3am Thinking

Dit sectie van mijn website is voor mijn lieve vrouw Katrien ("Kassya") Willems.
Heart Ik hou van je, altijd. Heart

3am Thinking examines the universal experiences of growing up in Australia, falling in love, marriage, crazy families, roommates, friendship, and mooning. Okay, so maybe they're not all universal. Not everyone lives in Australia.

Growing up "Down Under", I have had plenty of opportunity to get into trouble and in the following pages you'll learn, among other things: the art of "Chucking a Sickie"; why the sport of Bullseye Cricket never caught on; and that in the Land of Grots, the sharp-dressed man is king. While Australia may be considered to be the arse-end of the Earth, I guarantee there will be particular themes here which everyone can relate to: friendship, family, and women.

Some names have been changed to protect marriages. I'm still not sure it will help.

» See also: Froggy's World Weblog


Arrow Don't Get Your Toga in a Twist - Pondering the greater things in life and confusing myself some more.

Arrow Down and Out in Bollywood - From humble beginnings to increasingly disgusting endings. Growing up Aussie.

Arrow A Swift Kick Up the Khyber - Mateship, lunatic parents, and even nuttier siblings.

Arrow Say It With Nylon - Women, sex (or lack thereof), and the absence of fatherly guidance during these difficult, and frustrating, times.

Arrow In the Grip of the Grape - Camping etiquette, post-post-modern fishing methodology, and the Gross Outdoors.

Arrow Shut Mouth Catches No Flies - Entering the world of paid employment and subsequently doing everything humanly possible to get out of it.

Arrow Full As a Fairy's Phonebook - Leaving home, carefully selecting roommates you can't stand, and surviving wild singles parties.

Arrow Warm Froggy Kisses - Love, lust, and other afflictions.

Arrow 'Til Death Do Us Part - The joys of marriage, the mysteries of women, and *gasp* shopping!!!

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© Froggy's World
Since 1997
Created by Marc Willems