllOut - they held us close and represented themselves very well. I'd like to thank all of my players for giving such awesome effort this season and I look forward to the Fall season with great anticipation. Go ahead and check out the "Honors" page now.

5/22/00 - Tonight's the Night!!!!!!!!! City Championship game - 8:00pm at Bruton Road. Let's make it 2 for 3 in the U12 age group!!!!!! Good luck to everybody and I hope that we play as well as we have in our past two games. Last Saturday's semi-final against the Stars was another great game. "Play of the Game" goes to David - for coming out of his scoring slump and ripping off a few!!!!!! Later......

5/16/00 - Maybe the best game that we have played in along time!!!!!!!! It was a complete, total effort from everybody and the Golden Eagles never had a chance = a 6-0 win for us. "Play of the Game" does go to Matt for the four goals and being virtually unstoppable. If we play that way in our two playoff games - we will most certainly repeat as champions. Practice Tuesday and Thursday at 6:30 and our games are Saturday at 11am and Monday at 8pm. Update "Honors" page!!!

5/8/00 - Very good game last Saturday; especially the second half!!!! Play of the game goes to Mario for his long-range goal (honorable mention to Jamie and Matt for their goals). I'd like to thank everyone that participated in the TOPS game - that was a blast and I hope that we can do it again next season. We have wrapped up first place with one game to go and now MUST concentrate on that game and the playoffs. I very much want to defend our title this season. Practice only Tuesday at 6:30. Look at calendar.

5/4/00 - NOT a good game Tuesday. We definitely have some work to do if we want to defend our title in a few weeks. At least we won 3-1 and a great game by the defense and Christopher. Also, disappointed in the turn out at the optional workout last night. Don't forget about the TOPS game Saturday at 10:15am.

5/1/00 - Another couple of good games last week: 9-0 over the U11 Terminators Monday night and a 5-0 win over the RedHots on Saturday. We have a game Tuesday night at 6:30 against AllOut - everyone MUST be there by 6:00!!!!! Hope everyone had a good time at the burn game - for those that did not go - you missed a good game.

4/24/00 - GAME TONIGHT!!!!!!!!! 6:30 at Bruton - be there at 6:00. More later.....

4/17/00 - Decent game Saturday - we controlled play the entire time. Should have finished some more shots off better. Play of the Game goes to Kelsi for her superb penalty kick!!! CHANGE IN PLANS - I need everyone to be at PORTER ELEMENTARY Thursday night at 7:00!!!! The boys will have a short (45 minutes) workout session and I NEED everybody's money for the Dallas Burn tickets for April 29th. The extra tickets are $11 each and I have to have it by Thursday night so that I can get them Friday morning!!!! We will go back to our regular workouts next week after Easter.

4/11/00 - Two more things: I need the order forms back for the MSA Night at the Burn on April 29th. We can get our tickets at Eastfield this weekend if we get it all together. Also, I still have some club pictures for those that ordered one and have not received it yet.

4/10/00 - What a great weekend!!!!!!! The team played very well and our 2nd place trophies were well-deserved (honors won). We finally got to play a bunch of tough teams (Nacogdoches DSG 2-1, Shreveport, LA Dragons 5-0, Longview Wolfpack 3-0, Jacksonville Indians 4-0, and the Nacogdoches Revolution 0-1) and we came through in good shape. Congratulations to the U10s and U14s that both took 1st place in Longview. Do not forget that we have practice Tuesday only and the Dribble, Pass, and Shoot competition on Saturday before our game - be there at 11:30.

4/4/00 - Saturday's game was very good. There was some great passing and shot selection in the first half and most of ya'll did a good job in the second half in different positions. NEW FEATURE - Play of the Game = this week it goes to Troy for the lone second half goal! Congratulations!!!!!!!!! Anyway, is everybody ready for Longview???? Check out the master schedule of Terminator games!!!!!CORRECTION - our game scheduled for 4/22 will be played on 5/13 instead - cancelled for Easter Weekend.

3/31/00 - Received the schedule for Longview: 10, 2, and 4. Check out the map again and prepare for alot of fun!!!

3/29/00 - Bad weather strikes again!!!!!! The game will be rescheduled soon I'm sure. Very good game last Saturday, 8-1 win over the Raiders. The "1" is kind of bothersome - hopefully it won't happen again anytime soon. Other things on the horizon - Dribble, Pass, and Shoot on April 15th and Mesquite Night at the Burn on April 29th. Check out April's calendar for all of the info.

3/21/00 - Decent game last night, the result is acceptable. The defense did another GREAT job. We do have some things to work on Thursday at practice, everyone needs to be there. I need some help passing out flyers Saturday at Eastfield - let me know if you can help. We will be ordering our tickets for MSA night at the Burn soon - it is on April 29th!!!!!! Check the calendar for times and events.

