Geez Louise
Yummy cheese on the Left Behold, the power of cheese!
Tower of Cheese!
Squishy cheese on the Right

Welcome to my Cheese page!
Why do I have a cheese page? First of all, I really like cheese - I think its a great food, to eat, play with, make, smell, or just admire. Secondly, I wanted to make a page about cheese as an educational resource, I don't know if it will turn out that way, but we'll see. Thirdly, I use the word cheese a lot more than you might think!

Cheese Rules!
Cheese, you might ask? I use the word "cheese" like the Smurfs use the word "smurfy." Examples include: "Man, thats cheesy!" and "You got Cheesed!" and "He is a Cheese-ball!" and my personal favorite "You are a big Cheese Herder! There are actually blocks of cheese on a field, standing around, waiting to be herded by YOU!" (this is actually an insult in some countries.) Since I've never really heard anyone else use the phrase Cheese Herder, I have thereby proclaimed myself as The Great Cheese Herder. I am really a cheesy kind of guy, sort of like a used car salesman with a twist (no offense if you are a used car salesman!) If you've ever heard this term being used, please let me know and I'll give proper credit!
The Term "Cheese Herder" is copyrighted by MMC 1996 ©

Eat more cheese!

The Old Man Who Loved Cheese

An IRA - CBC Children's Choice Award Book

The Old Man Who Loved Cheese
by Garrison Keillor
Illustrated by Anne WIlsdorf
Little, Brown and Company; Boston, New York, Toronto, London
Text copyright ©1996 by Garrison Keillor, Illustrations copyright ©1996 by Anne Wilsdorf

"Yes, Wallace P. Flynn likes cheese - slimy, sloppy, gunky, lumpy cheese, and the worse it smells, the better! But Wallace P.'s penchant for putrid cheese soon gets him into trouble. His family packs up and leaves to escape the awful stench, and his neighbors call in the Cheese Brigade to bring him to justice. Will Wallace P. ever learn to change his wheys?"

I highly suggest this book for any cheese lover! It was just given to me recently, and I found it humorous, well written, and funny!

You can purchase this book from for about $5.00.

Mouse Forklist - Cheese Warehousing! I found this great image of a mouse with a forklift and a bunch of cheese in some computer magazine. The advertisement was for "data warehousing," and I guess the mouse was supposed to be storing his cheese for the future. I think its neat.

Shortcut to Chris Cruz's Page Keep your eyes open!
Updated: Dec 27 99
Shortcut to Nick Flor's Page

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