NOLTA Board's phone numbers and e-mail addresses

Wouldn't it be nice to have a page you could print right out of your
computer that would have phone numbers of all your friends, even cell
phone numbers (for when we're on our way to the courts and would like to
call each other), e-mail addresses (set up to send immediate e-mail) and
even home page sites? This will be the page - with your input (but only with your permission), so
keep those e-mail addresses coming, cell phone numbers, etc.)

Member name  address e-mail address phone/cell number
Bill Pryor, President 109 Hibiscus Place, River Ridge, LA 70123 737-5613
David Band, Public Relations, Webmaster 315 Walnut Street 259-5150
Ilonka Band, Vice President 315 Walnut Street fax - 861-7786
Chuck Lody, (wife Betsy) 897-6565
Francine Shefield, Secretary 1464 Nashville Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70115 891-2496
Walter Crook, Professional Coordinator 392-2919
Maryanne Pranikoff, Hospitality Chairman 1646 Joseph Street 899-9498
John Howell - VP for Advertising One hell of a newsletter editor 5715 Coliseum 269-9622