3/13/00 - Well, we have added another title to our list - MISC Winter II U12 Boys Rec Champions. This is our first indoor title and I was very pleased with how the team played and worked hard indoor. I hope the success follows us outside to our regular season. Do not forget that we have practice Thursday night at 6:00pm.

3/8/00 - For those of you who missed it - here is a little sample picture. Our first game was decent - I wished that we would have finished better. You'd think that we could have hit that big goal after being indoors for so long. Oh well, have a good Spring Break and don't forget that we have practice on the 16th.

3/2/00 - Updated calendar!! Don't forget - 6:45 indoor game this Friday night and 1:30 outdoor game on Sunday at Eastfield. Also, if you still owe money for registration or the bags - PLEASE bring it to me Friday night!!!!! Cash preferred!!!!!!!

2/25/00 - Some changes in the schedule already - check it out here. Two more indoor games in March and we will have the complete March calendar with games and practices next week.

2/22/00 - I have received the Spring Outdoor schedule and it is very "daylight-savings-time" friendly. We have 3 night games in March and only one Saturday game. I will hand out complete schedules this weekend. Check the calendar for Feb and March happenings.

2/14/00 - Great indoor game last Friday night and we had a good practice Saturday morning. For those who HAVE NOT paid the Spring registration fee - I NEED it Friday night 9:00 at the indoor game.

2/9/00 - I have added a map of Longview that shows how to get to the hotel. Also, please bring the $37 for Spring Registration to the 7:30 indoor game on Friday. Practice this Saturday from 9-11!!!!!!!

2/4/00 - Make sure that you check out the calendar for February's events. We ARE going to the Longview Tournament the weekend of April 7-9. You can check out the press release here. Call the hotel a.s.a.p. so that you get the type of room that you want.

1/28/00 - They have cancelled the State Tournament for us again!!! I guess that we were not meant to play in it this time and so we move forward now. I am terribly disappointed but we will have to get over it and try again someday. February will consist of many indoor games , a few outdoor practices and a few scrimmages to prepare for the Spring outdoor season!!!!

1/24/00 - Congratulations to our U10 Terminators for winning 2nd Place in State this past weekend. Their games were very exciting and I wish more of you could have watched them. The U14s did not lose one game but yet did not advance to the playoff round. We will be having practice for State Tuesday and Thursday nights at 6:30pm @ Bruton Road.

1/19/00 - Do not forget Thursday night practice at Bruton 6:30 and Friday night indoor game at 7:30!!!!! Also, I will be going to Mansfield and Grand Prairie this weekend to watch the U10 and U14 Terminators play their State Tournament games. Let me know if you want to go.......

1/17/00 - Friday night's indoor game went pretty well, a 6-2 result is good for a first game. We have another one tonight at 6:00pm. Saturday's party was an absolute BLAST!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure that all of the boys had a lot of fun and most of them stayed up all night long. I'd like to thank David and Debbie from ASI Gymnastics for letting us use the place.

1/12/00 - Friday night's game is at 9:45pm and we have another game on Monday at 6:00pm. Please bring your $40 to practice Thursday 6:30 at Bruton!!!!

1/10/00 - This month is going to be extremely busy - please check the calendar to keep up with all of the activities.

1/3/00 - Happy New Year. Hope everyone had a good time with the holidays, but now it's time to get back to business. We ARE playing indoor - it starts Friday Jan. 14th and all of our games will be on Friday night. Cost is $30 each plus your ID card if you do not already have one (most of you $42 total). We are having practice this Saturday outdoor from 9-11am at the usual place.

12/28/99 - Hello everyone - it's been awhile!!!!!!!! We had a WONDERFUL trip to Disney World, Kelsi and Christopher wished that all of you could have gone. If you ever have the chance - GO at least once in your life. But now that we are back - it's down to business. They have us scheduled to replay the state tournament the weekend of January 29th. Should have schedules for that sometime around Jan. 7th. Also, I am going to check on indoor tonight and will let you know about that a.s.a.p. It should cost each player somewhere between $38 - $50 depending on how many play and if you have an i.d. card or not. You should be receiving a call from me Tuesday or Wednesday night - the first player to read this and call me MAY get a FREE pair of outdoor shoes!!!!!!

12/16/99 - PARTY TONIGHT!!!!!!!!! 6:30-8:00 at Ci-Ci's behind Mesquite High School. Please be there and bring presents for me!!!!!!!

12/8/99 - GREAT NEWS - they are going to reschedule the State Tournament!!!!!! It will be sometime in mid to late January and I will pass on more details as soon as I get them. So that means we will start having practice again the week after Christmas. Enjoy your time off until then and be careful.

12/6/99 - DANG RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The most important weekend in club history and it has to rain a few inches! No info from North Texas to report to you - just still sad that we did not have the chance to play yet. Maybe they will reschedule - who knows? But, one team from Mesquite did get to play - the U10 girls Crush that our own ex-Terminator Erica Dupree plays for WON 2ND PLACE in State. Congratulations to them. Pizza Party at Ci-Ci's behind Mesquite High School on Thursday Dec. 16th 6:30 to 8:00!!!!!!!!!!!

12/3/99 - ONE MORE DAY........ till the state tournament. I hope everybody is ready for the great occasion. PLEASE be at Winters no later than 7:30 Saturday morning. Remember the forecast calls for rain so be prepared. Here is the map with the game times on it if you lost yours.

11/29/99 - HERE WE GO...... the last week before the State Tournament!!! I hope that everyone had a great holiday weekend and you are ready to work off all of the food. Practice Tuesday and Thursday at Bruton - 6:30-8pm. The schedule for Saturday is 8am, 11:45am, and 3:30 pm at Winters Park in Garland (maps will be distributed). If (when) we advance to Sunday, the times are 8am, 10:30am, and 1:30pm for the STATE CHAMPIONSHIP GAME!!!!!!!! Good luck at State also to our "brothers" - the U10 and U14 Terminators!!!!!

11/22/99 - Whoa...... that was the hardest, most competitive tournament we ever entered!!!!!!! To make it to the semi-final was quite an accomplishment. In our bracket we faced THREE City Champions and walked away with a 2-0-1 record. Lost the semi 2-1 in overtime to another City Champ - Oak Cliff Club America. It was a great experience and showed us what we need to work on before State. Remember the club photo Tuesday night 6:30 at Bruton!!!!!!!!

11/18/99 - We have finally received our schedule for the Hurst tournament and we look forward to the challenge and competition. We play at 12:30pm and 5:00pm on Saturday and 7:00am on Sunday morning!!!!!!! No idea about the playoffs if (when) we make it. I am staying at a hotel on Saturday night -it is the Best Western at Highway 183 and Loop 820, phone # is 1-817-284-9461 ($49 a night). Please call me if you have any more questions!!!!!!! MAP to the fields in Hurst!!!!!

11/15/99 - Practice times have changed AGAIN (not my fault) so please look at the calendar. Still have not received the schedule from Hurst!!! We are going to take a Terminator Club Picture on Tuesday, Nov. 23 at 6:30 down at Bruton - we need everybody there!!!!!!

11/12/99 - THREE TERMINATOR TEAMS AT THE TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!!! Yes, that's right - the U10 and U14 boys won their City Championship games last night and now all three of us will represent Mesquite at the T.O.C. Lets hope that we are all located relatively close so that we can support each other at State.

11/11/99 - Practice times have changed slightly and they are all at Bruton!!! Please check the calendar for the exact dates and times. Once again, congratulations boys!!!!!!! Do not forget to come out and watch the U10 Terminators at 6:30 and the U14 Terminators at 8:00 tonight in their City Championship Games. And check out the Honors Won page again!!!

11/10/99 - FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We won the City Championship!!!!!!!!! It was a good 6-0 win over the U11 AllOut. They have a good team and have only positive times ahead of them. As for my team, I am proud, happy, excited, and love everyone of them. They are an EXCELLENT group of kids and all of their hard work has finally paid off. We look forward to representing Mesquite in the State Tournament and hope to do well there.

11/8/99 - OKAY!!!!!!!! The stage is set now and it's up to us to shine on it!!!!!! We won our semi-final game 11-1 over the 2nd Division Texas Dragons. Now we have to play the 2nd Division All Out for the City Championship. They will be a great challenge and we look forward to Tuesday night 6:30 @ the Bruton Road Complex. I would like EVERYONE to invite as many friends and family members as possible down for that one!!!!

11/1/99 - Well, the tournament was rained out and we did not get the chance to get some serious work in before the playoffs. Hopefully we can have a couple of good hard practices this week and be ready for Saturday morning.

10/26/99 - 10-0!!!!!!!!!!! A great regular season comes to a close with another win over the U11 Terminators. They have improved greatly over the season and have a wonderful future ahead of them!!!! They will do the club proud I'm sure. Anyway, we move onto the Mesquite Halloween Tournament this weekend and then the city playoffs after that!!!!!!

10/22/99 - The schedules are in for the Halloween Tournament next weekend and the playoffs in November. Please check them out and plan accordingly!!!!!

10/20/99 - Very strong game last night - 12-0 over the Stars. Took us a while to get going and even longer to slow down. NO practice Thursday and please bring your money Saturday for the tournaments and the Umbro suit.

10/19/99 - Eight games played - 8-0 record. The team did really well against the Longhorns this past Saturday. We won 6-0 and allowed ZERO shots on goal. Two more league games left to play: Tuesday against the Stars and Saturday against the little Terminators. Mesquite Spook Out tournament next weekend, then the playoffs start!!!!!!!

10/11/99 - 7-0 now after another big win: this time a 10-1 win over the Golden Eagles. They got what they wanted and we stay in first place!!!!!!!!! Works for me. Three league games left........ No practice Tuesday night and all practices will now start at 6:15.

10/4/99 - 7 must be our lucky number because we had yet another 7-0 win this past Saturday against the previously undefeated Untouchables. Great game from all of our kids; especially the defense that limited the opponet to only one shot on goal!!! Practice Tuesday and Thursday is PICTURES 6:00-6:45pm at our field!!!!

9/29/99 - Last night's game was one of the best all season - a 7-0 win over the Stars. Lots of good, positive play from a variety of players. Josh played well in his first game back, Kelsi finally scored a goal, and Matt was on a tear!!! A lot of great passing and good defensive play from a number of guys lead to NO shots on goal again. Practice Thursday in preparation for a tough game Saturday.

9/27/99 - Another game with good results - we did give up a goal however; and that was not very positive. We had a special guest at the game - Josh was on hand to watch. Hopefully he'll be playing next time. We have a night game Tuesday at 6:30 at Bruton. It is forecasted to rain so be prepared for that.

9/22/99 - We would like to welcome our newest sponsor - AutoStyles!! Please check out the sponsor page for a link to their website.

9/20/99 - We played a very good, very complete game this past Saturday against the RedHots. The final score was 10-0 and we had many players contribute positively on both offense and defense. We have a string of difficult games coming up now and hopefully we are prepared.

9/13/99 - Another 7-0 league game win, this time over our little brothers the U11 Terminators. They did some good things and have a great future ahead of them. Our team played well, took a bunch of shots and had a great second half and the defense continues to shine (seven straight shutouts)!!!!!! On another note, the U14 Terminators won ANOTHER tournament - this time in McKinney: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! And check this out - 99clubrecords.html

9/7/99 - DOMINATION!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, what a weekend for the Terminators. Our team went 5-0 in the Lewisville Tournament and scored 29 goals while allowing ZERO!!!!!!! It was a great effort and we are glad to have won 1st place in another tournament. Dan's U14 boys won 1st place also. Check out the updated Honors Won page!!

8/30/99 - VERY good first game: a 7-0 win over the Longhorns. Contributions all around and very good effort from each player. The heat was atrocious and there is no relief in sight. Get ready for the tournament this weekend in Lewisville; Friday 8:15, Saturday 12 & 5, and Sunday 8:30 and 11:30. ps - I exchanged the broken EZ Up for a new one today - hope it stays together.

8/27/99 - Here is the starting line-up for Saturday's game based on attendance and effort at practice (*Aldrick by default). Please remember to wear your new socks and be there 40 minutes early!!!!!!!!

8/26/99 - The schedule is finally done and will be handed out Thursday at practice. It is a very favorable one for us and should be easy on every family. I also received the schedule for the Lewisville Tournament and will be handing it out along with a map on how to get there.

8/24/99 - So the commissioner had to re-work the schedule (again) and now we DO have a game this Saturday - 2:15pm on the Orange Field!!!! Full schedules will be handed out at practice Thursday hopefully and there are many fees due, so bring your $$$$$ asap.

8/18/99 - A few things to think about: practice is mandatory at all times and your playing time will reflect your attendance and behavior at practice. We are IN the Lewisville Tournament on Labor Day Weekend and I hope to have a schedule to that soon. I also should have a regular season schedule by this weekend.

8/10/99 - Attendance was way up at the last practice and thats a good thing. The indoor game last Friday started off okay but deteriorated into a mad scramble towards the end just to hang onto the lead. They might get us the next time we play if we do not improve.

8/2/99 - Well, the last two indoor games have gone fairly well. We lost two weeks ago 2-6 to the Firebirds and won this past Friday 10-2 over the RedHots. Don't forget that we have practice this Tuesday 6:30 to 8:00 and your attendance is required. Also, I need $37 and your registration forms turned into me this week!!!!!!!

7/27/99 - What's going on out there? Obviously a lot since most of you are missing practice. Remember that they are MANDATORY and your playing time will suffer if absent; especially unexcused. Anyway, I've updated the Alexi Lalas page with the new pictures and the jersey so check it out. Remember, indoor practice Thursday 6-7:15 and indoor game Friday at 8:15.

7/21/99 - Our website has been "down" lately so please make sure that you read the last four or five entries below before you move on.

7/20/99 - Hello everybody - it's been a while so let's get caught up. We did win our second indoor game 10-1 and we have a couple of really tough games coming up. Outdoor practice starts Tuesday (tonight!) so BE THERE!!! PLEASE check out the calendars for the latest scheduled events. We are planning to go to the Lewisville Tournament on Labor Day so if anyone has a problem with that - get over it. It will probably be the first of only two tournaments that we do this Fall. EVERYONE needs to be at all of the practices between now and the start of the season (Aug. 28th).

7/12/99 - What a great weekend for us soccer fans. First, we won our indoor game 8-0 with a very good effort from everybody. Second, the US Women won the World Cup!!!!!! And third, me and Alexi got to see Alexi Lalas again and HE GAVE ALEXI HIS JERSEY!!!!!!!!! Outstanding.......

7/8/99 - Indoor game 7:30 THIS Friday night. Check the calendar for the rest of this month's game times.

7/2/99 - Just a few notes:
Please do not forget about the BURN game on Saturday July 10th. You need to let me know if you're going or not because we have 20 FREE tickets and they need to get used. Also, we are still planning on playing indoor and it is supposed to start Friday July 9th. The outdoor season starts August 28th and we also are going to a tournament somewhere on Labor Day Weekend. Please check the calendar for more info.

6/28/99 - Ouch... that hurt!!! No, I'm not talking about the sunburn - I'm talking about the games. That will be the last time we try a tournament in June with ONE sub!!!!!!! Oh well, I think that the guys got in some needed exercise and practice and it served as a good tune-up for the Fall. Anyway, indoor starts July 9th and they have A/C!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6/25/99 - Too late on the special bonus from yesterday - maybe next time! Hope we have fun tomorrow.

6/24/99 - No practice before the tournament so get ready on your own. If someone actually reads this before Saturday morning - call me and you'll get a special bonus. PLEASE plan on the road trip taking 45 - 60 minutes so leave plenty early. If anybody needs a ride call me before Friday night!!!

6/21/99 - Practice Tuesday night 6:30-8:00 and tournament Saturday in Mansfield. Times 10:30, 2:15, and 6:00. PLEASE be there!!!!!!!!
Also, we will be playing indoor during July and August - Cost is $35 each and I still have everybody's card from the winter session.

6/15/99 - Hey there, don't forget that we have practice this Saturday June 19th from 9-11am. The Gatorade Tournament schedule is as follows: 10:30, 2:15, and 6:00 on the 26th of June. We are playing at the Mansfield Complex with is just south of Arlington off of 360 and I-20. I will have good maps available soon. Please check the calendar for more info.

6/10/99 - Practice tonight - be there!! Re-worked the Alexi Lalas page a little bit finally. Any ideas from anybody out there. I can post articles, pictures, or anything else that you want to contribute - just let me know.

6/7/99 - The party was GREAT!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the gift certificates and I appreciate all that YA'LL do. Please let me know a.s.a.p. if you will be gone during that tournament on the 26th-27th of June!!!! Remember, we will be attending the BURN game on July 10th.

6/2/99 - Check out the new pictures. We will have some practice dates in June. Please check the calendar and I will remind you of these at the party.

5/20/99 - CHECK THIS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OUR BIGGEST HONOR YET! We were named the MLS Mazola Team of the Week. Our story and picture WERE up on the MLS website - I made copies to hand out.
This is simply awesome and I hope you like it.

5/17/99 - WOW!!!!!! What a weekend - we knew what we needed to do to make the playoffs but we came up just a little short. On Saturday we beat the Raiders 5-0 again and felt pretty good. A game later in the day sealed our fate though and on Sunday we had to play the U12 Terminators and we both had to have a 10 point game to make the playoffs. We started out strong and had them 2-0 then made one little mistake and let them have one. So our playoff hopes were dashed at that point and most of the guys were VERY let down. They took a 4-2 lead late but we had a few players who refused to quit and we scored two late ones to tie, the last by our keeper Aldrick with his only goal of the year - with three minutes left!!!!!!!!!!!!! We'll take some time off and then start preparing for next season!

5/10/99 - From one great week - to one hard week. We lost both of our last two games: 0-2 to the Stars on Thursday and 0-5 to the Firebirds on Saturday. We are trying VERY hard and playing pretty well, we are just outmanned against those older, bigger opponets. We do still have an outside chance of making the playoffs, but will need to win both of our remaining games.

5/4/99 - Great weekend!!!!!! We finished up the Terrell tournament in 2nd Place. Our games on Saturday were: 3-0 over Terrell Galaxy, 1-3 against Dallas East Santo Laguna, and 3-0 over Terrell Cobras. In the playoffs on Sunday, in the semifinal we beat our big brothers Terminators '87 3-0 and then lost to the Santo Laguna in the final again. Overall, it was five pretty good games and the boys had a lot of fun and excitement. Re-visit the honors won page.

4/29/99 - FINALLY received the times for the Terrell Tournament: 9:15, 11:45, and 2:15. Please be there 40 minutes before the first one!!!!!!!!!!!!

4/26/99 - TWO IN A ROW!!!!!!!! We won again this past Saturday, 3-2 this time over the Braves. We enjoyed a 3-0 halftime lead and the relaxed a little too much in the second half. Fortunately, they did not make it all the back to even and we earned a big victory. Next up is the Terrell Tournament this weekend.

4/22/99 - Updated calendars for April and May so be sure to check these out and plan ahead!!!!!!!!
ALSO, please do not forget the Food Drive on May 1st and the Dribble, Pass, and Shoot Contest on May 8th!!!!!

4/20/99 - FINALLY!!!!!!! We won a league game. It was 6-0 over the other junior team in our division: the Raiders. All of the hard work is paying off and the great competition we have been facing game after game helps us a lot. Last Sunday was our day at the Burn and it was GREAT!!!!!!!!

4/14/99 - Another hard-fought loss last night. This time it was 0-2 to the defending City Champ Firebirds. We played them very well but just could not break through their defense(Matt C.) all night. The two goals that we did give up were sloppy mistakes that should not have happened. We will continue to work hard and look for our first win of the season.

4/13/99 - I'm back(barely)!!!!! We had an eventful weekend in Waco. Our team did not do as well as we would have liked but we learned a few things and have identified some more work areas. We went 1-1-1 and here's a recap: We tied the first game against the Waco Rockets 1-1 after scoring early and giving up a late one; won the 2nd game against the Glen Rose Tigers 5-2 after scoring 2 early and then settling in nicely to finish strong; and then we lost the 3rd and deciding game 0-3 to the Nacogdoches Dragons. It was an overall good experience and we look forward to traveling again soon! On the bright side - our U10 and U9 Terminators both won 2nd place in their groups!!!!

4/12/99 - Check this out

4/6/99 - Getting ready for the WACO tournament this weekend - praying for good weather. I know that we will have a GRAND time no matter what. I need a family member at practice Thursday to go over some final trip details.

4/1/99 - Alexi Lalas story here.

3/31/99 - Lightning-shortened affair last Saturday against the U12 Terminators. We were losing 1-4 so it's no big loss. Still have some defensive problems to work out and we addressed them at practice last night - hopefully it helped. Would like to remind everybody to take a look at the calendar for April and keep track of everything coming up. Would also like to thank Aldrick, Alexander, and David for the anniversary gift last night!!!!!!!

3/22/99 - The first league game went okay, we blew a 3-1 lead and tied the Braves 3-3. We will definitely learn from it though. Have two practices this week and then play the '87 Terminators this Saturday. Hope to do better. On the other hand, the Dallas Burn game Sat. night was awesome!!!!!! They beat Kansas City 4-0 and the second half was very exciting!! Did not get to see Alexi Lalas after the game this time but they'll be back.

3/19/99 - Well, the season starts tomorrow - if the rain will stop long enough. We have a VERY tough season ahead of us but I know that the boys will accept the challenge and make it through with flying colors.

3/17/99 - Once again this year I will be coordinating the Dribble Pass and Shoot Program for the Mesquite Soccer Association. Click here to learn more and see the winners from last year's contest.

3/15/99 - Last week of practice before our first game this Saturday. We are about as ready as we can - hope that it is enough. Hopefully we will not play the top team first. We will continue to work hard and look towards our next game.

3/8/99 - A LOT has happened since I wrote last: one of the new players that we received decided against playing so we got another one from the pool. His name is Micah Sayles and we are pleased to welcome him to our team - we hope he sticks around for a long time. He has played in the association before and I know his dad Gene. We won our indoor game last Friday night and now have one more to play this Friday at 6:00! We have been practicing a lot and have only 12 days before our first league game.

3/1/99 - OKAY... now the real fun begins. We will be practicing A LOT over the next few weeks in an attempt to get ready for the beginning of the season. Please be at ALL practices!!!!!!!

2/25/99 - Once again, check out this old picture !!!!!!!!

2/23/99 - I think we might have completed our roster now with the addition of two more new guys, David and Jacob. The Spring season is coming up fast and we will have to get alot of practice in before we start. Indoor this week starts at 9:45 - please be there at 9:15.

2/18/99 - Okay everybody, get ready for a wild and crazy Spring. Everything is about to kickoff and I hope that ya'll are ready!! Practice will start in earnest this Saturday, 9-11am at the old place over by McDonald. We will also practice Thursday the 25th from 6-7pm, which will probably just be some running and conditioning. PLEASE keep an eye on the website calendar for more practice times.

2/14/99 - Hello everyone, it's been awhile. Have been very busy at work and have no free time at home. We've lost two more indoor games since last report, but we have done some good things in those outings that hold some promise. Outdoor practice will start this Saturday from 9-11 am - attendance is mandatory.

2/5/99 - PLEASE be at the indoor center at 9:00 tonight(the game starts at 9:45)!!!!!!!! Also, please watch the National Team versus Germany Saturday afternoon at 12:00 - pay attention and you'll learn something.

2/1/99 - Why do they call the Super Bowl Champions the "world" champions when they only play teams from the U.S.????? Americans put a little too much status on football and basketball. Anyway, VERY good game out of our boys last Friday night!!!!!! Especially Patrick and all of the guys that played defense. Another tough one coming up this Friday so be prepared.

1/28/99 - Just a reminder that we have a busy Spring planned. I will provide ya'll with many schedules and calendars but here are a few of the items on tap: Spring Outdoor Season starts March 20, Dallas Burn opening game is also March 20, Waco Tournament is the weekend of April 9-11 and I already have 24 rooms reserved for Terminator teams at the Best Western Old Main Lodge, April 17 BURN players at Eastfield and April 18 Mesquite Soccer Association Day at the Burn.

1/25/99 - The boys played alot better Friday night, we still lost 0-6, but things are looking up. We did some good things and some of the boys are catching on to the little nuances of the indoor game. We have a comparable opponet this Friday so maybe we will do some good!!!!!!!

1/18/99 - We are definitely going to the Waco Tournament the weekend of April 9-11. I have reserved twenty(20) rooms at the Best Western Old Main Lodge in Waco. If you would like to check out their website please do so here. I will provide more info soon and your family can start making plans now.

1/17/99 - Anybody catch the license plate number of that semi that ran over us Friday night???? OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! Even though we were definitely outmanned, the boys hung in there and gave it a good effort. We will have to work on alot of things soon. We have a indoor practice on Monday the 25th at 7-8 p.m.

1/12/99 - Our first indoor game is this Friday at 6:45. We are playing in the first division against great teams so everyone get ready for some serious competition. If you have not got your i.d. card yet - please go up there Wed., Thurs., or well before the game on Friday.

1/6/99 - We are having a meeting this Friday night at the Indoor Center at 7:00. I need you to bring $60 cash and your birth certificate!!!!!!


12/29 - ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Waco Tournament is April 10-11, so start planning now. More info later... and we are playing indoor from Jan. 15 to early March!!!!!! I will call everyone SOON!!!!!!!
VERY disappointed that none of you brought Christmas gifts by my house. The players' that sent cards will get to start the next game though. My birthday is June 14 if you are waiting 'til then!!!!!!

12/15 - Time for a little bragging!!! My boys had a great year and here is(as best that I could figure) our record for 1998: 41-8-2. This includes all tournaments, league games, and playoffs(for a complete breakdown please click here). Very well done and I hope that 1999 is even more successful!!!!!!

11/23 - UNBELIEVEABLE!!!!!!!!! Four consecutive tournament championships for my boys! We finished the Mesquite Spook-Out with a 1-0 overtime win over the Grand Prairie Hustlers. We beat the Dallas East Eagles 4-0 in the semi-final to make it to the championship game. We have now won (in order) the Mesquite Spring Tournament(U10), Terrell Spring Classic(U10), the Drew Humbert Invitational(U11), and now the Mesquite Halloween Spook-Out(U11).

11/20 - Someone asked the other day, so here it is - HONORS WON by my boys.

11/18 - Okay, so we did not win. But we played well and found out that we still have some serious work to do to be the top team. We lost 3-0 and can't wait for the chance to play in the final next year(four in a row?).

11/16 - UPSET!UPSET!!UPSET!!! We did it - we pulled off a fairly big upset of a senior team in the semi-finals of the city playoffs. We beat the Braves 2-1 and I think that it could have been worse. On to the City Championship game now versus the Firebirds Tuesday night at 8:00 at Bruton. Let's hope we do well against them.

11/13 - FRIDAY THE 13TH!!!!!!!!! Hope it is going okay for you. Please check the calendar to see what this weekend's schedule looks like and let's be ready for anything!!!!!

11/11 - CHANGE IN PLANS!!!!!!! There has been a little problem with the playoff seedings in 1st division(congratulations U12 Terminators) and our playoff game has been moved to Sunday now. Do not know what time yet!!!!! Still having practice on Thursday 6:15.

11/9 - The rain continues, good thing we were off this past weekend. The playoffs start this week and we play on Saturday at 9:00am. Will practice once on Thursday and hope that we are ready.

11/3 - OH MAN!!!! WHAT A WILD WEEKEND!!!!! Here's what happened: On Saturday we played our three tournament games, winning two and tied one. All three opponents were very good and we did well to achieve the first place ranking. On Sunday, we tried to play our semi-final game but the cold, cold rain came down too hard in the second half and the ref had to call it. We will replay all of the tournament playoff games over again on the 21st of this month.

10/26 - Finished the regular season up this past weekend with two more shutouts to end with a perfect 10-0 record. We won Saturday 4-0 over the Stars in a pretty good game and Sunday we made it 2-0 over the much-improved Golden Eagles. One regret with the end of the regular season - we had one player NOT score in a game this season, but we will do whatever we can to get him in the books during the playoffs and post-season tournaments.

10/19 - Another rainy weekend and we did not get to play. These rainouts are slowly catching up to us and hopefully we can make this one up next Sunday!!!! Check out the new slideshow on the "My Kids" link on the photo page.

10/16 - Another game = Another win!!!!!!! Good, complete game against the RedHots last night. The boys really stepped up their hustle and execution of some things we have been working on. Carlos scored his first goal ever and now we have only one player that has yet to score!!!

10/13 - We once again won our game last Saturday; however, we did not play that well and we gave up 3 goals. Mistakes are killing us and eventually will catch up to us. Record is now 7-0 with three league games to go.

10/7/98 - Check out this old picture I found today!!!!!!!!!

10/5/98 - We won our game last Saturday 6-0 against the Z Mania. They have improved some since the first time we played them and we did well in following what we learned last week at practice. Moved quite a few people around to different positions and they all did well.

10/5/98 - Check out the new image I made : it is the starting line-up of our most recent game.

7/13/98 - FRANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay so I picked the wrong team. France played ALOT better and they deserved to win. Want to see some photos from the Final? Click here.

7/7/98 - BRAZIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7/6/98 - Love all that World Cup action. Down to the Final Four teams - who will take it?

6/30/98 - I have been way too busy working and watching the World Cup games to work on this site. But, as I promised - it will be revised in time for the Fall season.

6/9/98 - WORLD CUP starts tomorrow. Watch ABC, ESPN and ESPN2 for ALL of the games!!!!!


5/20/98 - The season is almost over - everybody hang in there and we will be just fine.

5/13/98 - CHECK THIS OUT = I was named Volunteer of the Year for the Mesquite Soccer Association!!!!!!!!!!!

5/12/98 - Foiled once again - no City Championship for my boys but the U10s did make it to the final again.

5/4/98 - Mission accomplished - BOTH of my teams made the playoffs(again!).

5/1/98 - Busy and important weekend coming up. Both of my teams NEED to win to make the playoffs -
let's hope everything goes good.

4/27/98 - So much for the good weather. Wind and rain, but not enough to cancel the games. Having TONS of fun and playing good soccer!! Did you see the National team girls whoop Argentina?? What a treat it is to see the girls play.

4/22/98 - Wonderful weather here lately - let's hope it continues. The end of the regular season is near.
Interested in coming to the Mesquite Recreational tournament in May? Click here please.

4/17/98 - Very good practices this week- lets hope the rain holds off or is not that severe this weekend.
Burn vs. Clash 7:30 Sat. @ Cotton Bowl!! Check out Alexi Lalas in his new uniform!!!

4/13/98 - Hope everyone had a good Easter and I hope ya'll got to see plenty of soccer over the weekend. 3/31/98 - The RAIN strikes again: 3/4ths of the way through the U10 game last night. Long enough to be official. U14 rained-out though.

3/30/98 - VERY eventful Dallas Burn game yesterday !!!!!!!!! It was a big-time soccer weekend and we have one more coming up this week.

3/26/98 - The BURN luncheon was awesome last week - Alain Sutter sat at my table and I was in awe the whole time. They also won their first game in a shootout against Colorado. VERY ready to go to Waco next weekend.

3/17/98 - The rain continues to mess with us. Practices and games cancelled and schedules turned upside down. It's going to be a difficult season.

3/9/98 - VERY cold at the Burn game Sunday, a 2-1 loss to Cruz Azul. Had alot of fun just being back in the stadium though.

3/3/98 - WE'RE IN !!!!!! The Terminators Soccer Club has been invited to play in the Waco Spring Tournament. Click here to read the press release.

3/2/98 - I'm glad that the season is finally underway. Let's hope that the rest of the games were as productive as the first.

2/26/98 - The national team loses again! Time for some kind of wake up call.
Also, the Dallas Burn gets to play Necaxa and Cruz Azul next month!!!

2/24/98 - The national team ran into a very good opponet last weekend. If you watched it you should know that you BETTER take advantage of every little opportunity that comes your way.

2/16/98 - A shame that the National team could not beat Mexico in the Gold Cup final yesterday. Still it was a good tournament for them and good preparation for the World Cup.

2/11/98 - Did you stay up late to see the National team UPSET Brazil!!!????? It was awesome and Preki's golden left foot is exactly what the team needed. Remember that the final is on Sunday.

2/2/98 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY to two of my boys: Alex Denning and Travis Tumulty who both turn 13 today!!!!
Catch the US team yesterday? Fairly good game and a decent result.

1/21/98 - Remember that the National Team is on t.v. next Sunday!!!!!!!!!! Please support them by watching the game and mark your calendars for mid-March when MLS starts again!!!

1/12/98 - If the rain does not stop soon we might not have a Spring season!!!

1/7/98 - Never before seen picture of Alexi Lalas click here. Check this out if you like Valderrama.

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